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Everything posted by Time2Jet

  1. I use a Sonos wireless 5.1 system for one of my rooms. During my most recent device and OS upgrade, we lost my Sonos system and Music Apps (from EA-5) from my listen menu. I wasn’t home for this, so I didn’t realize it until a week later when I went to play Tidal through LISTEN. Can someone help me configure the proper way to reinstall the drivers and rebind the music apps so they’ll reappear as choices in my navigators? I’ve read everything I can get my hands on and cannot seem to figure this one out. I assume that I don’t need all of the Sonos devices added, since right now all I have on the system is a single room of Sonos bound together as 5.1 in the Sonos app. I’ve tried to look at an old backup to see how I had it setup prior, but don’t have one with the right date. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. As usual, you are spot on Mitch. Working wonderfully. Powered down device Deleted Roku Drivers in that Room Refreshed Added Back Drivers Powered up Device Identified via IP (it then populated that device into the drop down. I deleted the IP and selected the player. (This step was necessary?) Bound MiniApps Selected PassThrough Fixed. Solved. Done. Perfect. Thanks @msgreenf You’ve taught me a ton these past 6 months, but I think the best thing you’ve taught me is to start with the simple things. I have a tendency to want to go straight to gloom & doom. Today - I’m going to write programming for the bathroom motion sensors. This is timer programming 101 (C4’s training vid is precisely on this exact scenario). I’m going to post regarding how to properly set up and bind my Sonos. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Every other device and issue is solved with the exception of this particular Roku Ultra. Ethernet is running fine, wireless is really down to spotty internet. Otherwise rich. The Roku is set up IDENTICALLY to the other one in my system. I have not yet gone as far as removing and reinstalled the driver. Thanks guys. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I'm going to run an independent cable to that WAP tonight as well. That should tell the story I believe. I want it to be the reason, because I am out of ideas (other than fixing the Sonos).
  5. Well... during my one step at a time approach, I refocused to the hardware and setup. I am offering this information because I feel like I might be on to something. After much careful combing of settings, etc (including the original first recommendation to split out the SSID's) and persitence, I finally have 2 of the 4 WX-1 WAP's working. When I say working, I mean that the wireless signal in their general vicinity is strong and the Xfinity Speed Tests of the internet are registering over 300 mbps. The remaining 2 WAPs still aren't registering good wireless signal and if I can get to the internet, the speeds are ridiculously slow 2-15 mbps. So here's what I did to further diagnose. I made sure the WAP settings were all exactly the same. I physically exchanged the WAPs from a working to non working area (flip flopped) and to my surprise... the areas remained the same. The areas where one WAP was working, works just as well with a WAP that wasn't (isn't) working. This shocked me... meaning that it had to be one of two things (I think?), either the cabling is bad to the area that has given me problems... or the port on the PoE switch is bad. I will test the ports tonight by simply flip flopping the cables from a "non-working" to a "working" to see if I can eliminate the switch. I am assuming I can eliminate it. So here is the question that I have at this point at (until further testing tonight). Could a short/cross-talk/bad termination, etc. in the cables to 1 or 2 WAPs have caused utter mayhem on the entire network (both lan and wan)?
