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Programming best practices Switch lights for Music...


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Hey guys,

When you start music in a room is there a best practice for turning the Music light switch on? It seems you have to call the switch color in programming each time you turn the room music on or off? Isn't there an easy way to say if session = Yes then turn the Music light switch color to green in bedroom? if so, I have not been able together it to work. It just seems logical that if you call music the color on the swith would turn on and off according to a valid session>>> Am I missing something? Thanks guys

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This is what the 'Room Control' driver makes easy. I regularly use it to program a button to cycle between multiple presets/favourite playlists/stations and alter the LED colour according depending on which preset has been selected. I also program the same button to just illuminate white if a Listen device is selected but is not one of the presets. A double tap of same button does a 'Room Off' to stop any music and the LED goes black.

Here is an example of my Kitchen keypad.

Top button: Kitchen + Dining Lights

Button 2: Kitchen Light

Button 3: Dining Light

Button 4: Music Button

Up/Down: Volume control of currently selected source


and a video demonstration of it working here:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/6gopsgp9b7jldw0/Keypad Music Pretets Button.mov?dl=0

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23 hours ago, Matt Lowe said:

you can also based it off the audio selection changing. if digital media turn light if not turn it off

So Matt, this would be the percent way to control lighting colors on switches but where do you control the on function? I see the way to control off


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I use the Room Control driver, but just bind the PRESET_CYCLER function to the "Music" button on my keypad.  I noticed you are using programming.  Do you find that this is just as responsive as using the binding?   

I also noticed you have "On Preset" programming to select the music source whereas I have my presets defined directly in the Room Control driver, so the only programming I have on the Preset is to change the "Music" button LED depending on the preset.  Why are you also selecting the music source in programming?

Do you have any clever ways to use the "JOIN" function of the room control driver?  For example, if I have music playing in my master bedroom, and I go into my master bathroom, I would like to hit a button that just JOIN's the adjacent session in my master bedroom (not start a new steam).  Could I potentially program a "double-tap" on my "Music" button to do this (on top of the binding for the PRESET_CYCLER)?


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3 hours ago, LollerAgent said:


I use the Room Control driver, but just bind the PRESET_CYCLER function to the "Music" button on my keypad.  I noticed you are using programming.  Do you find that this is just as responsive as using the binding?   

I also noticed you have "On Preset" programming to select the music source whereas I have my presets defined directly in the Room Control driver, so the only programming I have on the Preset is to change the "Music" button LED depending on the preset.  Why are you also selecting the music source in programming?

Do you have any clever ways to use the "JOIN" function of the room control driver?  For example, if I have music playing in my master bedroom, and I go into my master bathroom, I would like to hit a button that just JOIN's the adjacent session in my master bedroom (not start a new steam).  Could I potentially program a "double-tap" on my "Music" button to do this (on top of the binding for the PRESET_CYCLER)?


1. I am using programming to cycle the presets as I have the same button to cycle presets with a single tap and a double tap performs a 'Room Off'. You cannot do this by binding the button directly to the presets function of the Room Control driver.

2. The only reason I am using programming when preset is selected as I am not using a native music source, but Sonos, and so I can only select Sonos as the source under the presets in the Room Control driver properties and then need to specifically select the Sonos Favourite using separate programming. I am also tracking the preset in use so that if a music source is selected from another interface, such as started from the Sonos app itself, the same LED will illuminate white to indicate a music source is selected but is not one of the 3 presets that button cycles between. The same button LED changes to black/off when the Room Off command is issued.

3. Yes you could use the double tap function to join an existing session already playing in another room and then also use a triple tap to leave session and/or do a Room Off.

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