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DSC Alarm programming - having trouble with scrolling of zones

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Hello all,


My installer and I are having an issue with the DSC Alarm integration.  We have all the features working except for this one:


If a zone is open (or a zone has been triggered) the C4 panels just say "zone 1" or whatever # zone was trigged (or is open).  We want it to say "Kitchen Door" or "rear windows", etc.  I have 4 DSC keypads in the house, only 1 is alpha numeric.  We used that one to program all 14 zones.  So the names of the Zones are in the DSC panel.  My installer added all the zones into Control4 as well (if a zone is tripped, I got a text saying what zone was tripped, etc and I get the name, not a zone #).


So any reason the C4 touchscreen is just showing "Zone 01, Zone 02" etc and not the name of the zones?  We found some paperwork about going into LCD Screen 076 and when you got to the Toggle Switch screen enabling 8.  I did that on both the DSC keypad and the C4 touch screen - still not working.


Oh and my model: The alarm box says Power832 and PC5010 and I have the IT-100 module so it can speak to Control4


Any advice?

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Have your dealer give each zone a name in Pro

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...My installer added all the zones into Control4 as well (if a zone is tripped, I got a text saying what zone was tripped, etc and I get the name, not a zone #).


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its sounds like the dealer still did not name them correctly. Even though you are getting a text with the correct name that, means that they put in a written message triggered by the zone to send a pre defined message. If the names are not rename in composer under system design this should be the cause of your problem.

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^How does happen?  Typically, only the IT100 object is present.  Connections would be the place to associate the field devices (with the location name) with the DCS Zone name (1, 2, 3, etc.).  As far as I understand, only the DSC number zone is transmitted in the serial stream.

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I am 95% sure it was programmed in Composer (I have the home edition, can I check at home?).  I cannot find the image, but I recall him sending me a screen shot of what looked like a crude excel sheet of sorts (a photo from composer) with all the zones listed in there. 

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The standard driver will not transmit zone labels to the system, the named connections you have seen would have been for sensors in the system attached to the zones so you can 'see' all zones on touchscreens and to make programming possible. This does not make the virtual keypad you see under security display those names.

The Cinegration Enhancement driver (as sold via EV) DOES allow for this (and any number of other enhancements. It is added on top of the old driver and will not break any existing programming done, it's also fairly inexpensive. So I'd very much suggest getting it. Indeed I suggest ANYONE that uses the basic driver only to get the enhancement driver, it's one of the most bang-for-buck drivers out there, fixing some minor bugs as well.

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still not working - Control4 support is telling my installer/programmer that is on the DSC panel and not within C4 programming.  I think they want my security installer to "push" the system info out again.


He said he installed the EV driver, and though he is waiting back to hear from their support, he says it seems like it gives new features like user names, partioning, but nothing about adding zone names text to the touchscreen/navigator.


Anyone?  I have the home edition of Composer, plus access to my DSC panel, could I be walked through this if someone knows what needs to be tweaked?

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You can find the programming info for the dsc online. There is a code to push info to ALL kepads, This is what would give it to C4.


The problem is you need the installers code. The generic is out there on the web but your install company may have changed it.


Then your dealer would have to update navigators.

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still not working - Control4 support is telling my installer/programmer that is on the DSC panel and not within C4 programming.  I think they want my security installer to "push" the system info out again.


He said he installed the EV driver, and though he is waiting back to hear from their support, he says it seems like it gives new features like user names, partioning, but nothing about adding zone names text to the touchscreen/navigator.


Anyone?  I have the home edition of Composer, plus access to my DSC panel, could I be walked through this if someone knows what needs to be tweaked?



Did he press 'get zone labels' in the driver as per instructions?

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Any other advice on what can be done?  I went into the DSC panel, put in installer's code, hit * then got LCD Section and put in 998 then when it said broadcast to all keypads I hit * to confirm.  Got a message it was broadcasting to all keypads then went back to the LCD input area.  Seems to have taken but the Control4 touchscreens stil do not show the zone read outs.


I tried to do the same steps listed above on the touchscreens themselves (after doing it on the DSC keypad didnt work) and I was able to get to the last step and when I hit * to broadcast I got some error message saying that was invalid or something along those lines.  Makes me think the panel is not talking properly to the touchscreens, but that is just a guess.


Anything I can check in Composer Home Edition, or something I need my installer to check in on Composer Pro?

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I've got that alarm. I just have the basic driver and didn't try pushing anything from the panel to C4. In Pro we renamed all zones so I knew which room was which. A number wasn't helpful. See pic

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Hmmm, I have nothing like that on my touchscreen.  Where would I find those zone icons?

Didn't you read Post #7?  If this is all you need and your dealer couldn't deliver on this, find a new dealer.

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