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Everything posted by c4toys

  1. will work yes. could use a macro and have button or alexa trigger the macro. keeps programming in one place and also helps later for troubleshooting, driver issues, etc
  2. there is a Sense driver which monitors energy. I was just looking at this myself. https://drivercentral.io/platforms/control4-drivers/utility/sense/
  3. what light driver are you using? if using the security light driver, it has a builtin timer.
  4. there was a post where someone was making a driver to do this. the video was of an appletv being selected in multiple rooms. the driver picked the unused player for each new instance started. dont remember who posted it, was here or FB group
  5. I recently started messing around with push a few weeks ago and it seems that if you change the push agent content ( add variable, add snapshot). I have had to delete my programming and re-add to programming for the updated content to show up
  6. I agree, current have zero ir in my system. On your serial problem. Im a touch it (see for myself) guy. have you toned this cable to make sure it is the correct wire? I run service all the time, hate chasing my tail, tone 1st, continuity test pairs, connect you adapter and test end to end (grnd,ring,tip) If thats good, change the null modem setting in composer.
  7. thats not me, not an apple fan at all! I have a 1-2 appletv ip control out there, usually use jesse's ir driver, tho the halo remote will change that in the coming months.
  8. c4toys


    many hdmi extended have eArc (not cheap ones) but why not just get audio from the source?
  9. Just trying to help this thread. I dont come here to argue, just passing info along that Ive found useful over the years. I haven't paired signal cables together in 20yrs. with IR, pairing the cable which the signal follows both cables, then when signal come back together at the other end, its 2 signals. Ive certainly had issues with this using IR and like I stated I quit pairing cables 20 yrs ago.
  10. I could be wrong and cant speak for rs232 specific, pairing the cable like above is an issue with IR emitters. I would pair up my power and ground normally but leave single wire for data (IR). Im thinking rs232 could be the same.. disconnect the pairs, 1 wire per connection edit: Im sure ground would not matter but Rx/Tx i would separate them
  11. are you connecting serial 3 in the connections page? Have you tried switching the null modem setting in compose for that serial connection?
  12. you can ifttt hue scenes from c4. Ive found it simpler to activate that scene in hue and set ALS to the same color and brightness. no it doesnt rotate the scene but is much simpler.
  13. universal adapter driver is c4 version of the input/output switcher we'e been using for years. I havent used it (use the same ive been using) but it should take his 2 inputs to 1 out.. should work just fine, he has to put in the effert to test
  14. By chance do you have more then one binding to the room display? ie eArc, optical, analog
  15. universal adapter driver, Its basicly an input output switcher for this scenerio
  16. To the average residential customer? customer couldnt even tell you what firmware was. iPhone brought weekly/monthly updates. That transferred to TV's, BD and everything with an app. And now the 1st line of troubleshooting is "is everything up to date?"
  17. We live in an update/upgrade world. Most system are not changing to newest updates, most customers have stable working systems and that is all they need. You like to have some control of your system, upgrade to the newest. That come with some headaches. I blame Apple for the course of ship it and maybe fix it later mentality. iPhone is where it all began
  18. this setting is competely diff. It lets the audio/video pass to the TV(not to the stereo speakers). The rec function stops but AV is passed while off.. His issues is the receivers not turning off and didnt mention TV staying on
  19. that seems odd. half menu updated? and the comfort temp is a plus
  20. Ive seen this same setup and same issue posted but nobody ever post there actual solution. I use Avpro matrix and AC avr, havent seen those issue. I have a few customers with that receiver but no matrix in the system. Im curious as to weather the 2x1 splitter trick works in this situation. I think a audio extractor will give similiar results as 2x1
  21. Thats fine for the Fios box being most likely only 1080p but the Shield? What other tv's are on the matrix? Do you have a mix of 1080p/4K displays?
  22. what is the source device(s)? what do you have video setting of that device set to? Are your cable HDCP 2.0 or higher and longer then 2m (some manufactors recommend this)?
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