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Everything posted by ajd123

  1. So next issue. If I turn off the session via the Control4 iOS app, once again the keypad LED will be out of sync. Any suggestions?
  2. When "Turn The Room Off" programming is used, it seems to just turn off any active sessions for that room. Does it do anything else?
  3. Would you happen to know what subscription is required (see attached picture)? I subscribed to One Call API 3.0. Hoping a Professional Subscription is not required since that starts at $40usd per month. @alanchow can you provide some input please?
  4. Correct, Mitch pointed that out. However, my information is still not populating (current conditions, today's forecast, tomorrows forecast). Do I need a paid account with Open Weather? What am I missing?
  5. SOLVED I copied the programming from the keypad dimmer button to each voice scene and voila.
  6. I have a button on a keypad dimmer that turns a music scene off/on. First press turns on the music scene, second press turns off the music scene. The LED for the button is programmed to BLUE when on and BLACK when off. This works most of the time so long as I use the keypad button to turn the music ON or OFF. When I use Alexa to trigger a voice scene to turn the music on or off, the LED gets out of sync. Any suggestions how to program this so the LED programming works regardless of the method used (button press or voice control) to turn on the scene? Maybe I have to add a couple lines of programming to the Voice Scenes (Turn On Music / Turn Off Music)?
  7. The first step in documentation Quick Start Guide is "Set project Latitude, Longitude & Temperature scale in the project properties page". There is nowhere to enter this information in the Project Properties. Is this supposed to be done at time of driver installation? Do I need the paid subscription for Open Weather or will the free account work?
  8. Once I have the API Key setup, do I need to Geocode it myself (https://openweathermap.org/api/geocoding-api) or does the Open Weather driver know my geolocation and enter that for me automatically?
  9. I might have missed it, but I did not see it in there. More concerning, the properties for the driver are not updating with the weather conditions (see attached picture). How do I get this to start populating correctly?
  10. I would like to create programming that will adjust the relative indoor humidity inside the house based on the exterior temperature to prevent condensation from forming on the windows. 1) Should I use the "Outdoor Temperature Changed" in the thermostat driver OR "Today_Temperature_Min" in the Open Weather driver to program this? 2) Will the attached programming achieve this?
  11. Are the values in the Open Weather driver in Celsius or Fahrenheit?
  12. Interesting, will have to look into this. Thanks for sharing.
  13. I can spec any shades for this project, but I like Velux because they come integrated with the skylight. Anyone have some other suggestions for solutions they have used and know work. https://www.velux.ca/en-ca/products/blinds?gclid=Cj0KCQjwyLGjBhDKARIsAFRNgW9Mx7Oe6Jx_t9Io-c6nsLpmTSgtGfXiBHEFcAFOdv-AWuRrLPh2NSQaArhdEALw_wcB
  14. Velux makes a bridge that allows for communication with Apple & Google. Since Control4 can talk to Apple/Google would it be safe to say C4 programming can be achieved even without a C4 driver made by Velux? https://valeblinds.com/buy/velux-internet-gateway-app-control-kig-300_14406.htm
  15. Have a new build coming up. What make/model of blinds to people use for skylight treatments (covers) that provide good Control4 integration? I prefer Velux skylights, but not sure if these offer Control4 integration (https://www.velux.ca/en-ca/products/blinds)
  16. Got it. Don't know how I missed that. This is what happens when I try to do programming in the evening and my mind is mush from a busy day. So is the idea behind multiple drivers to allow for different types of "snapshots" to be programmed?
  17. I want to take a snapshot of the house prior to an alarm event. When the alarm is cleared, I want it to restore the house as it was prior to the alarm event. 1) How do I select what lights, blinds, TV's etc are taken with a snapshot. In programming, it seems I just have the option to take a snapshot of the room where the driver is located. 2) I have multiple instances of the snapshot driver in my project (in a couple of different rooms). Is there any reason why I would want more than one snapshot driver?
  18. Both drivers need to be present at the same time before starting the process. We were trying to complete Apple TV Control --> Enable Control with just the Apple Bridge driver installed.
  19. The two drivers that need to be installed prior to enabling in the C4 iOS app (Apple TV Control --> Enable Control) are: Apple Bridge --> anywhere in the project. Apple TV (Gen 4 and 4k) [IP] --> in the room where the Apple TV is located.
  20. System has 4sight. I am getting the error message "invalid account, username or password".
  21. Other steps I have tried which do not work: 1) In customer.control4.com I have tried deleting my device (iOS) and readding it (by logging into the C4 iOS app). 2) I know my phone is connected to the AppleTV because I can use the AppleTV remote to control the device. I can also mirror my iPhone to the AppleTV. In customer.control4.com under "My Profile" there is a permission that allows me (the user) to "register and unregister a Control4 system". I know the system can be deregistered via the customer.control4.com portal, but how would I be able to register the controller afterwards? This is the only step I have not tried yet.
  22. Is remote login available for Composer HE? I cant seem to get into my system when trying from outside the network.
  23. Gotcha. If you did not do it this way, you would end up with IP conflicts which is what I was trying to figure out.
  24. So back to my last question, should the IP address’s be set to static from wothin the device AND should those devices also have a fixed DHCP address setup from within the router?
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