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Septic Alarm


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Has anyone ever done anything with a septic alarm. Mine recently went off while I was out at dinner due to a toilet flapper that got stuck open. Luckily my neighbor saw the light and heard the exterior alarm and gave me a call. Would love to do something where I can receive a notification if it is alarming. 

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On 1/11/2023 at 10:08 AM, Topfox said:

I need to crack open the box and see.

At a minimum when the alarm is going off it lights up a light build and starts ringing a bell. I assume there is some way I could potentially tap into one of those actions being turn on. 

Wonder if you could tap into that power and ground for a relay or some other sensor. That being said I have a water sensor near our septic croc and ejector pump that if it senses water it turns off the water to the house and alerts me which sensor is going off. I would know that one is likely to be septic water/sewage. 

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11 minutes ago, Cyknight said:

Many sceptic alarm setups do indeed have a sensor output to tie into security panels, external alarms or in this case you'd tie it to a sensor on a controller and program away. We've done this numerous times.

Like a relay or a contact?  I still need to go look, but I have an EA-3 and a IO Extender near the inside unit. 

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One side of the input puts out 5v. Then when the alarm activates it puts out none.  So would I just wire into this to a contact sensor on the IO Extender in the Sig and GND?  Then program off recognizing the voltage being present?  What driver do you normal use?

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Hmm previous reply of mine didn't load apparent;y. You should wire to the alarm input - it may work but if not you're risking it throws off the alarm completely.

Seems like the one you have doesn't have a dedicated ouput - if you're willing to 'life-hack' you could wire to the red light output (assuming it's 5-16v) to sig and ground.

At your own risk of course

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2 minutes ago, Cyknight said:

Hmm previous reply of mine didn't load apparent;y. You should wire to the alarm input - it may work but if not you're risking it throws off the alarm completely.

Seems like the one you have doesn't have a dedicated ouput - if you're willing to 'life-hack' you could wire to the red light output (assuming it's 5-16v) to sig and ground.

At your own risk of course

Ok Sig and Gnd of contact on controller. What driver do I use for the detection? Is it just a generic contact driver. 

Thanks for your help on this. Last time my septic went off I wasn’t home and luckily a neighbor heard it and called me. 

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We just put a water sensor in the sump pit just above where the pump would trigger. Never had a false alarm and would let you know if the water in the pit is higher than you’d like which can serve as a proxy for the pump alarm.  We had it hard wired into our alarm but I would assume a wireless sensor would work as well. 

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