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Andrew luecke

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Posts posted by Andrew luecke

  1. 7 hours ago, BY96 said:


    I have been using the Chowmain Shelly driver for a while now, and really like it, but ran into a small problem. I deleted a couple of Shelly devices from the Shelly app and Control4 HE as I no longer use them. However, any time I try and add a new device using "Auto Setup" in the C4 driver (after having of course added the device to the Shelly app), the previously deleted devices are added too. Oddly, not all of my deleted devices, only two so far. 

    I am hoping someone, maybe @Andrew luecke, might have some ideas about what I am doing wrong. Thanks everyone! 

    The purge known Devices action should reset the known device list. At this time, its a design decision not to do it automatically as Local Lan discovery in particular is passive.



  2. 6 hours ago, anon2828 said:

    Whoops - yeah corrected that - Wiz not Wix.  Ha.

    So we are currently using the driver from Axon Engineering.  They have done a decent job of updating it and it works with the new Control4 color wheel, etc.  That said we do have an issue with their new version of the driver being able to group lights.  For example, I have 3 different bulbs in pendant fixtures hanging over a dining table.  I want to be able to group all 3 of those lights in Control4 under one name and one control (including the color wheel) - can this be done with the Chowmain driver?  Any other advantages of the Chowmain driver versus the Axon?  Thanks!

    Not sure I can easily compare them (as I haven't used theirs), but we do have a 90 day trial.


    You can use the chowmain light group driver which should be compatible with many lighting drivers though and even group different manufacturers even (and we have a new light group driver in beta too). https://chowmain.software/drivers/control4-chowmain-light-group


  3. 4 hours ago, anon2828 said:

    I use Wix.  Search the forums for my previous posts on this.  Availability - you can get them at Home Depot.  Cost - they are relatively cheap compared to Hue and others. Performance/quality - there are online articles comparing them versus Hue (generally thought to be top quality) where reviewers could barely tell the difference (they are both made by Philips).  Integration - there are now two different Wix drivers available.  My experience has been very good with the integration - zero issues and I have them indoors (LED strips) and outdoors (bulbs).  Frankly don't know why more people don't use Wix.  Only downside is that each bulb/strip does use its own IP address and if your WiFi setup is not strong could congest your network, but that is true of any Wifi solution versus Zigbee, etc.

    Did you mean wiz? I use wiz for some of my home (I wrote the chowmain driver), and have been happy with them. There is a major driver update being released likely early next week too. If there are any questions about any chowmain lighting drivers, I should be able to help

  4. 4 hours ago, zaphod said:

    Exactly, and C4 has been making small steps in this direction for years requiring a 4sight sub for various functionality, like voice control, notifications. and, When/Then.

    So many tech companies are moving in this direction.


    Only some online services which require online servers like an email server require 4Sight And that's not entirely a bad thing instead of making it a "free for all". They also offer free services like OvrC already (and, you don't even need a hub anymore)

    Don't forget, Control4 does a lot of hospitality and such too, and many installations which don't have full time internet access... It's unlikely they'll ever require 4sight / yearly licences imho for general things

    Personally, I'd be surprised if they made a yearly subscription a requirement. At this time, I suspect it wouldn't be a good fit for their current model. I really don't see this happening honestly..

  5. Honestly, I agree there still aren't any real-world applications for home users released yet for Wifi 7.


    But, I wouldn't be surprised if we start to see technologies like better wireless MOIP baluns a few months after the standard is finalised (and can think of a few that used their own rf standard).  Wifi 7 has a worst case latency of only 10ms (best case 1ms, which is less than 1 frame), and 30gb performance. But, that will only mainly benefit specialized applications, or hardware designed for it (maybe also gaming if you're relying on wifi).

    I'm still using Wifi 5 too (which is enough for me at the moment), but will upgrade to 7 when proper AP's get released

  6. It's a bit early for proper brands like Ruckus to have Wifi7 still. The big advantage of Wifi 7 will realistically be guaranteed low latency (which may also open up new classes of devices), or possibly full-quality streaming of high res footage over wifi without quality loss (but for that kind of bandwidth, you'll need Fibre+SFP or 10gbps Link Aggregation). So, many installs will likely only benefit from the latency improvements for now (but really depends on the usecase. It won't help if your usecase is netflix)


    If you're building and want WiFi 7, make sure you install conduit to your AP at a minimum, but you probably want fiber and ethernet running to your AP's to be able to use them at full capacity

  7. 5 hours ago, Nitin said:

    You are right, this indeed did start to happen with iOS17. Since I updated to iOS17 and 3.4 on the same day, I mistakenly assumed that only the 3.4 upgrade was the root cause.

    Do you recall if there was a fix when this happened the last time around?

    I don't think we've had any calls for our (Chowmain) thermostat drivers and this issue so far. So, statistically, less likely to be a app bug or OS bug. More likely driver or system configuration related

  8. 6 hours ago, Control4Savant said:

    You need a licensed unit from Control4… 

    Control4 has a normal 2n intercom driver in their database which I have used onsite twice with standard versa (2n branded) units.

    But to utilise all capabilities on them, you need the additional 2n licences such as the enhanced automation licence (but that's the same with every automation system). 

    The control4 unit has those licences included already.

