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Everything posted by cjh

  1. Agreed. You could take what I did above and automate the full thing. I found the other bits not to be that time-consuming (and I don't do it so often) so the investment of full automation wasn't there for me. But would love to see your python script when done! Heck, put a php interface on top and open it up to the world Upload two images, name the experience button, and presto you have a driver ready to load.
  2. I built this batch file (sorry, windows only) to quickly do the work. All you need is the default experience driver unzipped and a selected/default png image and the script does the rest. See "instructions" in the comments. *Use at your own risk. No error checking. Enjoy. Works for me @ECHO OFF :: DO ALL your work in the \www\icons\device directory. :: Put the NEW icons in eg. reboot-green and reboot-red. :: Run this script (from that same directory) and you'll get all new icons AND put in the right locations! :: Use https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/ to get icons :: Requires ImageMagick-7.0.11-1 eg. c:\Programs-Portable\ImageMagick-7.0.11-1 :: Download from https://imagemagick.org/script/download.php :: After images done, modify the driver.xml file with new names AND new path locations :: zip up the contents within the directory (eg. at same level of driver.xml) :: move the file from .zip to .c4z :: add driver to project :: ### :: Request icon names... set /P iconnamedefault="Full name with extension of the Default Non-Selected Image (aka white.png)? " set /P iconnameselected="Full name with extension of the Selected Image (aka green.png)? " :: Do the work... ECHO Creating default images... magick convert %iconnamedefault% -resize 70x70 default_70.png magick convert %iconnamedefault% -resize 90x90 default_90.png magick convert %iconnamedefault% -resize 300x300 default_300.png magick convert %iconnamedefault% -resize 512x512 default_512.png magick convert %iconnamedefault% -resize 1024x1024 default_1024.png ECHO Creating selected images... magick convert %iconnameselected% -resize 70x70 selected_70.png magick convert %iconnameselected% -resize 90x90 selected_90.png magick convert %iconnameselected% -resize 300x300 selected_300.png magick convert %iconnameselected% -resize 512x512 selected_512.png magick convert %iconnameselected% -resize 1024x1024 selected_1024.png ECHO Creating small images for icons... magick convert %iconnamedefault% -resize 32x32 device_lg.png magick convert %iconnamedefault% -resize 16x16 device_sm.png ECHO Moving images around and almost done... copy /Y default_70.png ..\..\icons-old\device copy /Y default_90.png ..\..\icons-old\device copy /Y default_300.png ..\..\icons-old\device copy /Y selected_70.png ..\..\icons-old\device copy /Y selected_90.png ..\..\icons-old\device copy /Y selected_300.png ..\..\icons-old\device copy /Y device_lg.png ..\..\icons-old copy /Y device_sm.png ..\..\icons-old move /Y device_lg.png ../ move /Y device_sm.png ../
  3. Thx! Disconnect on room off was Off... Manage Power was On. I've turned manage power off and will give it a test. Thanks.
  4. Hi all. Have one that has me stumped. Have an Atlona 8x8 matrix with ethernet balun RX in a bedroom. Have the IR connected through the matrix to control the endpoint TV. Seems any IR commands won't be sent unless the matrix is on/active for that endpoint. I've setup the TV's driver so that the power on command doesn't get sent until a delay of 8 seconds (has power feedback/control power/send a power on command after a delay of 8 seconds) which is plenty for the matrix to turn on and be working. The IR control, while on, work fine. The problem - when the user hits room off, the matrix is turned off before the IR command can be sent to the TV. I've tried a bit of programming to delay that but can't seem to make it work. What's the best practice or how to get the TV off command sent before the matrix is powered off? Thanks!
  5. For those seeking answer to How... in the c4 app, go to playlists created by me and then choose add to library. Took me a while to find this. Once you do this, the playlists will be available in programming to select.
  6. Thanks for coming back with the update! Appreciate that. FWIW, we run a houseful of c4 equipment and use that same Motorola modem on an xfinity/comcast 1gig downlink and have had 0 problems for years. Note we run a cisco router and ubiquiti switches/APs but the modem/provider is the same. Good luck. Hope you are sorted.
  7. Grab you one of these - https://videoguys.com/products/newtek-spark-plustm-4k - they work well. Just install the free NDI studio monitor on pc or Mac and watch. You can get an Apple TV app to watch it, too, but believe the app is $99.
  8. An additional thought - do you have ipv6 enabled on the router? Believe it is under advanced/ipv6 called dual-stack. That could be why some of your equipment works and others don't. When the dns is failing on your ipv4 network your ipv6 network might still be operational. That could explain the why some google equipment works and other networked devices don't. I would suggest turning dual-stack off until you get this sorted. You also could setup a single laptop with static IP and static DNS. If that works while other network equipment isn't (next time things fail) then you know it is a DNS issue.
  9. cjh

    WTB - C4-AK-3M

    Found one. Thanks all.
  10. cjh

    WTB - C4-AK-3M

    Anyone have a spare or unused C4-AK-3M they would like to sell? PM me please with pricing/shipped. Thanks kindly!
  11. Hi all Have recently refreshed my c4 ecosystem to get to 3.x and have a bunch of controllers, screens and speaker points that I would love to see get used. This setup would work for somebody happy on 2.10 and/or for a lab or playground environment. Not really looking to sell piecemeal unless somebody really wants something. Ideas on who/how to put this to use??? Open to offers. Here is what I've got: (everything is in good working condition and currently on 2.9.x) Controllers... c4-hc250-bl w/power (believe could be used to get to 2.10.x) c4-hc200b-e-b w/power (2x) c4-hc300-e-b w/power Audio... (2x) c4-Speaker Points w/power, 1 w/base stand Screens... (2x) c4-tsmc7-en-bl with bases c4-tsmc7-en-bl (Tabletop 7"'s) c4-tw7c0-bl with backplate 040-00106 (Wall mounted 7")
  12. Thx. I’ll PM you. Would prefer to be price sensitive and buy used
  13. Hi all Per title, please PM if you have an unused Z2iR ZigBee-to-IR Module laying around you would like to sell. Thanks!
  14. Very possible. I’ll change dns on the ea3, flush DNS cache and try again. Don’t have time today. Q though is are all the others experiencing problems running pihole too? Doubtful
  15. Been using pihole w/c4 for years - pandora and all has been working great. Given no ads and crap on our network, I’d probably get rid of c4 before I got rid of pihole :)
  16. Just a thought ... we are also using the free pandora and I have considerable ad blocking enabled on the network. Have not yet tried to whitelist Pandora or turn off pihole to see if that makes a difference. Anyone else who is having c4/Pandora issues using an adblocking dns service? Could this be caused because pandora is trying to insert an ad?
  17. Seeking experience with Superbus 2000 security systems aka Concord 4. Updated to the v2/proxy superbus 2000 driver to get to 3.x. Everything is working fine via rs232 connection. My question/issue is this. I can't get the system to arm or disarm programmatically.In the v1 driver could issue say an Arm command then the 6 digits for the security code. In the driver setup, on the Partition 1, I have the arm/disarm code put in the "Default User Code" box and it is set. That doesn't seem to work. Experience? How can I get this to arm/disarm programmatically? Thanks!
  18. YES! Happening to me too. ea3/3.2.1. Exactly the same. When it does work, it plays 1 song then stops.
  19. cjh

    WTB: Triad One

    Yes, you are correct. Thank you. Edited post.
  20. cjh

    WTB: Triad One

    Upgraded to OS3 and the eol speakerpoints aren’t supported. Looking to get one or two Triad Ones. PM me. Thank you.
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