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Everything posted by ekohn00

  1. I think for the home user, MIMO fixed the latency issues and makes wireless MOIP reliable. It's the commercial deliver that is problematic. When you go from a couple dozen devices is a home (very high end) streaming to 100's on AP, even the best implementation of MIMO has some sort of delay (latency) distributing the data.
  2. Sometimes the easiest connection can be overlooked. Yes, the easiest way from Core to Amp is probably this...if the USB ports are available and nearby.
  3. First a note on what the Roon Driver in Control 4 really does..... when pressed, it selects the source connections/path then goes to a menu that allows you to select the music you want to play (similar to my music). Once you select Roon and start listening, you can make music changes either through control4 or roon. (i use roon on my phone). Is the storm Roon Ready or Roon Tested? If it's Ready, you can stream Roon from the Core to the Storm, not using C4 connections. you have a number of ways based on what you said to connect with C4: Option 1: "control4 wired solution" As I stated above, the "control4 wired solution" : The EA5 has a limited number of Audio Inputs. From your roon Core to the EA5 you only get one or two streams and it also depending on your core outputs.The EA5 would take the stream and send to one or more EA1s. From the EA1 you can then use the HDMI to get to your sources. (god forbid they had RCA connectors for audio) Option 2: "control4 wired airplay" Control4 using Roon with Airplay is also possible. Using Airplay on every EA, you can have Roon Stream to each EA via Airplay then From the EA1 you can then use the HDMI to get to your sources. Option 3: "control4 to wired DAC" This is my personal choice for best sound, and what I'd use for the Storm... use DAC you can stream too (ie bluesound, PI w/DAC hat, PI to external DAC). Use the same ethernet network to connect ROON to DAC. This works with and without Control4. Or just ethernet to your roon ready device. Option 4 "Control4 to wireless DAC) airplay to the DAC to the device. You can mix and match the above options. So lets say you want the best sound form the storm, use option 3. But then you can use option 1 for the other rooms. (I do this at home, have a couple of PI/DACs connected to my control4 matrix amp for whole home audio, then use a PI and DAC direct to Audio Equipment. All the choices can be controlled by C4, or once connected Roon can be used to select music and control volume. Just a note, I thought the worst sound was going into an EA5 to another EA, and of course Airplay. But when playing/test Roon I did start off with Airplay and slowly migrated to a hybrid soltion (option 3 & 1)
  4. The problem with technical papers is focusing on the basics. The average home user (not including gamers/streamers) will probably see no immediate gains using wifi 7. There is definitely no reason at all, in any way to thing you should wait for wifi 7 because a remote will work better. 7 doesn't actually focus on IoT, but focuses on bringing higher speeds and lower latency to all devices. Ironically the IoT devices are the last to upgrade to newer used frequencies (ie still on 2.4 and not 5 or 6Ghz). Now for us with house holds with a number of gamers and streaming devices (pelotons, apple tvs), that have suffered under minimal number of APs, 7 should relieve that (but it will be number of years for the devices to also support 7).
  5. that's like changing out internet to x.25 because we want a better connection...
  6. You could add a DAC hat to a PI. This allows streaming music to play direct from the PI/DAC to the matrix. You need an OS on the PI that supports Airplay. Check out hifiberry.com - they make a bunch of audio hats for the PI. HIFIBerryOS supports Airplay as well as DLNA, Spotify Connect, bluetooth and a few others.
  7. Roon is pretty awesome, I just moved from Plex to Roon for the home. The software is awesome. I just figured a roon install and here's what I can tell - the EA5 & EA1 will cannot be used as a roon core (server). I use a mac mini, if you check the roon website, you can download core for windows or mac os. There is also a version called ROCK, where you can use a NUC as a dedicated Core. There are a number of ways ROON core will stream to an EA-1/EA-5. By default it will pick up the airplay, if enabled. you could also connect to the AUDIO IN on the EA5 from the Core and let C4 stream from there. You didn't mention the end points - but based on them you would choose the best way to get there from the core. I found that using a PI with a DAC going into an AMP for each stream, provided the best sound. I have 2x PIs w/DAC hats going into my Control4 Matrix Amp. A note on control: From Control4 you can select the music - very easy to use interface (Roon c4 drivers now work for any core). Once you select Roon in C4 you can also use ANY device (pc or iPhone) running roon to change and select music going forward. I keep my office connected to Roon and control music from Roon on my PC during the day.
  8. Depends on the entirety of what you're doing. Apple TV's don't have audio out. And they're not a fun thing to use headless in a rack to just provide airplay. At the same time, if all you want to do is add airplay to an area that you also have an ATV, then it's almost a no brainer.
  9. I personally would upgrade based on performance alone, but you could just add an airplay device. For other audio based reasons, I've been playing with Raspberry PIs. You could easily add a Raspberry Pi and load hifiberry, dietpi or RoPieee all good options for simple Pi config for audio, and all provide Airplay.
