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Everything posted by eggzlot

  1. I guess I’d have to ask my dealer. If I see a c4 driver, relays or ifttt I can wrap my head around integration. When I hit goodnight I’d want to know if there is gas going to the stove because it was left on etc. don’t need control just monitoring
  2. This is going to be a built in wall oven with cabinets around it. Not sure I want to trust a wemo is going to hold up. Or if I have to reboot it I can’t. I’ve had some flakey wemos already that needed to be unplugged. The kitchen is above an electric subpanel so easy to put oven on its own breaker so hoping for something maybe in the breaker box to monitor? switching topics but would look for gas monitoring too for gas stove and outdoor grill!
  3. Did you ever look into thermasol? Just reviewing my options with all features considered
  4. I could plug a wall oven into a wemo? If wemo goes bad I can’t easily plug/unplug it. Given its a built in unit I do not mind a higher cost item that works. The steam generator will be easy to reach so a wemo could work too just like the humidity tag idea.
  5. What hardware? Want to do this with kitchen appliances. Likely need something more than a Wemo.
  6. https://store.wirelesstag.net/products/wireless-tag-13-bit-temperature-and-humidity has ifttt integration. Thinking of putting it under the bench in steam room. When humidity gets to a certain level programming assumes steam shower is o. Set a timer as a reminder to turn off. If I go to turn on away alarm or goodnight mode and it senses steam I’d get a notice.
  7. keep us posted on your progress. At this point I think I have control kind of worked out, now just curious how to integrate music - via their own systems or just straight C4 and use a mini key fob in the shower to change sources and have a keypad button turn on the music.
  8. Close to the same size. 5’ x 6’. 6.6’ or so is 2m. So fairly close. But mine is a shower/steam room in one. Big shower with a bench. And steam generator. Many experience installing speaker under the bench re audio quality? It’s a shower doesn’t have to be critical quality i see people talk about 1 dual coil speakers for bathrooms. Less clutter, quicker install. Found this one that is waterproof. Maybe 1 in general bathroom area and the other in the steam shower? And make each one a zone? http://www.bizz-tech.com/Ceiling_Speakers-Waterproof_Dual-VoiceCoil_6_5_Stereo_Speaker.html if I stick with thermasol and can’t get integration maybe I’ll get creative - if steam generator gets hot to the touch maybe I can put a sensor on it? Over a certain temp means it’s on. Or put a sensor in the shower. Same concept. The thermasol heats up in 60 seconds. Can’t see being at the store and wanting to start it before I get home. Just like to know status of it for programming purposes.
  9. Any plans for audio? Trying to figure if I need a zone in steam shower and zone in rest of bathroom or just 1 speaker per location and call it the same zone audio control built into these units are lacking good control. All local Bluetooth. Thinking about bypassing their built in audio and running audio in steam shower via c4/audio matrix. Use a card access mini remote to change source/volume. And only steam controller to control steam looking at c4 integration for experience buttons, if steam goes on turn radio to X stream, etc.
  10. @thedriverslab - any update on thermasol? Starting to price out a renovation project. Plumbing supply store sells thermasol, mr steam and steamist and said the prices are within 100-300 bucks or so but he had less headaches with thermasol equipment vs the others. Not sure if he gets more profit off that brand or if the claims of quality are true. Of course steamist and mr steam have c4 integration and as of last check thermasol didn’t have a driver. Please let me know if you have an update on thermasol. Thanks
  11. ah thanks - makes sense, have not used the system since November. still had 3 Nor'Easters in March!
  12. interesting - when did HL break? I have the HL driver. I rarely use it - basically my sprinkler tech use it when they shut the system on/off for the season. I have them coming over in ~2 weeks, do I need to get the Blackwire driver? I have the original Rachio hardware. the HL one never worked great re: updating the last time the zone was activated, but it simply acted as on/off buttons on the touch screen for the sprinkler tech's since the original Rachio does not have buttons on the device itself and I was not always available to walk around with my cell/app to turn the zones on for the techs. Very disappointed with HL, this will be the 2nd or 3rd driver from them that became unsupported and withered away.
