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Everything posted by msgreenf

  1. The current controllers had an 10+ year run with a few updates a year... idk what your expectations are but old hardware can only be supported so long
  2. Message me. Happy to help for a very reasonable fee.
  3. I disagree that it takes constant tinkering. In the last month I have made 1 change to my house...
  4. Feb 13, 09:16 EST Investigating - We're experiencing issues with the Snap One Partner Portal (snapav.com). Our team is investigating the issue. View the full article
  5. But you still need a way to control it and amps... etc...
  6. you need to claim it via OVRC web site using the account takeover option. you need to pick your pro device and then go to pro tools and system takeover.
  7. @neil12011 https://drivercentral.io/platforms/control4-drivers/utility/project-quick-start-agent/
  8. The control4 amps can't be used as standalone. They require a controller.
  9. Turn on is via WOL Turn off is via API. Make sure your key is correct
  10. And incorrect. It was released Jan 10. Technically it hasn't been over a month
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