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HDCP sucks!!!! (So why do we all put up with it?)

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Aint HDMI HDCP just dandy!!!!


Look how the bloody FOOOLS  have killed HDMI !! - the goose that laid the golden egg... What with all their ridiculous  so called handshake nonsense "protectionism" that doesn't actually "protect" any consumer at all ! All it does is become one big headache for law abiding consumers and custom installers alike...(whilst protecting the waste lines and mega salaries of  a few Hollywoof fat cats and outdated Japanese and Korean brands!!!)...

Instead of spending R&D on making the technology easier and better for consumers, all these HDMI geniuses have done is spend ridiculous sums on resources locking it more and more down.. for what purpose?!!! Remind me again who is this actually helping?! (Hint it's not the consumer.... who is actually paying for it?! )

Meanwhile China and Russia couldn't give a crap and rips ya'll off!!!... left right and centre! They couldn't give a rats about HDCP! Right in front of your faces they are doing it, and there is nothing the Good ol' Donal J Trumpster can do about it!  The bloody fools who invented HDMI have allowed HDCP to  ruin it as a technology. Destroyed worlds best video display practice. Ruined great outfits like Oppo Blu Ray.. and folks who have spent years tirelessly putting together movie libraries. Ripped off good people who just want the best quality picture and movie viewing experience . What an awesome success HDCP has been!!!! Meanwhile in the (real) world 99% of people  have moved on to wifi and local short run sources and streamers. Heck they are even doing it straight to screens, or laptops and phones the onto screens and there is no cords at all.. Goodbye the need for HDMI! Well done chaps.. congrats for destroying your very own technology!!! Sure the quality might only be 95%, but who cares? Look Mom...no hands.. It works! Three cheers for the HDMI cartel...Hip Hip .. Hooray!!!! You little ripper! (Bloody HDMI regulatory FOOLS). Thanks for a big fat sweet nothing..!.

Take a visit to Shanghai, or Guanghua Digital Plaza in Taipei or Akihabara in Tokyo I assure ya'll nobody gives a crap about your built in protected HDMI. So what are you geniuses in the western custom installer world doing about it? Just rockin' along thinking the world hasn't changed? Why aren't you trying to save your own arses by lobbying your various associations (on behalf of your loving HA clients) to actually get companies like Control4 and your associations to do something about the appalling HDCP situation? 



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4 hours ago, casperspooks said:

Gov't needs to kill HDCP and Make AV Great Again. emoji1787.png

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

You got it!

Those were the days huh?

Content all in the one place. 

White shoed smiling blokes getting outta their van waving at Mom as they popped into the house to do the cable re-runs and TV re-install...

Gone for ever.

Kids do everything by their phones these days.

But not just kids. 2 Billion Chinese and Indians. 

Enjoy it while it lasts Dude.


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