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  1. 2 minutes ago, david@berto.co.uk said:

    Confused as to what your referring to.

    I was just responding to the incorrect compliance comment, nothing more.

    Up thread I mentioned the intent of the comment that you refer to as incorrect. No worries. Sorry if I distracted you from your work.

  2. 13 minutes ago, david@berto.co.uk said:

    100% correct.

    Referring to the use of custom email services, which were subsequently moved into the cloud, and nothing to do with the incorrect comment reference C4 compliance.

    But the point is you aren't hacking C4, right? You are collaborative with C4. Maybe the objective is to be thought of like a rebel pirate subverting the C4 infrastructure with your MQTT's and your IoT's making their silly archaic locked in dealer model seem like a big joke? (lots of tongue in cheek there)

  3. 1 minute ago, david@berto.co.uk said:

    Then web server driver was written/released a few months ago and has no connection to what you are referring to.

    Like I say, it is no more complicated than Ryan’s original HTTP driver.

    My comment was more meant to reference that folks work with C4 when exploring the limits. Certainly not any sort of criticism of you. Just so you know.

  4. 4 minutes ago, david@berto.co.uk said:

    What modifications has this driver had at the request of C4?

    The driver is based on Ryan’s driver, just goes further but I’m not aware of any modifications made to be more compliant?

    Thank you

    I thought I recalled some discussion in another thread were you changed the way you were doing something with the driver. I'm sorry if that's not the case. I could try poking around to find the reference.

  5. 8 minutes ago, DylanJ said:

    Guys, this is all I wanted. I can easily control anything in C4 using curl with this driver. Why everyone has to be so argumentative, defensive, and egotistical is beyond me. 

    This is an awesome driver and will open up a lot of possibilities for integration. That's what this is all about, "hacking" one device at a time😘


    Even this driver has had modifications at the request of C4 to be more compliant.

    I think people are skeptical that you are doing this with the best intent. That might be unfounded. If you were an active member you probably would have had a better feeling for the type of responses you might get.

    So you started a thread about wanting to do a thing where solutions already existed. You wanted to do the thing without creating a driver. In the end you are likely able to leverage existing drivers. So, really, everything worked out by having a conversation so don't forget that.

  6. 6 hours ago, nfv123 said:

    To be honest no I don't know.  Should I reach out to my dealer and ask or is there a way I can find out easily?

    Its probably best. I'm sure they can check to see how its integrated and then make some good suggestions on how to solve this specific need.

  7. I want to pitch again for the Shelly controllers and I'd really love for you to consider tunable white strips (if you never think you want any color) so you can move from the 5000k if desired at some point in the future.

    Is the kitchen built yet? If its already built consider buying something cheap to try out the effect first to make sure its what you want.



  8. 2 minutes ago, DylanJ said:

    It's not pointless to me, and it's ok if you don't know how to accomplish what I'm trying to do. I'm not interested in starting an argument just a discussion. Let's keep this topic on track.

    That's fair. My opinion is that half an integration is pointless and if you have the time it would take to do this.. and you are a dealer your time is likely better spent selling and installing.

    What's your dealer location?

  9. 20 minutes ago, DylanJ said:

    Nailed it! Except eventing out wouldnt be necessary. 

    If you don't event out you wont be aware of any of the events and control initiated by the devices. You would have only one way control and no visibility into state. Seems sort of pointless.

  10. So the end goal is in integration of C4 where you can control all of the devices from an interface like openHAB. So, basically, you want to automate the UI of C4 or you want to replace the C4 UI with the UI of your choosing, but that will probably be openHAB. You want to do this without creating a driver by simulating UI events to the controller. In addition you want to somehow event out of C4 for all the devices and internal events so you can keep track of those in openHAB. Do I have that right?

  11. I'm not sure why you have a problem. You wanted participation. You posted the same in the Reddit r/C4diy group which is exactly for people that crack their systems. You can't have it both ways. I'm not judging you. I simply tried to help the person. I'm sorry if I assumed your group would help them. You might want to work on your marketing approach language if you are going to discriminate against the people you market to.

    Maybe you can simply help the person?

  12. 4 hours ago, ejn1 said:

    Got my switches in today.  They look good but have a funky rocker that basically looks like a rocker switch but you have to press the bottom of it for both on and off like a clicker.     Will take some getting use to!

    Yea, that's why I mention up thread that you want to try them out before buying a lot. Its the clicky that bugs people. Some also make a really disappointing hollow sound when they click because the entire case is plastic.  That why people like using Shelly pucks with mechanical switches. You get all the good switch choices backed by smart control. There are good drivers for Shelly now if you want to go down that path as another choice.

  13. I can maybe see this for variable content from sources like Netflix and Amazon and when you have a more complex room configuration e.g. a lot of speakers.

    Generally, I can predict mode from the source, but with Netflix I have on occasion changed the mode to improve sound when the audio isn't one of the better ones like Atmos. I have also changed the mode on some music sources to give the track a little more. I guess all the reason these things are possible with the AVR's these days.

    If you have this idea then I would imagine you are seeing some demand or a need that I probably don't see for the average user.

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