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Hollywood is just full of a bunch of hypocrites!


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https://www.ebay.com/itm/Oblivion-4K-Ultra-HD-Blu-ray-Digital-HD-Dolby-Atmos/122876708756?epid=222596451&hash=item1c9c05c794:g:kJQAAOSwLdBaG1TH So here we have second hand selling of content RIGHT ON EBAY! A publicly listed company in the US that is supposed to be incorporated and operated under US LAW.. Yet does Hollywood do anything about it? Have they done anything about this sort of thing in decades?! Oh no they just go on their tyrade making HDCP and DRM sooo difficult that makes it near on impossible for the "little guy" to design and use his/her own personal movie server at home... Know why? BECAUSE THEY JUST WANT TO DO YA'LL OVER AGAIN BY SHOVING ALL YOU SUCKERS ONTO streaming services LIKE NEFLIX THATS WHY! 

Something that then flows on effecting the profits of companies like Control4 - 

I didn't know you are allowed to "on sell"  content rights?! !!! CHECK THE FINE PRINT OF THAT brand new 30 dollar 4K DISC YOU JUST PURCHASED!

Wait there is more.. MOST OF THOSE "new" 4K discs they are selling you for 30 bucks of older movies ARE JUST RECOPIES OF THE SAME OLD 1080p (and worse) QUALITY of the original film takes!

Yep they get away with that too! Right world shafted consumers are.. 

This is a farce. It's two faced and just makes Hollywood the laughing stock of the entire world. They are living in their own fantasy world. 

Bunch of total hypocrites. W

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It’s against the law to sell a Blu-ray? What in the hell are you talking about?!?

What does someone selling a used Blu-ray have a damn thing to do with “Hollywood”.

Have you been drinking again?

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Codes "in the sleeve", out of the sleeve.... sitting on a desk in a draw somewhere passed onto Mom or a friend.. 

Codes that are never even used because it's too darn difficult and who can be bothered anyway

Even if you could be bothered... They are just 1080p! So they are basically worthless.. 

Used codes sitting on some distant server somewhere where everyone forgets the PW to access them

Roll up Roll up to the great code selling frenzy on eBay! 

 I'll offer ya'll 5c each for a code and YOU can pay for the shipping.

Just reflects even more what a farce all this is..


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Codes "in the sleeve", out of the sleeve.... sitting on a desk in a draw somewhere passed onto Mom or a friend.. 
Codes that are never even used because it's too darn difficult and who can be bothered anyway
Even if you could be bothered... They are just 1080p! So they are basically worthless.. 
Used codes sitting on some distant server somewhere where everyone forgets the PW to access them
Roll up Roll up to the great code selling frenzy on eBay! 
 I'll offer ya'll 5c each for a code and YOU can pay for the shipping.
Just reflects even more what a farce all this is..
Why is entering codes too hard? Moviesanywhere just made it even easier

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You can sell a used BD. Once you sell it you lose control.


Codes, love them. Between F2D, D2d, codes, sign up bonuses I have never upgraded my NAS, just deleted content as I can pull it from Vudu and Fandango, now with MA add Google, iTunes and Amazon.

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8 hours ago, msgreenf said:

Why is entering codes too hard? Moviesanywhere just made it even easier

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Looks good. but "just" made it easier?" "JUST!  LOL like how long did it take them? 5 or 6 years? Maybe longer??

UV is OLD already...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UltraViolet_(system) LIKE 10 years OLD!  and it's 1080p!!! Gee like wow! :rolleyes:

And what's the catch - there is ALWAYS a catch when dealing with Hollywood! 

(Just ask 80 odd women)... can they all be wrong? 

Who wants to sit next on the "casting couch"?

The average consumer is sitting on a Hollywood casting couch every time they purchase a new BluRay and slot it in a player..

At least I confess I've been "done over".... Multiple times. 

UV has been an unmitigated failure - yet another of the many DRM failures that has come out of Hollywood...... 

They aren't even all members! hahahahaha Walt Disney? Nope? Who ever checks that before buying a BluRay? I certainly don't! 

Thank goodness for wikipedia to provide non DRM non fake news. The truth - nothing touched up by Hollywood. I suggest you all donate. W  


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1 hour ago, SMHarman said:

You can sell a used BD. Once you sell it you lose control.



Was it really ever yours to sell? Hollywood seems have other ideas, but the practicalities of fighting that on selling a BluRay disc would make them look stupid so they never did.. 

If it truly is yours why can't you play the file off that disc however, wherever and on WHATEVER you like? 

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Yeah, I mean I think the problem is nobody cares. People don’t want to ‘own’ movies anymore. Going to the store to buy a movie seems so foreign now. I dunno, to me if I can pay a few bucks a month to stream movies from a box the size of a ham sandwich, that’s what I want. I don’t want to store discs of movies I’ll watch once and discs players with clunky motorized doors. Or even hard drives I have to keep running and backed up, and then something to play those movies with.

”Hollywood” is going to hang on to the dream of disc sales because of the potential profits they see, but realistically sales are going to continue to drop. Which leads me to my point, nobody is really trying to argue that you’re wrong... I just don’t think anyone really cares about the issue. I dunno.



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37 minutes ago, Brownbatsbreath said:

Yeah, I mean I think the problem is nobody cares. People don’t want to ‘own’ movies anymore. Going to the store to buy a movie seems so foreign now. I dunno, to me if I can pay a few bucks a month to stream movies from a box the size of a ham sandwich, that’s what I want. I don’t want to store discs of movies I’ll watch once and discs players with clunky motorized doors. Or even hard drives I have to keep running and backed up, and then something to play those movies with.

”Hollywood” is going to hang on to the dream of disc sales because of the potential profits they see, but realistically sales are going to continue to drop. Which leads me to my point, nobody is really trying to argue that you’re wrong... I just don’t think anyone really cares about the issue. I dunno.