  13. holovision offers some biometric devices http://www.eholovision.com/solutions/biometric/ They can likely outfit it with 2n door kit. not sure how the fingerprint would get into C4, but with web hooks I bet it is possible. I have a non biometric holovision door station in a control4 environment.
  14. Are you thinking of a door station device?
  15. I am not suggesting to log in and mess things up. But as a homeowner, if you want to know what IP address your devices are at you can download Fing for free. With the free app, as long as you are on the same wifi network as your system you can see in real time what devices are offline or online and their current IP address. if buy a fing box, you can do this remotely and also get notices when devices go up or down, etc. This will not log you into the UI as you likely need some passwords (do not have the DS2 so I do not know) but just sharing how you can get an IP address on your local network.
  16. If these are in ceiling speakers for non critical listening 50w should be sufficient
  17. EA’s do not distribute video, at most they provide the C4 Navigator UI on the screen or a pop up message at most. What I mean is if you have 10 TVs in the house (guessing that number given 7000 sq ft and 24 audio zones) - are you going to have 10 cable boxes - 1 per location - or are you going to get 5 cable boxes and centralize and distribute them? Are you going to get a roku or Apple TV or fire stick per tv or a few and centralize, etc. Anyways, if you start doing distributed video and you want nicer set ups audio wise (more than the TV built in speakers) you start encountering lip sync delays as mentioned above with the Zektor unit. The CMX by Video Storm has the lip sync delay feature, so the video/audio is in sync. If all of your video devices are local per tv then lip sync delay is likely not a major need for you. I know the older C4 audio matrix did not have lip sync delay but not sure about the new Triad Audio Matrix. Zektor and Video Storm have the delay and if you are using Video Storm for video distribution then its a no brained to use their CMX for Audio too.
  18. Are you doing video distribution? The video storm CMX pairs wonderfully with their Netplay video distribution products. Sometimes video storm has some demo/refurb/returned products you can score at a discount as well
  19. People have problems with their Toyota and the dealerships mechanics you feel are to blame and complain on a forum about the issues with their car. Should toyota shut down that dealership? Should you keep spending money with that dealership mechanic hoping they figure it out? Maybe they just have bad mechanics. You can go somewhere else for service. Another dealership or an independent mechanic Open yelp or another service and read reviews. Or you can sell the new car and take a beating on the investment So you have c4 and you are getting bad service from your dealer. Get referrals. Shop around. Pick another service center/mechanic for your c4 work.
  20. Your post on Avs was started by someone with 1 post and never posted again and it started a long thread. Most anti c4 posts on Avs are because end users cannot get composer pro only composer HE. The other posts usually revert back to poor networking Avs is a big DIY forum so it is going to have an anti custom install slant. Your issues are within networking and lack of technical knowledge of your dealer, not Control4 as a product. You can contact c4 through this forum - I believe @Derrick Cain may be able to help but again you can find a remote dealer on here who can get you set up right. Look at their threads and the dozens of people who give them good reviews. Did you have dozens of referrals for the dealer who did your c4 install?
  21. http://blueirissoftware.com/technology/ Uniview RTSP seems to be supported by Blue Iris. I have the paid BI driver, I think there is a free one too. Can give your client the option (paid one has a lot more programming and complex features). If you just need to get the streams into the navigator - maybe try the free BI driver?
  22. agreed with @lVh0m3t3cH - my work got pushed back a few months but looking for any/all options to steam integration. would prefer as many c4 options as possible so I can select what steam shower itself fits our needs/budget the best and not have C4 being a deciding factor.
  23. lots of people on this forum love Unifi for routers, switches and Wifi Amplifers (more appropriately known as Access Points - APs). Some will steer you towards Pakedge as that is the "certified" C4 solution (C4 owns them) Others like Luxul. Ask 5 people and you will get 6 answers. Install what your dealer knows best and where his/her comfort level is because they are building and supporting it. I have a mix - I have a Mikrotik router (still new and learning it), Cisco switches and Unifi APs. Just about everyone will tell you to steer clear of consumer big box store stuff from Netgear, Apple, Linksys, Trendnet, etc. Not to say all of their stuff is bad but just in general to steer clear. C4 also recommends using unmanaged switches vs managed switches - yet lots of people on this forum have managed switches and they just dumb them down.
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