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Posts posted by pinkoos

  1. 1 hour ago, nwanerka said:

    What about using room control driver? I am new to c4. Literally finished the 4 day class yesterday lol but they taught us in class that room control is the best way to go

    Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

    Not sure what driver that is and also not sure if I have that installed in my project already

    Was trying to do this without having to get my dealer involved as it would be low priority for him

    I ended up just going into my project and making the changes on my own by finding the most common ways we turn on video sources and for each of those, I added several lines of command that would make sure that all the keypad button LEDs would toggle to the 'off' state

    We don't really use the remote to turn on audio sources, so I didn't have to worry about doing the same for that

    In retrospect, I think a macro would've helped make this less tedious to do, but I just thought of that right now and, also, I don't know how to program macros and/or whether it's possible within HE

  2. 48 minutes ago, mujtaba.khokhar said:

    Email from Control4 Re sonos: 


    On June 8th, Sonos released their S2 software and app. Control4 systems with integrated Sonos products will continue to work together.

    Sonos systems that remain on the S1 software will continue to work with Control4. Sonos systems that update to S2 software will work with the Control4 drivers as well. 

    Control4 has updated the Sonos drivers for Control4 to allow use of "split" Sonos systems, where some Sonos devices remain on S1 and others are updated to S2. The drivers will allow grouping of zones running the same software version but will not allow grouping of S1 zones with S2 zones. This behavior mirrors the Sonos app and is a limitation within the Sonos platform. 

    Thanks for this info

  3. I have an old Connect that is tied into my C4 system. This can't be updated to S2

    I have 2 Beams and 3 One SLs - the Beams are tied into C4 in that they are connected to TVs which are integrated into C4. The 3 One SLs are not tied into C4 at all

    I was about to update my Sonos to S2, realizing that the Connect will stay on S1 and all the others will go to S2

    However, when going through the process and reading on Sonos website, I found out that I have to first remove the Connect from my system which will cause it to be factory reset. Only once it is removed will I be able to upgrade the rest to S2

    And, once the Connect is removed, it will have to be added as new into an S1 system

    Here's my question: will I lose all the C4 binding or integration (I'm not sure of the proper terminology) that has been set up by my dealer (and myself) once the Connect is factory reset?

    That would be horrible if the Connect would need to be reintegrated into C4 because of this. Am I'm not referring to having to re-save Favorites, etc. (though I probably would have to do that too) - I'm more worried about the C4 no longer recognizing the Connect and having to get it put back in by my dealer and then have all the programming redone

    I realize that I'm not gaining much by upgrading the rest of my stuff to S2 (at least for now) and that I would be losing the ability to group my Connect with my other speakers, though I rarely do that

    So aside, from this realization, I'm still wondering what will happen to the Connect once it's removed from the system and factory reset


  4. 43 minutes ago, RAV said:

    Control4 has stated in the dealer forum: (6-5-2020)

    1. Nothing needs to be done driver wise, an auto push update will be sent, same driver will be used for S1 or S2 or Split.
    2. Updated driver is only to deal with split systems, current driver would make it appear that you could group across a split, which is of course not possible.
    3. Plan is to do a device firmware check by the driver going forward, to expose relevant new features to S2 units as they are released by Sonos and their API.

    So 1 driver now, and for the foreseeable future.

    NOTHING needs to be done by dealers or owners on the Control4 side.

    This is very helpful, thank you

  5. Hi, in reference to my 6 button keypad post below, I was wondering if there is a way for me to do, via HE, keypad color changes based on remote button presses?

    For example, if I press Room Off on my remote, can that make all 6 buttons on the keypad return to the 'off' color state?

    And, if I use the remote to switch to a video source, can that make all 6 buttons on the keypad return to the 'off' color state (all 6 buttons are currently programmed to play Sonos favorites, so when I switch to a video source using the remote, I would want the colors on the buttons to reflect that by returning to the 'off' state)

    Or, does this programming require some kind of binding that only my dealer can do?


  6. Hi, I'm using Composer HE to re-purpose my 6 button keypad to turn on 6 different Sonos favorites

    Surprisingly, I was able to do everything and have it working the way I wanted/envisioned, save for a single issue:

    I can't get button 3 to change to the 'On' color I've set in the Properties tab of Monitoring

    All 6 buttons are setup *exactly* the same way, with the exact same on color, exact same off color and 'Keypad Managed' unchecked and 'Follow Bound Color' checked

    So, all 6 buttons should behave exactly the same way, but button 3 is being stubborn and just staying with the 'off' color after a button press

    A couple of things to note:

    1. Button 3 used to be a volume ramp button in which holding it down would increase the volume and releasing and holding it down again would decrease the volume. Not sure if that has something to do with it not working properly? Maybe the dealer had something else setup with button 3 that I can't see in HE and so can't change?

    2. When I first went to Monitoring and Properties for the 6 button keypad, I couldn't get 'follow bound color' to stay checked for button 3 - that is, I would check it and then click on another button and then click back on button 3 and 'follow bound color' would be unchecked again. I ended up trying again and again, making sure I would click 'Apply To' in the top right and check off the entire tree to include the keypad, refreshing navigators multiple times, going back to List View in Monitoring and clicking around on the 6 button keypad there and somehow it finally seems to have stuck

    But, the final result that I'm wanting of a change to green from a steady state (off) blue is still not happening for button 3 - the appropriate Sonos favorite is turning on, it's just the LED that's not working

    Any thoughts?

    Thanks in advance 

  7. 13 minutes ago, jmb said:

    I'm checking in, any progress on this? 

    Without knowing I would break my existing integration I upgraded my Apple TV to TvOS 13.    Once I realized it was broken and I could not go back I reached out to my dealer for help.   My dealer first suggested upgrading the controller, since I was out of IR ports on my C4 Controller.   Instead I asked my dealer to look at your driver and I purchased it through him, I believe I am his only customer with it.   So far, only once has it stopped working, i tried several times the basics of rebooting the Apple Tv's and controller, but nothing.   So, i reached out and he figured out he needed to upgrade it.   I has now worked flawlessly.

    I would rather stay ahead of it and not have my family complaining about it.   Getting notified of updates so I can chase the dealer doesn't seem like a big ask especially since I paid for the driver.   The dealer was a pass through.   

    I agree with this

  8. Hi is anybody else having the following issue with the OvrC Home app (I'm on iOS)? I'm not sure if it's an app issue or a real issue

    See attached screenshot - basically, most of the actions my dealer has set up for OvrC Home show as being unavailable

    This has been going on for probably 2 weeks or so and I'd say that maybe 80% of the time, it shows as what the screenshot shows; the other 20% of the time all the actions show up fine

    My dealer is not sure what is going on

    All functionality of my system is preserved (ie, I don't notice any issues with anything)

    Of course the problem is that if I need to execute any of the actions in the OvrC Home app, I wouldn't be able to if that action is unavailable

    Thanks in advance


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