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Gary Leeds UK

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Everything posted by Gary Leeds UK

  1. Blinds - Axis Gear - Works for easy Install - Or Q motions for living room etc Alarm - Texecom Elite - Great Alarm and works of IP - You can also us the sensors to lights on and off Phillip Hue Lights and Sensor -- Out side ones is very useful Good dealer to give it that extra lift Biggest thing we enjoy is not turning lights on or off, even the alarm is triggered by a sensor in the bedroom. Axis Gear - works the blinds in the Bedrooms and Hall - Q Motion in the living Room
  2. Have a feeling they is a issue with History - Our History as not worked at all after the 3.2.1 Update - New Driver for DS2 and still nothing However we are using a HC800 - Not sure if that is our issue
  3. We had to delete the App and reinstall to get it working again
  4. Done the above will not let me login - Come on Control4 Get a Grip and roll out the Update
  5. DS2 Updated to Driver Version 256 - Would give you dealer a call and see if that fixes the issue
  6. We use Phillip Hue Motion sensors But you need a Phillip Hue Hub
  7. It’s a new control 4 feature ~ just to keep you on your toes We do this first if we come across ant issues with the T3
  8. Just go to my movies and rebuild database - In HE you can not see movie art, but your dealer can see it in Pro - If you still have issue ask you dealer to delete and reload the My Movies Collection Manger Driver (We had to do this) My Movies Collection Management is now on 5.40 and for the first time in along time no issues rebuilding database- Once sorted we now back up the data base - You can do this in HE also my Back up included art work. I do feel your pain
  9. You can always you my movies collection management - With the latest update at My Movies everything looks like its working again
  10. Just had a search on C4 drivers online and the database Says Driver Version 251 for the Doorstation Has the 255 been pulled ? Still can not get any history working or photos on the Push Notifications In fact can not get any History working - Starting to drive me mad https://drivers.control4.com/solr/drivers/browse?q=ds2
  11. Have you look at use Axis Gear https://helloaxis.com/ Very Simple and works well within C4 Look will not be as clean, as you still need the chain
  12. Cheers ~ will have a word with Chris to see if we can ID the issue
  13. That would never happen - You keep forgetting Control4 Customers are Dealers - End Users are Dealers Customers
  14. Have you tried re booting the Controller - We had a load of issues at the weekend. Did a full network re boot and nothing happen - Rebooted the Controller and everything was working Great again
  15. Just finished installing a Ring Doorbell at my Parents House - Great Camera and it only cost me £89 including the Chime Speaker - Makes my DS2 Camera look very out dated
  16. We had this issue on 3.2, however after upgrading to 3.2.1 we have no issues- Using a HC800
  17. System is - HC800 with 2 EA1 and Mini Door Station - Software 3.2.1 All drivers are up to date. We do not have any history showing is this down to us have a HC800 or do we have a issue ?
  18. Enjoy everyone and Fingers Cross for 2021
  19. You could always look at buying a Roon nucleus - This as C4 drivers and works well with C4
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