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Andrew luecke

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Posts posted by Andrew luecke

  1. Similar to the other guys, you'll definitely want to do something like

    <modem (bridge mode> --> <Router (wifi disabled)> -> <Core Switch> --> EVERYTHING CONNECTED HERE, INCLUDING AP's


    Core Switch should have STP enabled. Ensure all AP's are wired by ethernet. If there is no cable for all the AP's, find a way to install one (it makes a massive difference). 

  2. On 7/21/2023 at 1:31 AM, nxr said:

    It’s incontrovertible though that Apple is a leading platform that isn’t going away and C4 should prioritize full integration 

    There is more evidence suggesting they are working heavily with Apple, than otherwise honestly..

  3. 10 minutes ago, msgreenf said:

    Android auto and Spotify family and you got the same thing... Or Spotify integrates into Carplay exactly the same as apple music... 

    Pretty much.. 

    That being said, I don't stand up for Apple often, but, I do respect that Apple pays artists a lot more than other platforms

  4. 42 minutes ago, ekohn00 said:

    If you have an iphone, it's just so easy to use and integrates nicely with car play (of course). On top of that, if you have the Apple One plans, you can share music, game store, apple tv+ etc across the family for $20.

    The library is one of the largest, and don't forget it includes the Clasiical App and HQ music streaming.


     I started a trial a week ago.

    Tunemymusic found far less music during the switch from Spotify than to Deezer or tidal.

    I actually found Spotify performs much better even on a MAC studio 2 (although, no lossless). 

    I suspect I'll be cancelling when the trial is over honestly. 


  5. 11 hours ago, nxr said:

    Super helpful and better question is why haven’t they?

    I think Snap is generally greatly underestimated.

    Firstly, it should be assumed that anything we can think of in regards to Apple API's, Snap already has access to. And they likely even have access ones signed under NDA's. Halo has Siri support (and official AppleTV support), which is  evidence they have a very strong working relationship with Apple. 

    The libraries Apple provides might not integrate with their libraries without major changes, or Apple's development agreement may be totally unacceptable, or require specific hardware/infrastructure in place. Or, the API may not be suitable for other reasons. 

    Development is only 1 part of the equation. As an example, MacOS doesn't have a Netflix App, windows does. It's immediately clear that Netflix is capable of developing that app though. Similar to SnapAV. It's very clear their developers can do it too if / when its possible.

    But, as eggzlot mentioned, the most logical question is to ask why very few companies have integrated with Apple Music so far. 

  6. 18 hours ago, DanITman said:

    Do any of the security panel integrations support adding users?  I would LOVE if I could add a new users to my locks and simultaneously add them to the security system.  I'm not sure if anyone has implemented that yet.  You could do it through the lock proxy. 

    Could be worth speaking to Bosch or elk and requesting it maybe. We have it to a limited extent on m1.

    A new Bosch Solution 2000/3000 driver was actually released a few days ago: https://chowmain.software/drivers/control4-bosch-solution (for those who needed a driver)

  7. Honestly, I'm guessing, but I doubt the reasoning is likely related to data collection. The platforms which support Apple music are totally closed platforms, whereas, Control4 isn't (we actually have a lot of access to things).

    Also, we have no way of knowing what those platforms are giving up, what Apple's demands are or the potential liabilities associated with working alongside Apple (such as, if it gets compromised, would Snap be required to pay Apple liabilities?). I'd be guessing 99% of the issue is contractual though.

    And Apple regularly makes seemingly unreasonable demands of their partners too (sometimes forcing them to change things to benefit them, such as in the past, they were apparently forcing developers to support Apple ID Sign-in as an example, or redesigning things to prioritise Apple)

    That being said, I don't think Snap is ignoring Apple music. Snap seems to definitely be interacting with Apple on a regular basis (as evidenced recently).

  8. As Eggzlot said, you'd need to replicate the settings from your old router to your new one. If you can't, you'll need a network engineer at a minimum


    Also if its Orbi or Google Wifi, I'd immediately return the router (as, many devices have problems with those). What Router did you upgrade to?

  9. 1 hour ago, Dylan said:

    Hi, the Sonoff Agent doesnt seem to populate when you add it to a project, the other sonoff drivers do, but not the agent. Any fix for this?

    Maybe press submit diagnostics, which might give us more info. Also are you using os 3.3?

