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any way to force immediate propagation of new lighting scene to voice control?

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is there some "refresh" or other similar action that can force a new scene created in Composer HE to show up immediately in the list of lighting scenes available to be controlled with voice commands at "customer.control4.com/voice"?    I can get the new scene to show up in the C4 app immediately by refreshing navigators, but I haven't found any similar method to make the scene appear in the online voice control list.   There is an online "Refresh" button that  reports it is "Getting your devices" when pressed, but it doesn't find the new lighting scene.  So instead of being able to create a new scene and then immediately create a new Alexa routine that calls the scene, I have to walk away and come back hours later to finish the job once the scene appears in voice control.  Am I missing something?  And if there isn't a way to force the voice control update, does anyone at least know how long it should take for the propagation to occur naturally, eg. does voice control update once per hour, or on some similar fixed schedule?

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no that doesn't work...  until it appears in the online voice control list, Alexa can't see it.  I have tested about 10 times... same result every time.  After some period of time it does appear online, and at that point Alexa will discover it, but not before 

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cloud backup is an option in Composer HE that I hadn't tried before...  I just created a new scene and then did a cloud backup about 4 minutes ago... so far the new scene has NOT shown up online.  I logged out and back in just in case it needed some kind of trigger to refresh but no luck.  I'm going to try to recheck every 15 minutes or so to see if I can at least narrow down the time window of when it finally propagates.

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6 minutes ago, msgreenf said:

It should be instant... 

Yes, that's what I expected...  and that is what happens with automations, eg. I just created a simple program in Composer HE "if back hall light is turned off, turn off office light", and within 1 second the online "When >> Then" list of automations auto-updated with my new program; I didn't even have to refresh the web page.  So it seems really strange that the same isn't happening with lighting scenes.  I'm now past 30 minutes since I created a test lighting scene and it hasn't shown up online yet...

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Hmm. You know lighting scnes have their own 'sync' option: that's more to sync the settings with the respective lighting devices but I wonder if the system waits to upload until local sync is done.

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7 minutes ago, ChrisHenderson said:

@Cranky Oldman Could you email me your controller logs to christopher.henderson@snapone.com? I'll create a bug report for you and get someone to look into this.

Thanks for offering to help Chris.  I'll gladly send the logs if you can point me in the right direction to find what you need... I see the log folder in attached image with dozens of .log files scattered among the various subfolders... what do you need?2024-03-0714_47_18-log.thumb.png.677ed8d01c56889281a913912f00b5be.png

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I wonder if a "check in" or controller reboot would make then sync? Have we got the Voice scene sync working again. I know account linking and adding of new scenes have had issues the past few months

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39 minutes ago, c4toys said:

I wonder if a "check in" or controller reboot would make then sync? Have we got the Voice scene sync working again. I know account linking and adding of new scenes have had issues the past few months

I tried a controller reboot and crossed fingers.... but no change.  The test scene that I created about 3.5 hours ago still hasn't shown up online.  

Not sure how to do a "check in"?  Sorry I'm just a few months into the Control4 world!

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Found a clue that may point to the issue being a website problem specific to voice control:  in When >> Then, the test scene I created hours ago IS there.  So I just created another test scene, and BAM, it was instantly visible in When >> Then.  But neither of the two test scenes have appeared yet on the Voice Control page.  I separately emailed some info to Chris Henderson, so hopefully he'll figure out where the break is occurring.

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Yes, advanced lighting agent.  OS 3.4.1.

But the more I look at this the more I'm convinced the issue is with the Control4 website.  I found the same problem creating new voice commands online using the "When>>Then Automations".  The new voice commands should propagate immediately over to the voice control tab, but they don't.  No amount of refreshing or logging in and out seems to work.  I also tried deleting an existing When/Then voice automation, and that deletion did not propagate either.

Just as I was typing that last paragraph, all the changes I made over the course of the day finally showed up in voice control, so I told Alexa to "discover devices" and everything now works correctly.  I'm not aware of anything that happened in the last 5 minutes that would have triggered the update.  

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Got a reply back. We're aware of the issue and this is what I was told about it:


I know you need to refresh navs and likely ask Alexa to discover devices before it will show up in customer portal. It’s a good question though and something that we should cover in a faq. [We're working on a solution.]

I created a bug report for it and will keep you posted when there's updates.

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