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3D - Benn

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Everything posted by 3D - Benn

  1. Quite a few traps to fall into with this including firmware, driver version method of connection and alarm config. Check out KB: 2531
  2. Yes the upstairs sensors can disarm the alarm. Not sure about sensors "Becoming part of the alarm" though... You might be able to do it if you trigger an output from C4 into the alarm panel. I generally try to keep the alarm system to itself and C4 just interacts with it on an arm/disarm basis. I find the most popular part of alarm integration with C4 is automatic home / away triggers. eg, all A/V + Lighting off on alarm set with mocupancy enabled when leaving. And lights coming on if night time with a bit of AV coming on when disarmed and back home.
  3. Just had a client phone asking if there was any way to have alpha numeric keys on the interface, as he uses the search functionality a lot and so uses the digits on the interface to input text. Do I just simply say no? Ideally I would sell him a sr260 but I have no zigbee up there so it starts getting pricey for such a simple thing.
  4. Texecom is great but I'm still unsure on the status or reliability of the new driver which uses the latest alarm GUI? Last I heard it was pretty unstable, but the old driver + GUI will work fine. Would be nice if i was wrong though and its been updated to work reliably on the new interface and driver.
  5. Nope. I've installed this driver on a LOT of different jobs since it's come out... and aside from a issue with a firmware update by Sky (which was fixed prompto) i've had no problems at all. Judging from your certainty of it being the Sky driver, presumably all works flawlessly if the driver is removed? What processor is running director?
  6. Thanks for your response Alan, turns out I wasn't getting the email notifications through, but driver central had responded (very quickly)
  7. It was 5 days ago now so I'm not too sure what to do other then send another email
  8. @alanchow I've got a licencing issue on one of my jobs. I think what's happened is the drivers updated to the one that uses driver central cloud key. I've tried re-registering it and installing the cloud driver etc but its just saying the key's used on another project. I've emailed in (Via driver centra, selected your driver) but had no response? Getting a bit twitchy now as it was the start of the week and the drivers running on a 7 day trial period atm.
  9. It's the same as Sonos IMO. It's getting more people into (and aware of) home automation (Even if in a round about way) which is only ultimately a good thing for the industry. I've countless customers who have branched out to a "real" AV install through buying a plug and go multi room audio bit of kit.
  10. So I've got a requirement of opening a gate (which is already controlled by C4) when the clients approach the house using geofencing. It's not something I've done before and there's no certified C4 drivers for doing so, so I was wondering what peoples experience with it was and which drivers are recommended. I had a discussion with my colleague who was worried about the gate / distance being a problem. But I intend to program a variable to that will reset each time the client leaves the geofence all together and returns later. (Rather than relying on a small geofence around the gate) And so it would only open automatically on entrance and not exit.
  11. When I first certified in Control4 I was fairly astonished to find the remotes didn't have IR built in, but at the same time very relieved! I've enough experience in AV and other control systems to know that relying on the end user to point one thing at another for any longer then 500 milliseconds is a bad idea. While you may not get any issues sending the odd command, start sending macros and eventually something will miss. As RyanE said, its simply not reliable. In terms of "Backup" 95% of systems we install have a HDMI matrix in place, we then have a IR receiver at each TV, and a bud on each source at the rack allowing direct control using the original remotes. This IR backbone is completely separate to C4.
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