  10. 2 hours ago, BY96 said:

    Having now used the integrated Tidal for about a week, I regret not moving over from Apple Music a lot earlier. Even my wife has commented of the easiness of the integrated music service and how she prefers it over the old way. All the time spent moving playlists was totally worth it. Even though I get Apple Music for free through Verizon, I have no regrets about paying for Tidal.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Just one big thing with Tidal.. If you're using Android Auto, I found some of those services don't work properly (even after downloading the media) with no internet


  11. 2 hours ago, BY96 said:

    I was going to ask how to turn the Kasa outlets into lights in HE so they would show up in the C4 app, but figured that out. Now I am wondering if there is a way to leave a plug as an outlet but still have it show up in the app, or must it become a light to be used in the app?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Just in case anyone was wondering, The Auto Setup Outlet Light Action in the outlets accomplishes that (just need to hide the outlets then)

  12. 4 hours ago, segarafi said:

    I was thinking because of I have plenty of Control4 Z210 zigbee devices so I can utilized using by IR

    I just want to only turn On and turn off  that's all

    The big issue with a lot of split systems I think, is that many of them don't really have an on command (Alan can correct me).

    The On actually sets the HVAC state too, so, it will set it to whatever heat/temp/whatever you learnt at the same time and revert whatever it has been set at since then.

    Whereas, Sensibo is actually 2 way, and can even get feedback. So, you can reliably manage the Split system.

  13. 5 hours ago, Andrew luecke said:

    I can't compare the Core5 and CA10, but, on our side, its generally fairly obvious when the system is underpowered. Often installers interpret it as remote composer being slow (or the customers internet), whereas it's actually because the controller isn't as fast as it should be.


    Disregarding performance, CA10 is also good for customers who are willing to pay for added redundancy (and can avoid friday night phone calls), or customers who don't have easy access to a dealer. If its a multi-million dollar house (especially with controlled lighting), it would be silly for the customer not to be utilising a CA10 to improve the reliability of the system (with the right devices and network, its a huge benefit)

    Actually, I should actually add, drivers such as the ELK M1 V2 driver Explicitly detects if the unit is a Core/CA10, and optimises performance for it by doubling the connection speed. This improves recovery after a panel reboot / controller reboot. 

    It's like a computer though, depends on the efficiency of the drivers you're going to run too.

    Even recently, we've had huge performance gains in many of our drivers as an example (on most installs their not noticeable, but, it lets you push the boundaries a bit more if you're using a slow controller)


  14. 1 hour ago, cnicholson said:

    Agreed.  But, as a cynical capitalist, I suspect the real situation is that too much raw data would convince a lot of people that they should step DOWN to a cheaper product and not step UP to a more expensive one, which could be bad for business.   It seems like C4 has a pretty efficient design and even a small controller would not face CPU pressure the vast majority of time.  It's just idling waiting for event driven requests and then dispatches those requests essentially immediately.   It's only for "batch" operations that you really notice the speed.

    CA10 seems like it is a niche product to begin with, but it would be ideal for me if they offered something (maybe call it a "Media-8" box) that did not run Director, but could be paired with a CA-series (no I/O or Media) box and offered more I/O and media performance/channels than the Core5 but at around the same price as a Core5.  But I don't expect them to further clutter the line-up just for edge cases.


    I can't compare the Core5 and CA10, but, on our side, its generally fairly obvious when the system is underpowered. Often installers interpret it as remote composer being slow (or the customers internet), whereas it's actually because the controller isn't as fast as it should be.


    Disregarding performance, CA10 is also good for customers who are willing to pay for added redundancy (and can avoid friday night phone calls), or customers who don't have easy access to a dealer. If its a multi-million dollar house (especially with controlled lighting), it would be silly for the customer not to be utilising a CA10 to improve the reliability of the system (with the right devices and network, its a huge benefit)

  15. By the way, have you tried ringing Snap Tech support has a phone line to assist dealers with inquiries such as these

    It wouldn't be permitted for an installer to provide access to the installer on this forum anyway (as its a public forum, and doing so would potentially be violating their dealership agreement)

  16. 22 hours ago, Sidd said:

    HC800 is main and two HC250 along with audio matrix, amplifier, video matrix (Atlona).

    At a minimum, I'd recommend upgrade both to HC800, so you can get to OS3.3, IF you can get those HC800's are really cheap prices. At least then you're close to the latest release.

    But, it definitely would be worthwhile speaking to an installer to see if they can upgrade you to EA series at least. There is a huge difference for OS 3, and even more for OS3.3.

  17. G'day,

    You probably can't.

    However, whats the usecase for PFSense (or OpenWRT I assume)? Why exactly do you want to switch?

    To be honest, a lot of network engineers have set up their own custom router at some point of time, but ultimately, a lot of us just end up switching back to a normal router. A lot of features always seem cool, but, often, the hackish firmware used to run on existing hardware sometimes has issues (unless you use a dedicated computer, and then you're draining power, so it ends up costing more anyway most likely)


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