  6. Thanks so much! Why in the world would you think that's not the problem? Did you ever think that since you have two Sonos players un-accounted for possibly in the realm of WiFi, Mesh, Wired setup could be looping your network. Once again your assumptions are getting the better of you. Only meaning that the SSID changed and I never re-added the other 6. So what I'm looking at is a Playbar that's using WiFi (as denoted by WM:1) and directly pairing in the surrounds and subs (as denoted by WM:2). You said one Playbar is wired. Is this Master Bedroom the wired Playbar? If it is, it's not setup in wired mode. Please change your Sonos configuration from WiFi to wired. If done successfully, that Master Bedroom Playbar should be denoted as WM:0. Sorry, in a prior post, I indicated that NOTHING was connected via ethernet. There is an ethernet cable connected to the master playbar that is just tucked inside the equipment box, never connected. EDIT: Sorry just re-read and saw you have 6 (!) missing Sonos players on your network. Unplug power to all of those during troubleshooting. Only a playbar that you don't see is plugged in. I will unplug that. The other 5 speakers are unplugged and have been since the switch over several weeks ago. EDIT2: Re-read your old post, you're absolutely sure the Playbar isn't wired up correct? If so just unplug the ethernet wire from the Playbar and keep it in WiFi mode. Unplug power to the 6 missing Sonos players. Give everything time to settle down and observe if you have any major network issues going forward. I will unplug that ethernet cable at the master Playbar If I could interject some info here... This weekend I removed the main switch and used only the Modem>Router>PoE+ Switch>4 WAPs to test and although there was a slight improvement, it was negligible. (I rebooted each device in sequence). Which leads me to believe that there is a chance "loops" are not the issue... Now, this doesn't exclude wireless devices causing issues (Sonos for instance). But I do feel l like the power settings and the channels for the SSID's in the WAPs could be a potential issue. I will screenshot the inSSIDer screen tonight so you can see where the WAPs are channelwise and powerwise and how they are reading. I have a second SX-8P PoE+ switch new in the box. I might try to install that instead of the one on currently on the system. That could eliminate that as an issue. Leading me to believe it could be the modem, router, cabling or WAP's (once the PoE switch is eliminated as a potential). There are 2 WAPs that seem to be broadcasting very good signal and connect to the internet. I moved one of the "good" one's to the cable that has a "bad" one to no avail. What I didn't try, was moving one of the "bad" ones to the good one's cable and location. I have to try that tonight. I know this is a lot.
  7. Here is the system. There are only 4 devices currently on. Lost 6 in the SSID change. But right now, that’s not the problem. Have a look (the screenshots overlap) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. @lippavisual @Cartnj @eggzlot @msgreenf I'll will post that Sonos info when I get home tonight. All of this is seriously appreciated guys.
  9. Yes, they are. I assume they are actually all connected to 1 particular WAP and that one is the one that has the most issues actually.
  10. I turns out, that NOTHING is ethernet. Although there's a cable plugged into one of the Playbars, it's not connected to the balun to return to the switch. Regarding the network, over the weekend I disconnected my switch just to see if I could diagnose a loop. So the setup became modem>RK-1 Router>SX-8P PoE+ Switch>4 WX-1 WAPS and nothing changed. Still shows robust amount of wireless signal, but unless I am near 1 of 2 WAPs, I cannot go out to the internet. Another strange situation is that my Lutron Caseta system can not longer be controlled from C4, it works fine through the Caseta app. It's ip is reserved and correct, nothing changed... but when I scan the ip's it shows up as ipv6. When I test ivp6 on the system it fails. Might have nothing to do with it, but just an observation. Regarding the network, I'm down to thinking the router or the PoE switch may be bad. I need to swap a few ports for the WAPs that work versus don't to see if that shows any change.
  11. I’m sure glad you all couldn’t hear my 10 minute expletive rage. I rushed home excited to try this and unbeknownst to me, only one Playbar is Ethernet. The other is wireless, like the Sonos Ones on the system. And that Playbar apparently fell off of the system when I split out and renamed the SSIDs. I’m struggling to get it to recognize to add it back. I was somehow able to with the Ones. Saga continues. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Thank you. I will try this when I get home this evening. The more I've read about Sonos wreaking network havoc, the more I am convinced that this is a very potential factor, and it it isn't "the" issue, it will become one.
