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Newbie question. Sorry

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Sorry in advance but I am still learning .

Is thete anyway to use the urc dms1200 amps in a control 4 environment. Basically does anyone make a driver that could possibly make c4 and urc talk. I just started my c4 journey and I came from a urc world. I love c4 and plan on sticking with c4, but I have these amps and touch screens that I would love to use, as i spent some money on them only a year ago.

Any help would be appreciated


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To add to this is there any way to incorporate the newer URC touch screens into a control4 projects? I know it sounds like I'm just being cheap I have to of the larger amps, And 7 touch screens. They're all still brand new, I just bought them between 6 to 8 months ago and I don't have the money to replace all of them right now. I just figured somebody out there is figured out a way to make them work by now. Just think of the customer base you would have, you would be able to double it and transfer people over to C4 that normally wouldn't because of all their equipment they already bought. I'm all for a good sale for there are a lot of customers out there that are loyal to their integrator and just don't have the money to switch over to a new system and replace every component. But if you kid use maybe the touch screens and the apps that would soften the blow.
Just a thought hopefully somebody has some good answers or maybe I'm way off base I don't know

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I have no idea - but I'll take a guess

The amps may work - spec sheet says it at least has IR control so someone could write an IR Driver I suppose

the touch screens, 99% sure you are out of luck.  I'd look to sell them on ebay, recoup some money and then look at c4 touchscreens.  I am not sure how they would work given C4 has its own OS.  The older TS are based on Flash, the latest is Android.  But its all proprietary.

If you dont need intercom functionality you can go cheaper by installing generic android tablets.  only draw back is you need to wake them up, launch the c4 app, etc.  so the experience is not as slick.  and intercom functionality only works on cell phones and Control4 touch screens, not tablets (Android or iOS)

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Thank you very much for the advice. I didn't think about the IR sensors on the URC amps, Now I just have to find the IR hex codes. It is a shame about the touch screens I wish there was a way to somehow clear them out and just load up control4 on it. There android based also.
And really it's my own fault, the only reason why I did not go to control4 earlier was because it is very hard for me to leave my business for a week but now that the 4 day training is done remotely was awesome . The only downside is that I am now changing my whole business plan from URC to control4 lol

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This was possible years ago but the functionality has long since been removed. The HC-300 I believe was the last controller to have an IR receiver on the front for this purpose. There were a whole set of IR commands available for 16 separate “rooms” I believe. 

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I think the OP would be better off getting a used C4 Audio Matrix (I got one for less than $100 on Ebay) and use the URC amp has only a multichannel amp.   I use a B&K multichannel amp in this setup and it works great. 

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