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DSC Zone For Feedback Only

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I just installed a PowerG wireless contact for a Cantina door.  I only want to use this for automation (not security).  For example, if the door is opened, lights turn on.  If the door is left open for more than 5 minutes, a notification is sent.

What settings or attributes do I need to adjust in DSC so the zone will not trigger an alarm if the Cantina door is opened when the system is armed?

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3 hours ago, Cyknight said:

Just set it to zone type 052 (24 hour non-alarm) - in attributes you'll want to turn chime off as well.

Thanks Cyknight, this is exactly what I was looking for.  You are a DSC guru.

Next question.  After registering this PowerG wireless contact, Control4 seems to have integrated it automatically.  The zone is visible but is not associated with a specific room, it is listed under "UNKOWN".

1) How to I program it into Control4 so it shows up in the desired room using Composer HE?

2) I also have two other unnamed zones showing up in the UNKNOWN section.  Any idea how to isolate or determine what those are?


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4 hours ago, South Africa C4 user said:

Again, a dealer is the best option.  These will be zones on the DSC which have not been bound by your dealer.

I figured out what the two "unknown" zones are.  There are two zones in my system that are not named and are not connected to any contact/motion/smoke etc.  Anyone have any ideas why these would be in my DSC security system?  Should I remove them or just leave them?

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1 hour ago, Cyknight said:

Actually these are zones types that just don't have a standard definition as communicated from the panel: the driver, under zones, allows setting names and zone types: these affect the C4 interface only. Not sure if that's available under Composer HE

These are zones in my DSC system that do not have a name.  They are in there, but since they are not named I am assume they don't do anything?

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under the partition portion of the driver (so not the main device driver, but the breakout for your partition - default the main is security panel, you're looking for the secondary default name security system) it should have an 'alarm' and 'alarm clear' event. This is not under device variables, but direct on the driver itself.

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