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Robert Robran

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Posts posted by Robert Robran

  1. I have a x20 NVR now installed and the answer to my own question is yes for the app to properly work you need the cameras connected to an NVR. None of the analytics were showing up under the push notifications. It does not let you enable it on standalone cameras only on the NVR itself. Once the analytics are set up in the camera, then you will start to get push notifications for intrusion and line. Crossing only everything else is just record, but it works perfectly. Every single time a person walks into the box for intrusion. It does a push notification to alert you. The only thing I do not like about the new iOS for iPhones is the sound that the alert makes is not very loud and there’s no way to change it. As of right now it’s the same on almost all camera apps though.Even ring doorbells have a muted notification sound thats not very attention catching. I’ve noticed the same with the Control4 app and it’s push notifications. They don’t pronounce very loud anymore unless the apps open then you get a good loud text tone announcement, but if the app is closed or running in the background, it’s a very low sound. That’s kind of just a Boop.

  2. On the new Luma x20 line does any one have info on how the push notifications work? Does this require the NVR to do this? I have a camera that I put a Micro SD in it to test the notification stuff but when I go into the luma view app nothing shows up under notifications or push tabs. I set it up for motion and area detection no dice ether way but it does record and marks the event the proper color.

  3. Looking for a Apple TV Driver with a good graphic and some of the ir commands that the control4 one does not offer. I remember there was a EA Apple TV driver floating around wondering if its still out there?

  4. It never takes 60 seconds more like between 15 and 30 remote,  less local. It’s definitely not a network issue it just slow to connect. Once its connected its fast on response almost Instant its just the initial connection. Honestly it’s not just my system it’s every system that I feel like I work on these days remote connection is so much slower than it used to be even local connection is slow compared to what it used to be. That being said I have not used android but to me that should not matter, if it is a ios only issue than that is something control4 should be addressing or at least acknowledge the issue.

  5. Ea5. Network is not the issue system was way faster to connect on OS2 and the graphics on OS3 are slow to display proper feed back. Located in Phoenix, Az area. Speeds average on my network at 189 mbs. Tablet and phones all slow to connect, worse remote but not a lot better on local. System is good size but not taxing the ea5 by any means. 

  6. There is a setting in the configuration menu in Parallels for Mac under hardware, change the network type to default instead of shared (the recommended setting). I have the same issue with Crestron in device discovery that setting allows windows to connect to media for some reason. just beware every now and then I have to switch back case it has a issue getting a IP address.

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