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Kindles stopped working - c4 crashes.


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15 hours ago, Haveitall said:

I concur with your assessment. Probably android update broke C4. 

I disagree with your “surprise” that they still support OS2. You can’t build something into a house that just stops working. If you want people to make that investment you MUST support it as long as possible. Like, measured in decades. That’s like selling cars that only go 40k miles. A few bucks of support make people willing to pay big bucks because they know it will last. 

I have a color wheel in os2! (But still… I’ll work on getting it updated.)

In what Industry companies provide suppot for end-of-life products? Can u name a single company stands behind their product for 15 years? Not to mention IT! OS2 is gone and some folks need to upgrade to make use of the newer technology and enhanced features that it brings

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1 hour ago, Amr said:

In what Industry companies provide suppot for end-of-life products? Can u name a single company stands behind their product for 15 years? Not to mention IT! OS2 is gone and some folks need to upgrade to make use of the newer technology and enhanced features that it brings

Yeah, for apps, it's kind of surprising to me.  Control4 would not need to update the Navigator code for legacy touchscreens, since they are already on their terminal version of Android, and it won't change.

That said, I'm of course glad they did it.


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1 hour ago, Haveitall said:

After 12 years, support for Windows XP will end on April 8, 2014.

Nice try but:

-Mainstream support ended in April 2009, with the last service pack (actual true updates, not fixes) was a year earlier. The remaining 5 years were pure security updates, not support updates.

-Windows 7 came out in 2009 as well, so xp stopped getting supprt updates as the next version came out (actually, a few months before it came out), then xp was updated for security reasons ONLY for 5 years

-C4 OS3 came out in 2019, and 4 years afterwards, you get a SUPPORT update for the previous OS paraphernalia ....sounds pretty good to me.


If you want people to make that investment you MUST support it as long as possible. Like, measured in decades.

Another nice try but:

-That would hold true for the hardware being supported in updated software (which it is for all essential devices such as lighting)

-Supporting the software to run as is would arguably also need to be supported for a considerable time (which it is, basically as long as the hardware lasts)

-But requiring that a user interface software continues to run on user introduced devices which were created years after the original product 'for decades' is utter nonsense. That OS2 app likely runs perfectly fine on your old iPad mini though.





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Who the heck still using Win XP? Some lame governmental agencies around the globe (Good luck securing these!)? Don’t tell me embedded or kiosk devices, these are offline, eventually all these will die once they are not powering up any longer!

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11 hours ago, Amr said:

Who the heck still using Win XP? Some lame governmental agencies around the globe (Good luck securing these!)? Don’t tell me embedded or kiosk devices, these are offline, eventually all these will die once they are not powering up any longer!

I think the point was the 12 years 'support' cycle, not XP itself. 😃

That said, I'm still not sure how that helps against your point of what company supports it for 15 years when XP stopped after 12 years (assuming you're willing to count security updates for 5 years) - nor how it supports the thought of supporting it 'for decades' 🧐

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Gosh darn it... I can't help but say one last thing.

To wit:  Amazon.  I bought a camera and a show for a monitoring camera in the house.  It is absolutely critical it work 100% of the time (I keep two separate systems for redundancy - amazon was one).  Worked great for a couple years, then amazon just killed it.  C4 has a lot of competition with all the off the shelf home automation stuff now.  But one of their critical advantages is the confidence that this isn't just a throw-away consumer device that may or may not work in a year.  They will stand behind their legacy products - that is a major competitive advantage.  And one of their 'products' is the integration itself.

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