    Also, c4 does allow 3rd parties to develop intercom drivers too (ie, our hikvision or dahua intercom drivers as an example)

  9. SR260 has nothing to do with OvrC (and every dealer should know this). 

    And the SR260's actually use Zigbee.. Are you sure its not a NEEO? Even then, Control4 uses auto-discovery. 

    The only thing I can think of is a controller is linked using static IP (which is never done in general preventing that Zigbee ZAP from working), but even that should be fixable without OvrC, as they can simply change the address back using the standard tools (unless your whole network range has changed)

    Maybe I'm understanding wrong or he understood wrong? Are you sure this is a trained dealer?

  10. 7 hours ago, Control4Savant said:

    Thats a pretty big generalization considering I spent nearly 100k and 4 years getting a degree  in that field and never heard that lol. Maybe things have changed. 

    You mean 1 semester right? 

    Itunes was the primary example they used to use, and it was specifically targeted because the interface Apple utilised was completely inconsistent with the rest of the OS. https://www.flagsoft.com/cmswp/de/product-testing/top-10-user-interface-design-flaws-within-os-x/ sums up a few of them (the Traffic light buttons themselves and the behavior of the buttons are also a super common example, as they perform inconsistently).. Lots of design issues with finder, etc.  Also, Apple often doesn't expose some functionality well. 

    Windows is by no means perfect either, or android (they have their own issues, and guessing things might have changed in the past 10-15 years, as the inconsistency in Windows is a disaster now, but they're fixing that again).

    For icon design, sure, MacOS does a good job (and I'll admit that), so my comment might not be relevant. On the other hand though, the norm does seem to be to have a transition period, and this is happening even with bigger vendors now (and I'd imagine there is a lot involved for changing the entire interface too). 

    I studied comp sci 15-20 years ago though (so things may have changed

    Also, keep in mind, one of my development computers at the moment is a MAC studio M2.. 

  11. 2 hours ago, anon2828 said:

    That. Is. Horrible.

    So we have OS3 skeuomorphic style icons for things like channels and devices such as AppleTV now mixed with flat icons for lights, rooms, comfort, etc.  Umm yeah.  So basically no standard.  Looks like a huge turd.

    [Skeuomorphic design is a design approach that uses visual elements to mimic real-world objects or materials, while flat design is a design approach that uses simple, two-dimensional shapes and icons without attempting to mimic real-world objects or materials.]

    In OS3 there was a design principle and standard similar to Apple's (https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/app-icons).  Now we have some weird mix.

    The skeuomorphic design introduced in OS3 provided a rich feel to the top level user interface (Lighting, Watch, Listen, Comfort, Cameras, etc.) in the app and Neeo remote.  Flat design at the next level down (for example from Lighting > individual lights / sliders) made sense without giving up the richness of the icons at the top level.

    I don't totally hate flat design compared to skeuomorphic when it is executed well (see Apple again).  Here it looks like someone took a set of pre-existing icons and ported them over.  Comfort, lighting, rooms - all look the same at a quick glance on the Halo remotes shown above (same color, same shapes).  Compare and contrast to flat design icons on your iPhone.

    If this is where OS4 is headed, someone needs to go back to design school.

    So.. The funny thing is that UI design classes in computer science, they regularly often use MacOS as an example of bad interface design. They do a good job with icons though, and in general otherwise (stuff like Spotlight and Timemachine they're still doing an amazing job against Microsoft, 15 years after it was released)

    Also, it is worth noting Apple regularly disregards their own Interface guidelines (but, have gotten better.. iTunes was the main example demonstrating this, and their top buttons close/minimise/maximise buttons). 

  12. 2 hours ago, ejn1 said:

    I have V1 and V2 fans with the Chowmain driver.   When I use the Haiku app from time to time it wants to upgrade the firmware of the V1...  Will this create any issues with the driver?  Thx

    The BAF mobile app firmware is not compatible with v1 /haiku app firmware and vice versa.


    That being said, the v2/BAF firmware and driver (free upgrade for v1 users) is significantly better. And we've only maybe had 1 or 2 support enquiries. One is an issue with Alexa (which turned out isn't a bug with our driver, and may be resolved by now), the second is something we're investigating (led button colour issue for configurable keypads), which doesn't affect the operation of the driver

  13. 1 hour ago, Cooper said:

    I have another question. Shelly is a Wi-Fi product. If I have these on my network will it make it congested? If I have 16-24 switches will it slow my connection?

    You could limit them to 2.4ghz on their own ssid if this is a concern. But in general, not really.

    Plus series is more efficient however. We do ping them when the unit requests, whereas on the non plus we do a full poll every few seconds by default (but we recommend changing to 30s, but this might be slightly less efficient)

    Also, keep in mind if you only want on/off control, Shelly does a 2x relay module such as the Shelly plus 2pm which can also reduce the modules required. 

    If you're using multiple APs, obviously, these modules will be split between the APs too 

  14. 16 minutes ago, chopedogg88 said:

    I had plenty of problems with the v1 Haiku driver, which created several headaches. V2 seems solid so far.

    Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk

    Just to clarify, I was referring to v2. V1 required polling. V2 is a total rewrite and utilizes a different protocol which provides feedback in realtime (and a huge amount of capabilities exposed via read/write variables). 

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