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Everything posted by jfh

  1. Don’t have my Unify gear yet, but Fingbox does seem to be pretty good at this. It would be nice to see Fing API/drivers but it seems like this Annex4 driver may be the way to go for now. I plan to automate emails/announcements/recovery when key wired devices are off the network. Timing probably isn’t as critical as wireless devices but hope it’s reasonably consistent. Very much looking forward to this driver. I rely on some wonky code involving the Ping driver to handle some Yamaha AVR network disconnects and logically this will provide a much better mechanism.
  2. The first function I want is when a particular MAC connects/disconnects from the network, as real time as possible. Will/do you have such an event? (Poor man’s geofencing using “is the phone connected?”
  3. As a user I could care less. I have dozens of drivers and have no idea who is a “documented Control4 partner” and have never seen such a list. As was pointed out earlier it’s not like the ES driver is the first to have a problem after an OS change and is not the first to provide function that requires being outside the API box. Maybe the whole “Wild West” conversation belongs in its own thread rather than hijacking this one.
  4. 1) Yes it does, at least for me. I’m running fine on 1.8/3.1.0/EA5. I can no longer discover devices through my Gen1 Echo, but doing so with a Gen3 Dot works fine as of two days ago. Can’t help with your second point.
  5. Agree 100%. I understand the issues dealers might face but don’t have a lot of sympathy for the lack of disclosure argument given how little information C4 itself discloses (at least to end users). Your “Wild West” point is key though and pretty much applies to any third party driver (hello Extra Vegtables, HouseLogix and others). As an end user (and certainly as a dealer) you have to weigh the risks of “how long will the driver work?” against “I really want this function”. I’ve had C4 almost 7 years now and seen enough to know this conflict isn’t going away anytime soon. If I couldn’t have the function provided by many of the Chowmain drivers and those from other 3rd parties, I’d have a C4 system that was little more than a glorified remote control. C4 either needs to step up and take ownership or make it a lot easier for 3rd parties to provide function through open APIs.
  6. Look at some of the changes in os 3.1.1... Don’t want to get too far off topic, but what was done in 3.1.1 (besides the default password/access stuff) that’s akin to this?
  7. C4 should spend their time fixing their driver so it matches the available functions of the ES driver, thereby making the ES driver unnecessary. If I have to choose between losing superior voice control over a new OS release, the OS probably loses, assuming no other blockbuster function that requires consideration. C4 has provided bare bones Alexa support, just enough so they can market it as a feature. They should be improving it and expanding it as more and more people move toward voice commands are a primary automation interface.
  8. Two comments; 1) 1.8 works fine on EA-5 on 3.1.0 and I understand it will be fine on 3.1.1 as well 2) I’m not sure I’d call analysis that refers to a driver as a “dumpster fire” professional. There are certainly more ways to make the point in a professional way. While as a programmer I agree it’s generally not advised to make system changes outside the API, you have to consider the benefits over the risks. I certainly agree with the unspoken point that the driver modification of the config file should have been noted previously. (However as long as ES is actively supporting the driver, I don’t see it as a big concern). If you are happy with C4s VS driver (which was released well after the ES one), it’s relative slowness and remarkable lack of flexibility, then by all means drop the ES driver. My voice automation relies heavily on being able to use the SET command event (ES supports; C4 does not) to support use of natural sounding phrase triggers from Alexa routines. That and VS inability to differentiate device and room names makes using VS messy at best (and/or forcing you to use ridiculous device names). And I don’t think VS supports UP/DOWN either.
