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U by Moen Shower

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We current have a Moen Vertical Spa Shower controller.  It has gone on the fritz and Moen will replace the same with a newer model. The problem is the newer model is cloud based (it has an app on a phone) to control the shower while the older model had a remote control that sits on the wall outside of the shower.  Both models have a controller within the shower as well.  Can anyone come up with a way to control the shower with a T3 touch screen?  Moen tells me that the "new" model does not work with the remote control as seen in the picture attached.  As you can see I have a touch screen on the wall outside of the shower and would love to simply assign custom buttons for the 4 individuals who use this shower as each of us have our own preferences for temperature and what shower heads get activated.  If I can't control the "new" model with the touchscreen I will probably just have Moen send me the older model to replace the one on the fritz.  I am attaching photos and links if anyone can help.  I am willing to pay you for your time as well.  Please let me know.









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  • 11 months later...

For ajbarrister, did you get the new U by Moen?  We are building a new home and will use Control4 and I am looking at the U by Moen but afraid of glitches.  And also wondering if you got it to work with Control4


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Yes the new U by Moen works well.  A lot better than the first generation.  I do not have control of the shower with Control4 however, I did put a Amazon Echo Show (the new round one with a video screen) in the Bathroom and control the shower through Alexa.  Also, took an old iPhone I had in a drawer and it sits in a charger next to the sink vanity so we can turn on the shower with the phone or by voice with Alexa before we get in.

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Thanks for your response.

Are you concerned about losing total control?  I mean my husband is already thinking about a way to include manual valves to turn on the shower if the U fails...I think the warranty is 5 years?  So if the parts fail, we can get a replacement.  But if there is something else (like power outage, I know we can get a battery backup, but...) and something I am not anticipating, then we are kinda out of luck.  I would just hate for my husband to say "I told you so...." and have to demolish the shower to install a normal shower system.  But I REALLY think this is cool and need to somehow convince the better half...

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I am not concerned. I do have a battery back up however. We did take precautions also. What we did was when we did the shower we placed the unit in the closet right behind the shower so in inside wall of the shower and closet are back to back. As for tile on the shower wall we did a pattern where the unit is so that if it fails we simply cut out the pattern and now have access to the closet where the 4 water lines are for our 7 shower heads and can simply put manual vaules in and then retile the pattern simularly or diffrent as the case may be. 

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  • 1 year later...


Did you ever get the U by Moen to work with Control4?  We have since finished building new home and we have the new U by Moen shower in and we use it ALL THE TIME with Alexa to turn on our preferred presets.  So it works well (sometimes we have to wake it up again, but otherwise good).  But we would like to e.g. play a radio station or perhaps set up a lighting scene when getting in the shower.  Wondering if we can pair with other actions in C4.  I can set up routines strictly in Alexa but just wonder if we could have a more robust control via C4.





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We control the Shower with Alexa.  However we have a couple of other things we do with Alexa and Control4 for the morning shower routine.  As I get up the same time everyday, the lights turn on and Howard 100 comes on over the speakers about 10 to15 minutes after my alarm goes off.  I do my thing and just tell Alexa to turn on my preset.  Good to go. My wife, who's time varies, operates everything via voice with Alexa and routines.  We programed Control 4 with "Jean's Routine" so she says that as she walks in the Bathroom and the lights come on and her radio station comes on.  The blinds close and then she does her thing until she asks Alexa to turn on her shower preset.  So its pretty automated by voice.  The kids like the master shower so they each have their own presets and routines for their evening showers.  Hope this helped Melissa.

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Did you try the same voice command to initiate your shower preset as well as all your other things (that is, if you want your shower to turn on the same time as all the other actions).  


Sounds like you are pretty advanced in using C4 and Alexa.  Do you have any other "favorite" actions you do with Alexa and C4?  I am trying to get the most bang for the buck out of our C4.





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Well since I have a specific routine, I don't want my shower to come on right away.  About a half hour before I get up, the floor heats up; then when I get up about 15 minutes later, the blinds close and lights come on and the sink runs to circulate the hot water (long story).  I go in brush, shave and then simply hit a button to trigger a alexa trigger or say Moen turn on Tony Preset one and I am good to go.  Some other things we do with Alexa;  When you come in through the garage we say alexa kitchen on and all the lights come on.  We say Movie night and the blinds close and lights dim then eventually go off.  We can say Pause and it will pause wits on the tvand lights will come up, etc.  Alexa is really cool in this house.



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Sounds cool!  I was wondering about your trigger to come in from garage and turn on kitchen lights.  Have you tried a geofencing trigger to activate kitchen lights when your smartphone enters garage?  We are looking at various geofencing drivers.  We found one by Homeation but we are waiting for support to contact us as we cannot install driver.


Also...your comment about the hot water circulation intrigues me.  We are having issues with our hot water circulator.  Sometimes we have to turn a sink on to get the water to get hotter.  Our electric bill has been higher than we expected, and we have since determined that the hot water circulator (in the slab and hooked to an 85 gallon Rheem Marathon that is supposed to be very well insulated) causes the hot water heater to be on more than expected (we figure the hot water cools down enough when circulating in the slab that the tank must come on - we regret that we didn't get a smart water heater).  So we have the circulator on a wifi switch to go off at 12AM and on in the morning.  As well, the Moen shower, when in it for more than 5 minutes, does start to go down in temp sometimes.  We are stumped and have been meaning to get the plumber in to explain why this is happening.  We thought we did our due diligence (making sure our pipe sizes were adequate, getting a big enough water heater, etc.)...


Well, good luck and keep on automating!




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Homeation is gone, so don't expect anything from them.

Geofencing is tough because their are too many variables for extremely accurate results.  I've been using my Mikrotik router for Geofencing of our wireless devices, but it involves setting up Vlans and separate wifi networks and a lot of programming.  Personally, way too much to do for such a simple task.


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4 hours ago, lippavisual said:

Homeation is gone, so don't expect anything from them.

Geofencing is tough because their are too many variables for extremely accurate results.  I've been using my Mikrotik router for Geofencing of our wireless devices, but it involves setting up Vlans and separate wifi networks and a lot of programming.  Personally, way too much to do for such a simple task.


Another developer with a geofencing solution gone?  And still nothing that works reliably that I've found.  I thought I could use Fing and IFTTT, but for now I'm getting false results at random times.

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1 hour ago, turls said:

Another developer with a geofencing solution gone?  And still nothing that works reliably that I've found.  I thought I could use Fing and IFTTT, but for now I'm getting false results at random times.

Doesn't IFTTT have decent geofencing? Integrate that with C4 from there I would think.

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4 hours ago, Neo1738 said:

Doesn't IFTTT have decent geofencing? Integrate that with C4 from there I would think.

I haven't had good luck with IFTTT by itself, or with Fing combined with IFTTT.  I think the problem is IFTTT is not designed for multiple users.  Maybe I'm missing something.

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