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Snap/C4 Feedback on Customer User Experience?


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Question for dealers - Does Snap/Control4 request user experience feedback on devices?  Was wondering, with specific respect to remote controls.  I've used both NEEO for about 16 months and the SR series for 8 years and all fall very short of the user experience I've had at friends' homes that have the Crestron remotes (HR-310/TSR-310).  I had assumed so but in talking with my integrator they have not heard of such a program whereas my colleagues get regular request from their dealers that stated they have direct line of communications with Crestron engineering on user experience.  Just curious as comparably both my types of C4 remotes fall short of what have had with those Crestron remotes.  No experience with the newer Savant remotes.

Seems strange that having long time user experience with Control4 (ten years installed) that not once have I received a survey from the company.  Not sure if that is common but definitely not in comparison to other technology products (PC's, headphones, DACs, etc.)

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Some dealers are included in a panel to provide feedback, but it is limited and handled by the PMs.

Control4 employees watch here, reddit, facebook, and a few other places and send back useful feedback or reports of issues, but it sounds like you're looking for a design feedback option and that is only taken by those in the limited panel.

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I was asked to give feedback to C4 a couple of years ago (fairly soon after OS3 launched)  and had a 1 hour video call with someone from head office.  It was clear that they were talking to a number of users at that time.  Not sure if this research program continued and not sure if feedback was used. I was impressed (at the time) that they seemed to be listening more to the end user. 

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1 hour ago, Dunamivora said:

Some dealers are included in a panel to provide feedback, but it is limited and handled by the PMs.

Control4 employees watch here, reddit, facebook, and a few other places and send back useful feedback or reports of issues, but it sounds like you're looking for a design feedback option and that is only taken by those in the limited panel.

Thanks for that feedback.  Shame they aren't doing further reaching to the end users, especially those they can see have large systems or those that have done upgrades and kept with the ecosystem for a long period of time to get direct interaction, even with just surveys and not just exclusive panel acceptance or forum looking.  Oh well. Thanks for that information.

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FWIW I also took part of a feedback session. I remember agreeing to be contacted for feedback but I don’t remember where exactly. It’s been a few years, perhaps after a support request or something similar. The call was scheduled and lasted almost an hour, it felt like they were taking the feedback both good/bad to heart. I would do it again if given an opportunity.

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Good to hear a few customers being contacted.   There have been other threads hitting this topic and the efforts of c4 going direct to the consumer (eg the real customer :)) for input seem to be very limited.   I've been a C4 customer for a long time on two different continents with more than one installation and cant recall a single survey to my recollection.   I still think C4 gets the overwhelming input from the dealer as a marketing strategy. 

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would be good to get some surveys out there especially on new devices released in the last 12-24 months for customer feedback.  They acquired NEEO but have not heard of a customer engagement platform to garner feedback to go into design and improvements as it being a daily customer user interface.  Having worked with 4 integrators now over the 13 years I've had my system not once has there been outreach.  Would be good to provide some feedback, beyond forum monitoring and small pool of dealers, to get a much wider array of input.  Bought 7 of the NEEO's to replace the SR'S when they first came out and there are definitely some areas for improvement not just as a daily user but for friends and family that found some issues in just visiting for a few days at a time with them.  Maybe enough attention in this forum will have the attention to get a wider  array of input like other technology companies do in order to factor them into future designs.

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22 hours ago, gregheard said:

would be good to get some surveys out there especially on new devices released in the last 12-24 months for customer feedback.  They acquired NEEO but have not heard of a customer engagement platform to garner feedback to go into design and improvements as it being a daily customer user interface.  Having worked with 4 integrators now over the 13 years I've had my system not once has there been outreach.  Would be good to provide some feedback, beyond forum monitoring and small pool of dealers, to get a much wider array of input.  Bought 7 of the NEEO's to replace the SR'S when they first came out and there are definitely some areas for improvement not just as a daily user but for friends and family that found some issues in just visiting for a few days at a time with them.  Maybe enough attention in this forum will have the attention to get a wider  array of input like other technology companies do in order to factor them into future designs.

It wont hurt but it’s doubtful. This forum is less active than before IMO. Like some have said there are staff active on the forum and I know also some unofficial monitoring. Snap is a wonderful business and stellar with service, a big business ready to acquire tech and distribution but not always great with production and development which is why I no longer use Control4 for new smart homes. All dealers should be giving direct feedback, some are and tech support obviously records anything a dealer does call in about. The best way in all electronics is to speak with your wallets. 

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34 minutes ago, Control4Savant said:

It wont hurt but it’s doubtful. This forum is less active than before IMO. Like some have said there are staff active on the forum and I know also some unofficial monitoring. Snap is a wonderful business and stellar with service, a big business ready to acquire tech and distribution but not always great with production and development which is why I no longer use Control4 for new smart homes. All dealers should be giving direct feedback, some are and tech support obviously records anything a dealer does call in about. The best way in all electronics is to speak with your wallets. 

Thank you for that insight as I haven't been tremendously active here until the last 12-18 months.  I'm pretty far into C4 ecosystem with my residence and cost prohibitive to go another route.  I will try and feed that input with my local integrator to see if they have more routine reviews with Snap.

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