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C4 app not streaming cameras

E Price

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I hardly ever can see my cameras streaming on my c4 app (using Android). When they do become visible its after many many minutes of spinning/loading. But hardly ever do they show up at all. My dealer says its an android thing ( I have the youngest version of Android Samsung) but everyone else related to C4 disagrees and tells me it's a programming issue. Does anybody else have this issue that uses an Android operating system? This is not the only issue that I have with the app it's one of many but I'm trying to get to the bottom of this very specific issue. Basically my dealer has me using several third party apps to see my cameras or do other things that I thought my C4 app should do. Is this normal?

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Yes OS3 and tbh im not sure what my cameras are but the component in my equipment room for the cameras is LTS. 

My dealer told me that c4 isnt really for managing cameras, (????)...only streaming...well not only are they not streaming but why is there a history option on the app in my cameras if I xant go back and look at even a short history on my app????  I think ive been duped really bad. 

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TBH, I'm very limited on my c4 stuff as far as knowledge and understanding - I have been told so many different things but when I go to my app and pull up System Info there is a line for Director Version - is that what my version  is? And is it something that is secure or ok to post here? 

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47 minutes ago, E Price said:

TBH, I'm very limited on my c4 stuff as far as knowledge and understanding - I have been told so many different things but when I go to my app and pull up System Info there is a line for Director Version - is that what my version  is? And is it something that is secure or ok to post here? 

Yes. Director version

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if its anything its a setup issue. either the cameras are not configured correctly(almost always is this). C4 has very specific camera streaming needs. It is getting better but if you are on older hardware and software it is picky. Have your dealer look at the knowledge base or tech support and get the relevant settings. 

if everything is setup correctly it could just be compatibility with that particular camera or brand. I have several brands of cameras and most of the time they all work great. Occasionally one of my arcam cameras will just take forever to load or not load at all. usually selecting another camera or another stream on that camera will cause it to start displaying correctly. I use the blue iris driver to stream this camera so there may be an issue with the translation.

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There is a bug in C4 IOS app that send “Basic” Authentication while is should send “Digest”, as I said in IOS, should be fixed soon, no one will ever be able to help without full data, OS version, Cams make and model, anything else is shooting in the dark

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