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Gary Leeds UK

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Everything posted by Gary Leeds UK

  1. I`m on Apple - Updated last week - that could be the reason no Android Update
  2. I`m in the UK - need to go into App store and clink on the App and it says Update
  3. I have my money on a Doorbell - Looking at the Intercom App - A Doorbell would work well with it
  4. The Intercom App was updated last week - Its now 1.1 Just downloaded today
  5. Samsung tv only allow -Netflix /YouTube and amazon nothing else so I understand ~ we have a frame tv and this is a bit frustrating
  6. What Control are you using ? The apple TV Driver with the Bridge does on work on HC Controllers
  7. You can rename Devices if you get the - Rename Driver - It is very useful
  8. Lets wait and see - The Good Old T4 Touchscreen came and went - Could be back again ?? its been a few years so hopefully something new could turn up after all - with all this Covid 19 stuff will they be a impact on sales
  9. Quick guess New Software update and some new Hardware Wonder if a updated Neeo is coming - Lots of new ones for sale on Ebay at the moment Lets wait and see
  10. Cheers Mitch - We are updated Settings- System Info - Control4 Software - 320.31.0.16
  11. Just a couple Mini Apps - Apple TV New Touchscreen - To have Alexa or other Built In Starting to think C4 could have reached its limit-hope I`m wrong
  12. For the UK Market they is now only one Driver https://drivercentral.io/platforms/control4-drivers/lighting/lightwave-rf/ Some Great Price Points https://lightwaverf.com/collections/all/category-smart
  13. It’s the best way you live in a home that is a automated home why pay this money if you are still going to on and off switches. it as taken us a few years with help from dealers on this forum ~ you should never use a switch ~ turn aircon on ~ etc That’s why c4 app is so good ~ otherwise just go the DIY route
  14. Can not believe in a automated home you guys use switches ~ with good programming it’s just not required ~ we have pause / play /etc to program off and movements is the best way. control4 is box with a app that brings everything together
  15. We have a Sensors Turning all the lights on and off - Not used switches for about 4 years
  16. We have 18 Phillip Hue Bulbs and more than Happy We even use Hue Sensors - With regards to the two way feed back - How lights show on and off on the slider so not sure what people mean - Concerning Colour just use the Colour wheel on Driver Central Web Site
  17. We use Sonos in 4 rooms (2 are connected to tv) works great with c4 ~ Alexa allows you to choice music ~ newer kit plays control4 anocements faster then T3 touchscreens Control4 does not allow you to search (hence Alexa or google for that) but it does show favourites and plain list which you can program off
  18. Have you played around with-Control or Monitor to see if that helps ?
  19. You can set the DS2 to ONVIF Go into the setting via IP address
  20. Hope is was some good - Just watched it again and it looks like I missed bits out
  21. Just done this - Not the greatest Video - Sneeze half way though
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