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Water Leak Detection


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Lots of new players since the last time I saw this topic discussed.  Looking for experience and or input on all the different options such as:






FloLogic seems like the old time tech reliable solution but Flo and Phyn are very interesting.  

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I have had FloLogic now for over a decade. 

1. it NEVER false alarms

2. it always works

3. it has saved me many times

4. tech support has always been there even on holidays and weekends

5. its' only downside has already been stated - you cannot turn it on remotely - but - since it does not false alarm - why would you want to?

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On 9/21/2018 at 3:15 PM, digitaltrader said:

The Buoy has been amazing,  it measure water use by device ( shower , sink , toilet, hose etc) and has auto shutoff and can turn back on via app.

I like the concept of Buoy BUT the $17.99 per month subscription?! WOW!  

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  • 4 years later...
1 hour ago, diwit said:

So underground meter/main shut off by sidewalk, main line from there to inside of garage main house shutoff. 18 year old PVC line. The little red indicator dial is still moving, with the garage shut off closed

1) One full rotation, of the low flow indicator takes 7 minutes, Any idea on how much water is leaking

2) Leak detection companies in my area, one wants $350, the other $250, pay up even if they don't find the leak, is that standard operating procedure? Doesn't feel right, to pay for a service that isn't completed?

3) Saw on u tube, homemade leak detector, made with pipe, styrofoam cup and a stethoscope, I'll try anything at this point.

I would dig it up myself but the line runs near an oak tree and under a 2 car concrete driveway with patio paver extensions. To run a new line, its the same problematic terrain. Where it needs to connect on the other side of the driveway, 4 foot wide pavers all the way up to where the line enters the garage, it was plumbed inside a concrete block wall

Any suggestions appreciated

Probably have much better luck posting to terry love forums or similar...

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