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Everything posted by ajd123

  1. You are correct. Air tightness for the building plays a big roll. If inside RH is 45% and the windows are not sweating there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Even if the windows are sweating, this does not mean there is condensation in other areas. The windows will always hit the dew point fast than the rest of the house because they will always be colder or warmer (depending on the season) than the rest of the house. One trick I use is to leave my furnace fan running 24/7. This helps reduce condensation via air flow AND it is constantly purifying the house air via the HEPA filters. The fan runs even if the furnace is not heating or cooling... I also plan on creating some programming in conjunction with the Open Weather driver that will lower my thermostats indoor relative humidity when the outside temperature gets below -15 degrees celsius.
  2. This is definitely a much cleaner look. Do you know if your zoned system just opens/closes dampers for the heat supply runs only or does it ALSO control dampers for the cold air returns as well?
  3. Correct me if I am wrong, but an EA-5 only has two RCA outputs and 1 digital output for audio. Would that not max out at 3 simultaneous streams?
  4. Will the Halo remotes also support voice control for Sony Android TV's (assuming the TV's are integrated with Conotrl4 system via IP)?
  5. Where in the programming can I find "next track"? I don't see it in room variables or the Spotify driver?
  6. #1. Is this a driver? Do you arm the system with "snapshot" so when the system is disarmed, it restores everything (lights, blinds, music etc) just as it was at the time of arming? #2. What shower trim do you have that allows it to be turned on/off remotely or with Alexa? #3. This is great. I currently use push/email/sms notification, but the house glowing red would encourage the wife/kids to close the garage. #4. Are you talking about geotracking a person within their own house (e.g. so music follows you from room to room)? #5. key pad up/down tracking? What do you mean here?
  7. These are great safety automations. I really like the fans turning on to help ventilate in the event of carbon monoxide. Do you think there would be a benefit to turning all exhaust fans in the event of fire to help ventilate the smoke, or would that create a draft and encourage the spread of fire?
  8. Seems like the Control4 bunch are a pretty savvy group. What are your top 3 favourite features in your house? Could be a Control4 integration or anything like: heated snowmelt cables in downspouts, a cool piece of mill work or mill work accessory, soundproofed walls or plumbing, recirc pump, water purifiers, HVAC system, radon remediation system etc. Nothing is off limit.
  9. Our winter average is between -5 Celsius to -15 Celsius. When we get a cold snap and the temperature gets colder than -15 Celsius, I start to get condensation on my windows. The relative humidity in my house actually fluctuates based on outside temperature. The range is around 35% on the low end to 45% on the high end. Other than some minor window sweating which pools a little bit on the vinyl (does not reach the wood window jambs or extensions) there is no other noticeable condensation in the house. The exposure of the window also has a big impact on the amount of condensation as well. Your comment gave me a great idea for HVAC automation: adjust the indoor relative humidity automatically against the outside temperature.
  10. My home temp is 22.5 degrees Celsius in the winter months with a constant 45% relative humidity. That is what my family is comfortable with. It is a highly personal setting so I understand how it can vary greatly from family to family. My father for example keeps his house at 18 degrees Celsius year round. Thank you for proving the various away, home, vacation, nighttime settings for reference.
  11. Correct, I did not mean "turning off". I meant adjusting down. Some people go to extremes and set it way to low when they are away. If the house has a good steam humidifier and ERV or HRV that can regulate relative humidity there is less chance for damage. I agree a couple of degrees (say adjusting from 24 Celsius to 22 Celsius) would not be that bad. I would be curious for some real life end user feedback on energy savings (electricity in the summer months for AC, natural gas in the winter months for heating). Mitch, I am curious what is your AT HOME temperature verse AWAY TEMPERATURE.
  12. IMO I never suggest people turning off adjusting the temperature more than a couple of degrees when they are away for short periods of time (less than 5 days) for 2 reasons: 1) The goal in a house is to keep a uniform, even temperature and relative humidity. This is good for the hardwood, the drywall and house in general. Temperature fluctuation is the enemy. 2) Often the cost savings of turning off HVAC when away is negated by the extra power required to get the house back to the desired temperature upon return. Plus the inconvenience of waiting for the desired climate. The only time you may want to consider adjusting climate would be for extended periods of absence such as vacation or in the event of a vacation home. In that scenario there is not a lot of fluctuation.