  13. I’ve gotten no resolve yet. So I’ll be watching the thread too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Yes. I think I need to remove and add back the driver. I feel like this is an issue with the IP changing. The addresses in the dhcp table were entered wrong when they transferred to the new router. MAC was entered for wireless, not Ethernet. I just saw that it grabbed a new ip. So I corrected the res table. Seems like if I can’t get it by selecting another and reselecting the correct. I’m going to have to start clean. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. That wasn’t it. Funny thing is that if I choose the Netflix mini through the Roku Channels drill down, then it controls. Won’t control if I just choose the mini app direct from “WATCH”. Launches either way. Just no control direct. Do have control through Composer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Thanks Mitch. I’ll try that. Do I do a refresh in between? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Mitch is awesome. Simply. Isn’t he about the most patient, tenacious & passionate guy? Every thing he’s done for me has been far more than I expected. If he knows something, you’ll not find a better programmer or advisor. If he feels sketchy about something, he knows exactly where to go with it. Like others here he’ll never steer you wrong. Just another reason why this forum is so awesome. Thank you to Mitch and all of the pro and end user contributions. We’re all better off for being here. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Hi all. I have 2 identical Roku’s in my project. Both are setup identically. They both launch the apps, but one has no control. I’m thinking about uninstalling the driver and reinstalling for that room. Any thoughts short of that. Funny thing... the MAC was somehow reserved wrong, but it worked fine for 2 weeks. I did fix tonight fix the MAC for it. I probably have to delete and re-add? Was trying to avoid it, but seems like the answer. Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Thanks @lippavisual 2 playbars are ethernet with optical for. One room also has a sub and surrounds (wireless). Thanks for the encouragement. I’d about given up on the equipment. I’m getting someone in here to get this right. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Sweet upgrades. Everything looks fabulous. Great automations. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. I hear that @eggzlot I continue to try to figure this out. Last piece from me before Pakedge jumps in. What DNS should be set on the WAPs since they’re now all DHCP (reserved). I can add several. I don’t have the isp or routers set as dns, just google primary Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Consistent throughout the house. Webpages loaded fast for about an hour. Can barely load a page now. Sonos breaking up, Alexa dropping etc. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Haha, spoke too effing soon. Once again, the network degrades after an hour or two. Makes a loop sound pretty likely. So, I just got my Sonos back on the new SSID and I guess I have to add back in all of my TP-Link bulbs “one at a time”, but the Sonos is completely horrid. In and out. Do these Sonos macs get reserves? Never had them reserved before, but it would make sense to let them have their own parking space saved. I guess I’m just thinking that might help like it seemed to for other devices. Since all of the IPs have changed since re-adding. I have to fix them in C4, don’t want to go through this again. So I should do a reservation for all of these Sonos devices? All of the bulbs are reserved... thank you baby jesus. I assume once I rediscover in the Kasa App they’ll find their ip in the res table? Seems like a pain to have to rediscover I. The app just because I changed routers. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. @Matt Lowe Thanks Matt - You’re likely right. I’m convinced it’s a loop. Thank this community, everyone has been so helpful. I’m so appreciative. I was seriously at about a 10 stress level, even this morning. I’m at about a 4 now. But are you saying to lan the SX and the S24 each independent from the router? If so, I read the previous posts and a PM wrong. I have the SX lanned our of the main (S24) switch. I also have the NK lanned out of the main switch. Only thing I have out of the router is the main switch. I feel like that’s inefficient. Seems like the SX and NK should be lanned out of the router or even the NK out of the SX since all of the WAPs are connected to the SX. I want to get that right and start looking for loops with the method you’ve suggested. I am so afraid to unplug anything right now (see next). On a side note, with every little thing I’ve done this weekend, it’s improved. I can go out to the internet from every part of the house and the Ethernet seems much more stable. I seriously have combed every setting on every appliance in this network. And for those that know Pakedge, that’s a ton of settings. A lot are redundant. Also splitting out the 2.4/5 SSID’s made a difference. What about all of the Pakedge stuff? Static/DHCP? Reservations? It seems like since I did reservations for the WAPs things improved drastically. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. I can login to each WAP, but the NK-1 just hangs when I try to manage the WAPs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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