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Posts posted by bnorman

  1. @Nitin @South Africa C4 user, in a future update we are going to have the default device name be your device model, "iPhone 15 Pro" as an example (this is how Android does it today). Likely in the same update we are going to add back the field to change your device since many households likely have multiples of the same model iPhone/iPad. I'll let you know when this happens and where exactly in the app you'll be able to find this relatively soon.

  2. 22 hours ago, BDavisNJ said:

    I am new here and do not know if C4 officially monitors this chatroom.  This is a brief note of appreciation to C4 for swiftly resolving the issue that resulted in the Android app crashing upon any Webview subroutine.  I can only imagine the difficulty of navigating an architecture dominated by massive players like GOOGL and AAPL.

    Thank you.

    I'm not sure if there are any Android developers who actively post in this forum to acknowledge this, but I'll be sure to pass it on to their team!

  3. @Nitin @South Africa C4 user, up until now the iOS app has used the name you set for your iPhone or iPad (unless you changed it to something else in the app) to help identify devices on my.control4.com. I learned today that in iOS 17 Apple has shut this down and will only give you "localhost" if an app asks for the device name. That would explain why when you deleted and reinstalled the app, the name we had previously stored in the app was gone, and you suddenly started seeing "localhost". It also turns out the omission of "Device Name" as an app preference was intentional as we are going to be moving away from this in the future.

  4. @msgreenf Definitely could be an easy fix. I think the reason the decision was made to not have scrolling text on views like this where there are usually 10+ rows of scenes/devices is because it increases the amount of clutter. In a case like this where all of your long scene names would start scrolling, it would be a lot to interpret as a user. Graphic and user design is certainly not my area of expertise though. 😅

  5. @ajd123 I don't disagree that it would be better to be able to see more of the scene name than you are currently seeing. It would seem we are losing some real estate at the end of each row due to the potential for an end of row icon. Adding the room name to each scene probably makes the name long enough that the only way to show the whole name is to have the text carousel, which I believe we really only do with media sessions. I see from your screenshot, at least for the visible scenes, you have each scene only appearing in its associated room. That would make it very easy to do what others are suggesting, to remove the room from the name and then use the header title for each section to determine the room.

  6. 17 hours ago, Cyknight said:

    So, had some feedback, and check if your Country is set to Canada or US properly. In my case, it was somehow blank.

    Can't confirm that fixes it yet as I assume it may take a moment for it to pull that through the system and I'm out the door....

    This is correct.  I have received confirmation that in-app 4Sight purchasing is currently locked to Canada and US.  So if you are in one of those two locations and are unable to purchase, you need to go to customer.control4.com and make sure that your country is set properly.  There was a period of time a while back where setting your country wasn't required, so that would explain why some longer standing accounts have blank information.

  7. @zaphod, you are in the right spot.  On the page with with 4Sight videos, there is a button at the bottom.  This button can do one of a few different things depending on your locale and your current 4Sight subscription status.  If you don't qualify to purchase 4Sight through the app for some reason, this button will be labeled "Contact Smart Home Pro".  Otherwise, it will either be labeled "Renew 4Sight" or "Subscribe to 4Sight" and take you into a 4Sight purchasing flow.  If for some reason you get a "Contact Dealer" label let me know and I can look into which situations cause that to happen.

  8. Yes, this is a known issue that shouldn't really affect any usage of the watch app.  That section of the app is really only needed if you are wanting to disable/enable a system from showing up on the watch side (systems are enabled by default).  If I remember correctly hard quitting the app and relaunching resolves the issue.  It's something we will take a look at and should be able to fix fairly quickly.  

  9. The idea and hope of the Home Screen and favoriting is to expose the devices you use the most to the top level so that you don't have to dig quite as deep each time you use the app.  Then those same devices would get carried over to the Apple Watch for even quicker action and shorter time periods in the app.  For those that like the Home Screen of each room to only contain experience menus, I have seen some take the approach of creating a "Watch" or "Apple Watch" room, favoriting all of your quick action devices there, and favoriting that room over to the watch.

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