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Best Hikvision NVR Model

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No, I don't use an NVR.  But Hikvision apparently has very close ties to the Chinese government and many of their products have been repeatedly found to have significant security breaches:

This is from 2017:  


The US Department of Homeland Security gave the Hikvision cameras its worst / highest score - a 10.0 out of 10.0 - confirming that it is "remotely exploitable/low skill level to exploit" for "improper authentication." Moreover, DHS additionally confirmed a "password in configuration file", scoring it a critical 8.8 out of 10.0.

And the US government has banned cameras from Hikvision on its networks.  It is possible that this is politically motivated but that isn't so clear.  

So if you do get Hikvision equipment make sure you do some research into the security issues to ensure that your devices are not subject to them.

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