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De-bugging your programming

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How are you quickly searching through all your programming to find something? For instance, in my office bathroom, the keypad button 1 LED is going to it's LED on state (but the light isn't turning on). This is telling me that somewhere in all my programming I by accident included Bathroom Keypad Button 1 to be an action.


I have to assume that there could be a way to look at all the scripts that are made to help determine where a mistake was made faster. 

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Thanks. I decided to open up a bunch of of my device events and was able to find it. Luckily didn't take too long.


I am having trouble executing a piece of code. I am wondering what I am doing wrong here.  I am trying to make my Keypad button toggle my blinds opening and close.  

I have it set up so If blinds are selected for Favorite Position, then LED color will turn Off color, and if they are selected to Open position, then LED will turn to On Color

What I think & want to happen when I push "Blind Button" in the Family room right door is  (but it is not working...):

  • It checks to see if the Kitchen keypad Blind Button is using On or Off Color
  • If the kitchen keypad button is On, then execute the command to move shades to Favorite location.   
  • If not, it does the other command


What is actually happening... The Family Room Right Door Blinds button is toggling On/Off color whenever I hit it, but blinds aren't moving. The Kitchen LED light is staying at the correct status (On for Open, and Off color for Favorite position). 








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the best thing you can do is make lots of back ups and lots of notes and test constantly. Even if it means testing at each step to make sure you have the intended behavior as you add each step. then it easy to trouble shoot. a laptop with composer for this purpose makes it much easier.


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