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Display A/V paths for current sessions

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Check out the av path setter driver. 

We had this problem. Control4 was prioritizing the digital audio from the tv (which fed the matrix for smart tv apps) instead of the 2 channel audio extracted from an hdmi matrix switch. Sometimes the OS was selecting the audio from a TV in a different room that wasn’t even on. It smells like a bug.  Av path setter driver resolved it. Steep learning curve, but no problems since we set it up. 

If control4 is listening, this should probably be setup as a default priority in the OS. Thinking a simple default audio source/ prioritized audio pathway would make sense. For example, a family room and a kitchen both have TVs. One satellite box prioritizes digital audio for surround into a receiver, a second prioritizes 2 channel audio so the audio in the family room and the kitchen are synced. Not sure if that makes sense…it’s late and I’m tired. Not expressing technical thoughts well at the moment. 

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11 hours ago, cnicholson said:

I'm trying to diagnose an apparent audio routing problem.  Is there a way to get to display the current audio path from source to end point, explicitly showing each node along the route? 




No way except to hear the sound in the wrong destination! Best thing is to use Path Setter Driver, it will force the connection as you want it.

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Specific situation is that I have an AVR driving Master Bedroom multi-channel zone on its main zone and Master Bathroom driven off Zone 2 of AVR.  We added a third zone for Master Closet that is NOT connected to AVR, so it needs to be fed from matrix.  In other areas of house, I use (unused) Zone 2 output of other AVRs to feed matrix, and this works for this exact same concept.  I'd like to be able to listen to audio sourced from Master TV in the new zone.

So I split the optical feed from backhaul balun with one optical going into AVR (as before) and the other feeding the Matrix.   C4 sees the path and thinks it is valid (all zones show up in navigator as valid zones to join session), but no sound.  New zone works for other sources (from Core 5 feeds via matrix, for example).   I set the Apple TV and TV to send stereo PCM since i know there are downmixing limitations on the matrix.  Still no audio.

Even though the AVR for Master is not really dealing with video (all video sources are local to the TV), my next attempt is going to be to extract audio from HDMI out of AVR (I'm hoping it leaves audio in the HDMI stream) and route that to matrix.

It would just be convenient to see how C4 thinks it is routing audio.  I have other situations where there are multiple valid paths and I'd like to know which one C4 is picking.   I've also have situation where C4 will choose a path through the backhaul of other TVs resulting in seemingly random TVs powering on, presumably because C4 have formed a path through the TV even though other valid paths exist.

I'm familiar for path setter driver, and have used successfully elsewhere, but not working for me here so far.  I clearly don't fully understand how C4 makes routing decisions and agree that it would be great to be able to get it to prefer the path that I want it to pick.  Like: don't use a TV as part of a path if the TV is currently off.

I'll keep plugging away.

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30 minutes ago, cnicholson said:

extract audio from HDMI out of AVR (I'm hoping it leaves audio in the HDMI stream

It won't.

30 minutes ago, cnicholson said:

I've also have situation where C4 will choose a path through the backhaul of other TVs resulting in seemingly random TVs powering on, presumably because C4 have formed a path through the TV even though other valid paths exist.

This is why the path setter driver exists, to prevent this exact scenario



Unfortunately there is no way to 'see' the whole path, though (driver depending) you can usually trace the path in composer device by device.

It sounds like you have the setup 'correct' (I use that term loosely here as I would argue the whole setup idea isn't really correct) - Sources to TV, TV to AVR for two rooms, TV to matrix for a 3rd room WITH PATHSETTER.

What we don't know is if there are any OTHER paths available (or the system thinks are available) to get the same audio.

First think I'd check is if the matrix is going to the right input: that'll be the big tell on if it sees other possible paths.

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Update just to close the loop here.  Turns out I had a bad optical cable.  Doh!  Didn't figure that out until I tried another wiring scheme, which now works.   

I figured out that my main matrix (PulseEight32) will pass-through digital inputs to digital outputs, so I just ran the TV audio from the AVR zone directly to the matrix (instead of to AVR), and then used a digital out zone on matrix to feed back to the AVR for an all-digital signal path.   If I force the TV audio format to 5.1, the matrix is able to down mix to stereo for analog zones, but the AVR still plays 5.1.   The main zone also still does full Atmos if I revert to "Pass through" on the TV, but then analog zones don't work.  But 5.1 still sounds fine (can't tell the difference with most content) so I will leave it that way by default.   

So it seems that, if you don't use broken cables, Control4 is pretty darn smart about routing decisions.  I have also chained another 16x16 channel matrix tied to the PulseEight and a distant 8x8 matrix in our guest house (with audio routed between Core 5 and distant EA-5) and everything seem to "just work."  Impressive.

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