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Login security and changing password implications

Alex Bate

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I need to get a new dealer. My current dealer setup IP cameras to record onto a NAS. To do this I had to provide the Synology admin password which made me uneasy at the time. Now more so as I end the relationship - apologies for the paranoia.

If I change the admin password will the recordings stop? Any other problems likely?

Looking to the future, if necessary, is there a way to provide the cameras and installer sufficient access to Surveillance Station without the top level privileges giving access to all my files and software, ideally separating the two? 

More generally are there any login hardware and software handover/change requirements with switching dealer or is it simply changing the company on control4.com? I'm thinking router login etc but again might this break something?

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You could have just created a new user on the NAS with the proper permissions granted for surveillance.  Then disable the login after the work is done.

For C4, you just need to change your dealer of record in order for someone new to perform remote access.  On-site work, no changes required as long as there’s access to the LAN. 

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19 minutes ago, C4 User said:

Are your cameras using the admin user/password on the synology? If so, you might be able to create a new admin user account and then change the privileges of the old admin user account so nothing gets lost. 

I don't know, that's essentially my question, whether they would or not?

Any idea what the limited permissions would look like @lippavisual ?

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