  10. So just in case anyone in the future stumbles upon this post, here's how we use Room and whole home distro with C4...... We're using a MacMini as the Roon Core (server) Whole home audio is supplied by control4 matrix amps. For every individual stream of music, I used a Pi with WifiBerry OS and a WifiBerry DAC. The DACs are connected via ethernet to the same network as the Roon Core. The RCAs on the DACs connect to an input channel on the Control4 Matrix Amp. Music selection is simple. From Control4, select the room -> audio -> roon. Once the room is playing, music choices can come from either C4 or any Roon controller (a pc, phone, iPad running Roon).
  11. At the pool house, I'm trying to control the ATV (Screen only), but keep Roon Playing. The basic setup: We have a 4 Zone Matrix AMP. A Roon DAC plugs into input 3. We have the Apple TV using a HDMI switch so we can plug analog into port 2 of the Matrix Amp. Room Video is a TV. Here's what we'd like to do: When selecting ROON for music, that works perfectly. What we want is to turn on the TV so I can select the AppleTV Roon. However as soon as you select watch -> tv, we loose the Roon connection. Any way we can get this set up? I figure there's probably a room driver or something we could use. thanks.
  12. Version 322.25.0.1627 on iPhone and Mac Studio - both not working director version 322 Version 322.19.05 on T3 Not working
  13. I bought this: https://www.amazon.com/Monoprice-Blackbird-Audio-Extractor-18Gbps/dp/B076CK9D5Y/ref=sr_1_3?crid=140NM215I79KG&keywords=Monoprice+Blackbird+4K+HDMI+Audio+Extractor&qid=1657642758&s=electronics&sprefix=monoprice+blackbird+4k+hdmi+audio+extractor%2Celectronics%2C34&sr=1-3 I then pipe it to the C4 Matrix Amp and out the 3 zones covering the backyard. I also have an controller outside, so it pipes any music requirement for the outside zone. Hope that helps.
  14. I use an AppleTV and take the audio off the HDMI connector. When using the "landscape" speakers we have to turn off the volume on the TV as there is a slight echo. Thankfully we have speakers next to the TV.
  15. Just checked the C$ app, unfortunately Coffee house won't play, even though it playing on my phone app. This is odd. Hopefully we get an upgrade that fixes it and adds the streaming only channels (one can wish).
  16. Check the channels.....i just checked the app, and coffee house isshowing as Channel 6....not sure but thought it was originally a different channel. note, check on phone, not C4.
  17. @Gary Leeds UKany chance you have it working through a C4 Amp and whole home audio. From what we can see, ROON relies on airplay to distribute audio. The core driver didn't even have connections in the c4 app... very cool app, but I'm loosing confidence vs the simplicity of plex thanks.
  18. Who know, right now there's a lot of frustration. We would have expected the Roon Core driver to have Audio Out Connection we can link to the Matrix Switch then the same with the Zone driver. Not much information, or help from Roon. The app is interface is probably one of the best, and search C4 interface is nice, and has search (unlike plex) But with all the difficulties and lack of remote access, I'm leaning towards staying with Plex.
  19. that used to be the case. however they now moved drivers to open source and have stated that any device can be a core.
  20. Hi Folk, we're playing around, but it seem to be a bit confusing on how to set up roon. We physically have a Mac Mini running as a Roon Core. The mini is connected to an INPUT on the 8 Matrix Amp. What we can't figure out is how to define the endpoints. It doesn't seem like the Core Driver has any connections, and at the same time we don't see connections from the Zone that could work with an existing output not he 8 Matrix. thanks for any tips.....
  21. I just started playing with these. Unfortunately right at the top it notes Roon will no longer be developing -> "Note that Roon Labs has no current plans to do additional development work on this driver. We're able to answer specific questions about the driver design or RoonAPI, and could merge pull requests, but that is about the limit." I guess they went to open-source so someone (hopefully one of the dealers) will take responsibility of future developments.
  22. Sadly I just noticed that live albums are not showing. Im using Plex as my media server. Plex matches some albums as “live albums”. These don’t come through C4. The regular albums do without a problem. I can probably go unmatch these albums, but before I spend countless time resorting the library I thought I’d ask if anyone ran into this?
  23. I had just played with root a couple of weeks ago to replace plex for music and decided not to solely based on having to use their appliance. This is a game changer! The only obstacle i have now...anyone know a good app that also does CarPlay, that would remotely access my Roon library? Seems remote access might be the only missing part with Roon for me. That said, plex with plexamp for remote use seems to be an ideal solution, integrates with C4 (though no search function) and has remote use and carplay. I tried Tonky, but the remote use is lacking. The only problem with Plex is library management. For most albums, it's not a problem - but i also have a large collection of live music which is difficult to tag and manage. Roon seemed to do a good job there.....
  24. any config files using when they should use the static? home hub been updated? otherwise i'd guess a network problem. but that's just a pre-coffee guess.
  25. Hopefully Josh responds with the right answers.... I've only had problems when a device is not supported. that said, if it's native to home i ignore it. My ecobees always show up and then i ignore them. that said, if you have a lot of devices don't delete the extra bridges that show up...found that out the hard way. I've had this error before, not sure of the right way to clear it...... sorry. I might have just redone the install if it was bad. Now the IP is a good one! I assume you're using all static for the home hub server?
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