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Posts posted by eggzlot

  1. Can 70v speakers, such as these (https://www.amazon.com/Cube-Rockville-White-Commercial-Speakers/dp/B07VTLWGQZ/ref=asc_df_B07VTLWGQZ/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693308325754&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13885429036293994691&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9003655&hvtargid=pla-841750942011&mcid=fa87094cf9333c98891e25254a8a8ef2&gad_source=1&th=1) work with the C4 amps (I have the amp prior to the release of the Triad branded amps)

    I need a pair or cheap, small, white, cube wall mounted speakers.  I see a ton in black for home theaters, but none in white unless they are 70v for commercial applications, or they are like JBL/Bose and $200+ per pair (which if I have to go that route ok, but this is for a hall bathroom)

  2. 8 hours ago, zaphod said:

    This device is NOT linked with Control4 or the github driver.  That is just an example of how it could be done if someone wanted to write a driver to do so. 

    But the benefit of doing that is pretty small.  Why not just use the Thermoworks app to send a notification to your phone when a temperature level is hit.  Do you want to spend a few hundred dollars on a driver for the benefit of having it integrated into Control4?

    Audio announcement or a note to pop up on the TV would be nice.  Unlike others especially if I’m hosting I may not hear an app but music is always on so I’d hear a break.  

  3. 5 hours ago, TRUN said:

    Seems abit silly that you have to be and established company to get training when most people want to use the training to become more established.

    Can anyone recommend any other home automation/installation/electrical courses in the UK that has helped them in this sort of thing?

    They don’t want to dilute their brand with having inexperienced companies selling their product.  They realize people may have to learn the platform but they want them to know the business and have a solid business.

    i am in the US so can’t really help with other brands in the UK.  I think you could probably look at Lutron or maybe Elan or RTI which may have easier requirements (Lutron not being a full blown automation system)

  4. 1 minute ago, TRUN said:



    I am new to the forum and this is my first post.


    I have been searching for a practical hands on Control 4 training course in the UK. Where I can learn about the products available and also Installation and programming. I have been an AV engineer for over 10 years working on tempary and permanent installs. Now I want to push my own business and start to do more of my own work and would like to familiarise myself with Control 4.


    Could someone point me in the right direction of where the courses are available.





    C4 is a dealer model - so any official training is blocked behind password protected websites.  There is software end users can use called Composer home edition and a simple google search will show you some manuals.  But that is basically scratching the surface and again doesn’t include all the things locked to end users that only dealers can do with the system.

  5. 2 hours ago, JEC said:

    Hi Gary - I have a Lenovo M8 Tabs (TB-8506FS).  I can get the intercom working but it requires me to go portait with a lower DPI.  Sounds like you have had better luck "out of the box".  


    Are you able to make/receive intercome calls with the Control4 app and the tab natively?  Or was there any additional configurations?




  6. 1 hour ago, cnicholson said:

    Certainly not for everyone.  I get that.  But if you take the population that is spending six figures on home automation / home theater / computer control of their nightlights, you’re going to find a lot more Vision Pro users in there than in the general population.  Not here to evalgelize— but, as an aside, you might want to get a demo— you might be surprised.  A couple of guys from my C4 dealer team were here a few weeks ago and I gave them demos.  One was “meh” but the other guy was like profoundly impressed.  Anyway, the point of the post is to gently prod/beg C4 to please undo their opt-out so we can use the existing app.  All the while knowing that this is a niche thing.

    oh I have friends who raved about the demo.  I am sure it has its place in life.  For my job (sales/sales management), its not going to make my phone calls any more interesting and not sure if my CRM would work on it or the benefit of having my CRM in "virtual" display in front of me.  And I am not a huge TV guy, I'll watch a ball game but rarely TV series, etc.  I am sure there is a market for it.  I mean when the iPod came out I was excited because I love music, so I immediately saw the use case (ok maybe it was some portable mp3 player like the Rio before the iPod) and I always had one by my side.  with a VR headset, I just don't see it as much other than a "cool" factor but not a "practical" factor for me.  And if something is just cool, I'll never buy Gen 1....

  7. 13 minutes ago, cnicholson said:

    Ha!  I hear you.  But the Vision Pro is not really about gaming or doing a discrete VR experience.  It is geared toward extended use as your work/productivity environment.  You have a browser window, a spreadsheets, messages window, mail window, Word, one showing your actually laptop’s screen, etc. all open at once.  Anything you can do on your phone, iPad or computer, you can do inside Vision Pro.  You guessed it, I’m using it right now to type this.  

    Anyway, in that context, you can hopefully appreciate the desire to use all the app you are used to using— including C4.  Absence of C4 app is honestly one of the significant gaps for me.  And, just to reiterate, Vision Pro runs ALL iPhone and iPad apps by default (in additional to native apps, of course).  If developers don’t opt-out, that is.  C4 has opted out— for legitimate testing purposes to ensure good experience.

    I do have some voice controls set-up, but I still use the C4 app for some stuff.

    that's fair but then again I am a luddite so i don't see myself wearing a mask all day for work.  My 32'' computer screen can show me 2-3 windows/applications at a time.  by the time I need to wear a  mask all day for work I'll assume automation is at the point that I won't have to interact with it at all.  Call that "Eggzlot's Law"

  8. call me a luddite (I still have a few 1080p tvs in my house) - why would you put on a VR headset to turn a light off in the kitchen or something?

    I could see the VR stuff for gaming, learning, movies, etc..

    I mean I guess if the headset is on and you want to make some changes in the house but I guess most/some have Alexa/Josh/Google home or some voice thing you can just shout across the room?

