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South Africa C4 user

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Everything posted by South Africa C4 user

  1. Someone else turned the circuit breaker back on for you
  2. Sorry! I had not meant to jump in ahead of your announcement! Keep up th egood work... My thoughts on the day / night Button was really just an on/off switch where on shows a daylight picture (sun rising) and off shows a nighttime scene (moon and stars). I was looking for an Experience Button like this when I was setting up some control for irrigation. I have an option for morning or night and rather than using a radio button, I thought an icon swapping between day and night would work... I can see other uses for a button with 3 states, day, night and 24/7. Hope that makes sense?
  3. I see you've added some white goods Experience Buttons - very cool! A day / night Button would be a very useful addition. So would a countdown button where it counts down in days rather than hours or minutes. Alternatively, a countdown button where the user controls when the number changes...
  4. I'm back! South Africans are still honorary Americans! Interestingly, not only am I back, but everything is now pretty much instantaneous where it was quite slow previously... and the only response I am getting from Alexa (so far) is OK... which is exactly what one wants. None of this device not being found nonsense. All I did was disable the skill in the Alexa App and then re-enable it. Interestingly, I did not lose any of the name changes that I had done for devices in MyControl4 which was a big plus! Of course, the big question I have is why / how did the connection get broken?
  5. Unfortunately, I am still down... very sad... perhaps you are right and the secret police figured out that South Africa is not, in fact an American state! But I am not sure as I still see the Control4 skill in the Alexa app. I tried adding an advanced lighting scene and it did not appear in mycontrol4 (admittedly, I only did this 15 minutes ago - maybe I need to wait longer). I am considering deleting the skill and re-adding it... but that would be irritating (even if it works) as I changed the names of almost all of my 100 odd lights and most of my 100 odd advanced lighting scenes...
  6. You are lucky! I went dark a day or so ago and can't find the light switch!
  7. In terms of Alexa, I can no longer get her to Discover any of the Control4 devices... Even if I change some of the device names / enabled devices in my Control4 and rerun discovery, Alexa tells me she discovers no devices... Very frustrating :-(
  8. My experience has got worse... Alexa used to delay a bit and then say the device was not responding but the light would still come on... now the same thing happens but the light does not come on (or go off) as it should...
  9. I have almost the same experience. Half the time, I have a fairly lengthy delay followed by "The device is not responding". However, absolutely every time this is said, the expected Control4 action happens (e.g. The lights come on).
  10. I'm still a standard grade user and have not (yet) played with attachments!
  11. I've got it working perfectly in one email... my programming is overly complex and I realised once it was working that I am simply doing the following (but in a roundabout way): 1. Set up a variable called count which starts at 0 2. Add 1 to count under the file uploaded event on each of the 3 chunk.io drivers. 3. On variable (count) change check to see if it is equal to 3. If it is, then reset count to 0 and fire off the email. 4. Make sure the email is set up to include the pictures from all 3 drivers. Works like a charm.
  12. Thanks Alan... quite obvious - I feel a bit silly for not thinking of that. If it works, I can get all 3 pictures into one email and with careful coding can only trigger the email after all 3 pictures are available..
  13. Is there a way to upload 2 or 3 different camera snapshots at the same time or does one need to wait 20 (or so) seconds and then take the snapshot from the second camera etc.? I have 3 cameras covering my driveway and would like to get pictures from all 3 of them when a beam is triggered...
  14. I must say this looks pretty neat Alan! I will definitely be using the 48 hour trial when I get a free moment. I will most likely buy... What would be really nice (an enhancement request) is if you could have one of your buttons open up another page (like extras in comfort currently does) and put your buttons in that new page also... Then one could also use this driver to create menus in menus etc. much like one can currently do with StartHere! Two other nice add ons would be: 1. To be able to include a text box with a few lines of text in place of a row of buttons... 2. To have the ability to paste your own icon in to the button (I assume one can already change the text on the button and one is not stuck with Check box, Holiday 1 etc.). You will gather from my suggestions that I am seeing ways of making your driver mimic StartHere! but work on all the new hardware and be infinitely more powerful. By way of example (requiring all 3 of my suggested enhancements), one of the very basic things I have in StartHere at present is the ability to choose a keypad backlight colour for each of upstairs and downstairs separately for day and night (4 options, 7 colours). If your driver allowed a page to pop up, the 4 options could be in the comfort page and all of them would call up an identical second page (with 7 buttons each with an appropriate coloured circle in the centre of the button - these would act as a radio button). One could then have a text entry below the buttons that reminds the user what they are currently doing and says "Upstairs daytime backlights are set to blue" and changes dynamically as one changes the selection or enters the page from a different button in the first place. I have currently kept two of my Touchscreens as V2s for two reasons (a lack of book marking ability and the inability to use StartHere! on the new Touchscreens). Your driver as it stands now would go half way to removing my reliance on StartHere! And if the above 3 changes were made, I could come off StartHere! alltogether... one can dream!
  15. Yatun have a free driver - available to dealers on their website which will do this. Not: they have 3 drivers... You need to choose the right one! Two will do this. One won't.
  16. Sounds very impressive... Lots of competition in the Alexa driver space soon...
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