Yep thanks for the rational reply. 100% correct. It sure is OLD. So it follows so is this thread!  I'll leave it at that! W

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Looks good. but "just" made it easier?" "JUST!  LOL like how long did it take them? 5 or 6 years? Maybe longer??
UV is OLD already...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UltraViolet_(system) LIKE 10 years OLD!  and it's 1080p!!! Gee like wow! :rolleyes:
And what's the catch - there is ALWAYS a catch when dealing with Hollywood! 
(Just ask 80 odd women)... can they all be wrong? 
Who wants to sit next on the "casting couch"?
The average consumer is sitting on a Hollywood casting couch every time they purchase a new BluRay and slot it in a player..
At least I confess I've been "done over".... Multiple times. 
UV has been an unmitigated failure - yet another of the many DRM failures that has come out of Hollywood...... 
They aren't even all members! hahahahaha Walt Disney? Nope? Who ever checks that before buying a BluRay? I certainly don't! 
Thank goodness for wikipedia to provide non DRM non fake news. The truth - nothing touched up by Hollywood. I suggest you all donate. W  

Just bought my kids Cars 3 for Christmas. It came with a code to download from iTunes so now they have it on their iPads. We can watch the included DVD in the car. We can watch the included Blu-ray on whatever Blu-ray player we want...tried two so far and it worked flawlessly on both of them.

So, I can watch it on whatever player I want. And if you ask me, it works pretty dang slick. I like that I got a copy for the iPads, a copy for the car and a copy for the house.

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Was it really ever yours to sell? Hollywood seems have other ideas, but the practicalities of fighting that on selling a BluRay disc would make them look stupid so they never did.. 
If it truly is yours why can't you play the file off that disc however, wherever and on WHATEVER you like? 

What are you talking about? I’ve never had anyone stop me from watching a movie wherever I wanted to.

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Yeah, I mean I think the problem is nobody cares. People don’t want to ‘own’ movies anymore. Going to the store to buy a movie seems so foreign now. I dunno, to me if I can pay a few bucks a month to stream movies from a box the size of a ham sandwich, that’s what I want. I don’t want to store discs of movies I’ll watch once


”Hollywood” is going to hang on to the dream of disc sales because of the potential profits they see, but realistically sales are going to continue to drop. Which leads me to my point, nobody is really trying to argue that you’re wrong... I just don’t think anyone really cares about the issue. I dunno.

^ This. Exactly


Looks good. but "just" made it easier?" "JUST!  LOL like how long did it take them? 5 or 6 years? Maybe longer??

UV is OLD already...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UltraViolet_(system) LIKE 10 years OLD!  and it's 1080p!!! Gee like wow! :rolleyes:

Huh. You clearly are ranting about a product you don't use.


It's 4k HDR as is MA, more below...


They aren't even all members! hahahahaha Walt Disney? Nope? Who ever checks that before buying a BluRay? I certainly don't! 

Again know your subject. WD set up Disney Movies Anywhere on a competing methodology. The locker joined to all major vendors. So buy on amazon and watch on iTunes or Google or vudu or (historically Microsoft or Version).


This has morphed into Movies Anywhere which has the same concept for a bunch of studios now. Further those studios are still on Uv. I redeem on Vudu and get MA and UV rights. Friends and Family have access to the title without lending / scratching / losing the physical copy.


Thank goodness for wikipedia to provide non DRM non fake news. The truth - nothing touched up by Hollywood. I suggest you all donate. W  


But it's wrong.


I was confused by your HTPC thread but the clarifies a lot. For most casual viewing I don't need a spinny disk or local storage. I can play moana for the kids in a plane or car or restaurant or on the big screen.


Why heat the house and the electric bill with a HTPC?



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Was it really ever yours to sell? Hollywood seems have other ideas, but the practicalities of fighting that on selling a BluRay disc would make them look stupid so they never did.. 
If it truly is yours why can't you play the file off that disc however, wherever and on WHATEVER you like? 
The first sale doctrine, codified at 17 U.S.C. § 109, provides that an individual who knowingly purchases a copy of a copyrighted work from the copyright holder receives the right to sell, display or otherwise dispose of that particular copy, notwithstanding the interests of the copyright owner
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1 hour ago, SMHarman said:

wikipedia to provide ... non fake news

Holy crap are you even aware on what "fake" means?


WAP, I get that you're in the sauce approaching new year - you would be IN the new year by the time I'm posting this, but you are visualizing connections where there are non, and interpreting law and regulation with neither knowledge or skill.


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Holy crap are you even aware on what "fake" means?
WAP, I get that you're in the sauce approaching new year - you would be IN the new year by the time I'm posting this, but you are visualizing connections where there are non, and interpreting law and regulation with neither knowledge or skill.
That's a High, Wap, not me that said this.

Clearly the Wiki is out of date, not fake.
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8 hours ago, ILoveC4 said:


Just bought my kids Cars 3 for Christmas. It came with a code to download from iTunes so now they have it on their iPads. We can watch the included DVD in the car. We can watch the included Blu-ray on whatever Blu-ray player we want...tried two so far and it worked flawlessly on both of them.

So, I can watch it on whatever player I want. And if you ask me, it works pretty dang slick. I like that I got a copy for the iPads, a copy for the car and a copy for the house.

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Sure but where will they all be in 10 years time, will you be able to find the files then (will they all be located in one easy file suppository that you still have control over) and who really owns them? What happens if/when Apple goes broke? 

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Sure but where will they all be in 10 years time, will you be able to find the files then and who really owns them? 

I do. And I have the discs too. Ten years? Who knows. They’ll be in the cloud somewhere. I don’t know what you’re getting at?

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