  9. Long shot but figured I'd ask here.  I work for a staffing company, and our client is looking to hire resources who have experience drafting with Revit (other programs are fine as long as they have some decent Revit experience) and also hold a current RCDD.  Client is open to people with any types of industry experience, though this is commercial work, if they come from luxury residential and want to go commercial that is fine.  Salary varies by years of experience and location as they are open to Tampa, Dallas and Chicago as possible locations for the hire.

    If interested or know someone interested, PM me or reply to this thread.  

  10. 7 hours ago, Andrew luecke said:

    This shouldn't affect anything. We don't update the initial state until it is confirmed actually, so a flood state should only be received if there is a flood.


    It could be worth checking the flood sensor firmware is up to date too. I do recall seeing this issue with some old firmware though

    Otherwise, can you please lodge a support ticket: https://chowmain.software/for-integrators/technical-support


    For Tuya - they aren’t false notices.  When my controller reboots I just get a message with their current state.  But still wakes me up regardless.  

  11. 1 hour ago, BY96 said:

    I have noticed that whenever I do a reboot of the Core3 (main controller) in my system, after it  comes back online, Control4 sends random push notifications that I have programmed. For example, I have push notifications for when Shelly water sensors detect water. Any time I reboot, I end up getting several false water detection notifications, sometimes even 2 hours later. I check in the Shelly app, and there has not been any water detected, so again, the notifications are clearly false. And I don't get false notifications otherwise, only after a reboot. 

    Any ideas why this is happening? It isn't a big deal, as I can ignore the notifications, but it is strange. 

    i have the same issue with the now discontinued Tuya agent with my Tuya water sensors.  Sure its no big deal, except when my controller reboots overnight and I get urgent notices, that bypass my silence notification, saying I have a water leak, when I dont.

    I was told they are not developing any more for the Tuya agent/driver as it is not for sale anymore, so I am SOL and get woken up 1-3x a year.

  12. 3 hours ago, RAV said:

    I find framing on an object better than using the whole room.

    The tub, sink, stove, artwork, fireplace, bed, couch, front door etc.

    this - as a very part time / hobby photographer I found taking a photo of a key element in the room better.  For instance, we got some fancy "hand painted" dish on a vacation in Morocco and we use it on our kitchen island.  I tossed some oranges/lemons/limes in the bowl and took a photo, done....For the master bathroom I put the purple LED lights on in the shower (its a steam shower and has colored lights) and took a photo of the shower stall with the door closed right after a steam so the glass is frosted, the lights on are behind with a cool glow, etc.  For the garage you could even use a stock photo of your car(s) or something.  In the gym I took a photo of two dumbbells laying on the floor, etc.  Another idea, if you have a pet, take a photo of them on a couch or in a bed for a specific room, etc.

    Taking a photo of the room is just going to look like junk or a really bad real estate listing.

  13. 23 hours ago, Shoe said:

    This is not my account and I cannot vouch for them etc etc.


    95% sure I purchased that item and it worked

    I had some older kwikset locks I purchased thru C4 and they had red cards, but they were also on a very old firmware and couldn't be updated anymore.  The yellow one allowed for me to go from like 1.x to 3.x or something, its been 18 months so I forget all the small details but later today I can try to go back and look in the lock itself and/or emails between me and my integrator.

  14. 1 hour ago, BDavisNJ said:

    @lippavisual if you install temp sensors and remove the thermostats, how do you offer local control (absent a T4)?

    I am not lipp but I have the set up he mentioned with remote TStats

    The walls look nicer (remote t stats are painted over) and for the most part with schedules there is not much of a need to interact with the tstats.  once in a blue moon if we have to, we can pull up a phone or a touchscreen.

  15. 25 minutes ago, Tom4809 said:

    I don't diagree that stuff breaks. Do you still support the old equipment, or do i have to spend $20,000+- to update my system. That is my problem!

    I’ve had c4 for 11 years.  Only upgraded controllers and touchscreens for the new UI which was a personal choice and again I was 8-9 years in when I made that upgrade so can’t complain about support and longevity.  

    knock on wood still have original Amps, matrix, sr250 remotes, tons of lighting kit, etc.  

    depending on your system 20k may be extreme or if it’s all 1.7 embernet stuff then yeah you got your use out of it!   Don’t service a 15 year old car with 200k miles or get a new car?

  16. 1 hour ago, ChzBurger said:

    Every $ spent is a vote. I have a Ring doorbell and don't want to keep on adding more $ to my RMR spend. Should I get a Chime with C4 lock in? Or should I get a high-end Ubiquiti or low-end Reolink?

    do you want integration or do you want a stand alone video/intercom system?

    I mean this is far flung - but now that C4 is going to have a paid support line, maybe they will open up more settings for end users - end users mess things up, they call up C4, they mess up more, pay for the bigger support packages, more money for C4

    I dunno, its a pipe dream but one of the reasons in the past people said they wouldn't open it up more was lack of support and what if your system crashed due to your doing and its 8pm on a Friday.  well now, you can call C4 support.  Dont have C4 support, pay for it, then call up....

  17. 47 minutes ago, Cyknight said:

    I'd try the speaker output swap then (could even swap left right if it's clearly in one not the other, but different zone is best) - if groundloop lessens but doesn't eliminate, chances are it's a bad speaker or a speakerline picking up interference.

    ill play around later - im guessing its not a bad speaker as both speakers are having the same issue, so maybe picking up some interference somewhere.  I have an open channel on another c4 amp so I am going to move the zone there for now and see what happens.  if i still get the white noise I guess its new interference but thats odd because in 10 years no much (if anything) as changed and never had interference in this area before

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