  9. My p Yeah, I had seen a post that said EdgeRouter and C4 didn’t play well together so I switched to dream machine. I waffled between DM and DM-Pro and went with DM because I don’t see myself using the NVR (and I could get the DM faster). My main switch is Araknis and didn’t see a good reason to change now, though the monitoring would be nice. I ordered; Dream Machine UniFi FlexHD Wave 2 WiFi AP Unifi nanoHD Wave 2 WiFi AP (might not use and get one of the outlet mounted APs instead as I have a perfect spot upstairs for it)
  10. Does this support dream machine or dream machine pro?
  11. Would I need the Cloud key with one of the UDM boxes?
  12. I’m looking to move away from ASUS and Netgear on my network (mostly not having a combined router and wireless device). I was looking into an AmpliFi HD either ad a router/WiFi or a wired AP but then started looking into Ubiquiti, which would also let me use the Cinegration driver for some desired function. I’m not a networking noob but don’t quite understand what exactly I need. Here’s what I’m thinking; UniFi cloud key v2 (Think I need this to manage the network or a dedicated PC or rPi) 2x UniFi AP AC Pro (one upstairs, one downstairs) EdgeRouter4 or UniFi Security gateway (not sure why to pick one over the other) Any help/guidance advice welcome and appreciated, especially on what to use for a router.
  13. Static IP in Composer as opposed to a reserved IP from the router? How often are most third party drivers trying to check? I shouldn't have any checking at 1pm. Any idea what log I can look at to see if this might be happening? Having C4 effectively stopped dead when there is an internet blip is unacceptable...
  14. There was a big outage with Comcast (and maybe others) internet and/or DNS in the last hour. At least where I am, things seem to be back to normal. However I noticed something alarming during the incidents- my OS 3.1.0 system stopped responding to anything while the internet was out. Tried rebooting the controller before I realized the internet was down and all of my T3s had trouble connecting. Local motion sensors, switches, TV, etc. did not respond though my LAN was up and I could connect to the controller. This seems to imply that OS3 requires an active internet connection to function? Is this true? I never had a similar issue on 2.x.
  15. The time variable would be great, thanks. The time really annoys my wife. I wouldn’t mind a price hike for the driver but I doubt that’s a popular stance. I’m guessing setting up an AWS account isn’t difficult - is it practical to update the driver to support that?
  16. Is there any further development planned on this driver? Would love some more voice options.
  17. Anyone know how to get a time that isn’t in 24 hour format? %TIME returns 17:05 instead of 5:05pm
  18. Anyone having problem with Advanced Announcements today? After working fine for as long as I can remember, announcements are being generated “late” (or slowly) with partial text and a some weird speaker pop at the end. The problem is clearly with the generated audio file. I’m on driver version 20171113 and using voicerss Was fine about 8 hours ago.
  19. Maybe. But it’s my understanding the original ES driver works fine on 3.1.1 and that’s finebsince I don’t want to do all the work to convert to the V2 driver. If it doesn’t work if/when my system is upgraded to 3.1.1 and ES doesn’t have a fix, I’ll have it restored to 3.1.0 because I‘m not willing to lose Alexa control that’s more robust than what C4 native offers. I haven’t read any strong reason to move to 3.1.1 which doesn’t seem to offer anything other than a minor OSD improvement. I think my days of upgrading just to upgrade are over. It seems every change since 2.9.1 something different breaks. 3.1.0 is a little slow, but I think this is the first release that I can remember where all of my audio and announcements actually work correctly, which is a big deal in my house. So, I’m probably not going to upgrade until there’s a new must-have feature or fix for me that requires it. But since C4 doesn’t tell us actual users what’s new or fixed, maybe I’ll never know.
  20. I still use the Epic Systems driver exclusively. Have Echo gen 1 and 2 and Dots gen 1,2,3. Running fine on 3.1.0. I don’t miss it because it’s still working fine
  21. Can anyone suggest a good wired motion detector for an open area? i have some 5 year old Axxcess battery detectors that have gone flaky. Figure it might be worth replacing them with hard wired versions. The main areas are an open kitchen and a couple of hallways so I’m thinking a ceiling mount might be best. Thanks.
  22. Does anyone have an three state experience button with Open/Closed/Partially Open icons? Or an open/close toggle?
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