  13. Hey Mitch. I was not quite understanding the benefit of installing individual spotify drivers in each room. I came across this reddit post which helped explain the benefit more clearly: "The C4 Spotify driver is actually a Spotify Connect driver, so not fully native. You will still use your Spotify app to select music, and then use C4 to add in zones. There is a handy feature of this driver that makes it a bit more user friendly, though. Your dealer can select instances of each Spotify stream driver to "auto power" rooms within C4. In other words, they could set up multiple Spotify Connect streams and name each one after the rooms they turn on. For instance, I usually set up Spotify users with several streams that show up as the room names from C4 within the available Spotify "devices" for casting. So, "Kitchen(C4)", "Porch(C4)", and "Party(C4)" would all show up as available devices to stream to within Spotify. When you select the stream, C4 tells the corresponding rooms to turn on. When you stop casting, after a delay it will also turn those rooms back off within C4." I can see the benefit this provides for guests or family members who do not have the C4 application installed on their phone using their own Spotify account from within your home network.
  14. I read in an old post this programming to get Spotify Shuffle to work better: step 1 turn on playlist in said room step 2 use digital media driver to turn on shuffle in said room step 3 delay (800ms but you might try playing with this*) step 4 skip track Where can I find the command for step #4 to SKIP TRACK?
  15. Where can the command for Step #4 be found? I don't see it anywhere?
  16. Just ordered one today (Ultra Germicidal Smart Ceiling Fan). Let’s see how it goes…
  17. So in order to have multiple Spotify accounts used within Control4 and associated with a specific spotify room driver, I would need to: 1) login to the specific Spotify account on my phone 2) start a session in Control4 with the playlist I want to save 3) save the playlist (label it accordingly so I know what Spotify account it is tied to) 4) use that specific playlist in the programming for that room / driver ??? I have an audio matrix and two 8 zone amps. I am able to play a single source over multiple locations (sessions). I am able to play different sources on different locations (sessions) simultaneously.
  18. Thanks Zaphod. My issue with Spotify was not being able to play multiple streams (different music in different rooms) at the same time. Unfortunately, every spotify driver in the project gets linked to the same spotify account so it did not provide me with this functionality.
  19. Understood. I have somfy blinds that work the same way (no two way communication) so I am comfortable with this. Any idea how I could get the remotes FCC ID prior to purchase?
  20. Thanks everyone for all the suggestions. If I wanted to by a fan that is not "smart enabled" would a single BOND BRIDGE be sufficient to control the 1 device? Does C4 have a driver for bond bridge or is the Chowmain driver the only one available to provide Control4 integration? Fans are very specific, so I don't mind paying for the driver which would allow us to get whatever fan we want. Is there any way to check device compatibility via their website (https://bondhome.io/supported-devices/) before actually having the remote in my hand to check the FCC ID?
  21. Do I need bond bridge or bond bridge pro? Is any other hardware required? Can I use one bond bridge to service the whole house (up to 2500sf)? I’ll I require any other hardware? Is there a bond bridge control4 driver? If there is a driver, is it free or does it need to be purchased?
  22. We are looking to install a ceiling fan in our bedroom. It seems most ceiling fans have their own proprietary hard wired wall control. 1) What is the best way to integrate a fan into Control4, when the control4 switch cannot be used? 2) Does anyone know of any ceiling fans that are control4 ready for easy integration?
  23. Probably not much. To be honest, I almost never use the app or even touch the thermostat when I am home. Everything is pretty much set it and forget it. This is why I asked people what they automate with their thermostats…
  24. Thanks, that was a typo (copy and pasting and forgot to change the word). The block looks like this:
  25. Thanks, I actually have it set to execute as follows: When Equipment --> Home Security has been Armed If Equipment --> Homes Security is in an Exit Delay Start Playback Simulation in Equipment --> Mockupancy The only time the system is in exit delay is when it is armed to away. Do you think this will work correctly, and do you think the STOP MOCKUPANCY script is programmed correctly?
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