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WTB: HC800 site license


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I know, but I heard that an used license can be transferred   by transferring the control.com customer account which holds it.

Anyway worth trying... buying another controller for the license alone is not an option.

I wonder if there is an equivalent that allows me to just use my iPad instead of any devices. That could suit me too if anything else fails.

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If you have a good dealer relationship, reach out to them. Control4 will still sell them to dealers in certain cases. I know I was able to get one myself about a year ago, which was certainly after they "stopped" selling them.

Again - case by case basis.

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You would think,  but no, they only check the serial number sent by the controller that has to be greater than a certain value. If you fake the serial number you send, you win. I have it working now.

Besides, I own the controller and they don't allow me to buy the license anymore, so I had to find my way.



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what serial number? controllers are registered by mac address. when controllers are registered, they do a check by the mac address against the controllers shipped. if you enter a mac address, by spoofing it somehow on the controller, it still won't match the database of controllers shipped.

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Looks like you've upgraded your HC-800 that comes as a Licensed Controller. You then migrated your 'older' controller over to the new controller which now has a set controller license that was applied and is applied to all controllers purchased in the last two years. 

Smartypants you :)


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10 minutes ago, ziocan said:

Dear C4 employees, deleting my controller from control4.com is not a kind and/or smart move.  Unless you want everyone know how to bypass the license check, that is. 

Thank you.

Whatcha talkin' bout Willis?
No one has the time to touch your account (leopardus3). Would you like me to login and toggle your lights to show you that the account is still registered? 


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33 minutes ago, Chico said:

Matt tried to help you and you couldn't keep your mouth shut. Now you pay.


Honestly, I don't see how deleting my controller from my account is "helping".  Not saying also that Matt did it, I guess someone else is lurking around?

To me, helping would mean to keep selling licenses for older controllers instead of forcing people to buy again the same hardware to use iPads and iPhones.

Also, my account here has nothing to do with my account(s) on c4... now, Matt please can you turn off the light in the bathroom, my wife forgot it ON :-)


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