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Everything posted by alanchow

  1. If the channel numbers are the same as Sky then you should be able to use our Sky Channels driver as long as the Vodafone TV box has support to goto a specific channel.
  2. You'll need to submit a helpdesk ticket for us to troubleshoot further with logs and probably remote access details to your system. https://www.chowmainsoft.com/support We don't have sleep mode implemented (or know how to do it). The API for lights only give us the details on how to set the value. As such you will have to do your own programming to do raising and lowering.
  3. Yes the driver provides bi-directional feedback. Note that it is polled so it won't update until the next poll interval (unless the command is initiated by Control4 in which case its instant).
  4. TP-Link KL430 is my favorite. Can be purchased easily, installed easily (as its wifi) and integrates to our driver for local based IP control. Product - https://www.kasasmart.com/us/products/smart-lighting/kasa-smart-led-light-strip-kl430 Driver - https://www.chowmainsoft.com/tplink-control4
  5. It is a pretty straight forward API. We've done lots of lighting products so this will much similar to all of the others. No testing required from anyone on this project.
  6. I couldn't purchase it directly from the govee website but managed to buy it through amazon. Bought sockets, bulbs (color + non color), led strips (normal + immersion) with expedited shipping. Once it arrives give us 6 weeks of development time so i assume we'll have a driver by mid August.
  7. I see. Thats where we went from. We contacted them from their website and never heard back. I don't have product but i'll buy one of each to do testing. HOpefully they'll send to Australia.
  8. We don't have a solution currently. We reached out to Govee a while back to get their API and didn't get a response so i'll reach out again. Regardless even if we get it into our queue it will take some time before we get one released so don't expect anything anytime soon.
  9. Just realised that this originally was about smart plugs. For anyone looking at smart plugs we have several options for 240v countries with various plug styles. AU/EU/UK Shelly - http://www.chowmainsoft.com/shelly-control4 TP-Link Kasa - https://www.chowmainsoft.com/tplink-control4 Tuya (look at the gigantic list of brands on the link) - https://www.chowmainsoft.com/tuya-control4 Belkin Wemo - https://www.chowmainsoft.com/belkin-wemo
  10. That is the latest one. Assume you had auto update enabled which is why you're on that version. Note that it required the username and password to be entered in one last time so it should be ok now. If it happens again please reach out to our helpdesk and we'll help troubleshoot.
  11. For those in australia or new zealand here is the grid connect stuff which uses our Tuya driver. http://chowmainsoft.com/tuya-control4
  12. For reference here are the Lightwave RF power points for EU and UK style outlets. Bi-directional control and instantaneous feedback from Control4. http://www.chowmainsoft.com/lightwave-control4
  13. This is correct. All webview applications are T3/T4 only.
  14. These are the best inwall power point solutions for Control4 as they provide bidirectional control and feedback as an alternative check out Tuya based wifi solutions.
  15. We fixed a bug in the driver a week or so ago that was introduced in the last version. Basically the bug causes the pushover account to log out if you mess with the drivers properties. as such the majority of people are in effected apart from those who mess with the drivers properties. Upgrade the driver and it will resolve this.
  16. Sorry this is now fixed. The server that this was on filled up and we didn't clear it. This shouldn't be a problem in future as we've added in a cronjob that deletes the files periodically.
  17. Our scheduler app for T3 / T4 touchscreens allows you to manage schedules easily including temporarily disabling them and setting once off schedules. http://www.chowmainsoft.com/scheduler-control4-driver
  18. Never heard of it before. Honestly though RTS is kind of a solved problem with Bond. Its really affordable, easy to install and works well.
  19. We developed the ultimate Elk M1 / Ness M1 security panel driver for Control4 and released it about a month or so ago. The goal of the driver was not to just implement the basic arm/disarm/alarm/zones/outputs that pretty much all security panel drivers do but on top of all of that provide the most advanced security panel integration on the market. This driver has built in notifications (ie no extra programming) that will send 4sight emails and push notifications advising you who armed / disarmed the panel, what alarm has gone off, trouble (battery low, faulty sensor, etc) and more. It provides you with the ability to manage / enroll users from Control4 along with the ability to learn weigand for specific door access. Implemented every event possible but the ones that stand out to me are events for AC failure, AC restore, battery level, remote control fob button presses. keypad bindings for keypad buttons, fob buttons. Allows you to send text to the M1 keypads and we can tie the function buttons to bindings or events. EG at my house i have a bit of Control4 programming tied into the function buttons with the LCD providing state feedback to me. temperature sensor feedback / bindings as well if you want to use the M1 temperature sensors. lighting integration for M1 compatible lighting systems. Controller clock syncing so that you don't have time drift when you have RS232 only connections (ie no NTP time syncing). This driver might be a bit overkill for most people but we wanted to provide a complete solution This driver was completed by our very talented @Andrew luecke https://www.chowmainsoft.com/m1-control4
  20. Control4 provide a wealth of information for new driver developers. My suggestion is to start off on the following page https://dealer.control4.com/support/drivers Once you log in to your dealer account you can download the DriverWorks SDK and DriverEditor (Control4's IDE). DriverWorks is a Lua based software development kit. There are plenty of lua resources available but my favorites are https://www.lua.org/ http://lua-users.org/ Control4 also provide a video training series focused on developing device drivers on the page i linked up top. This series of training modules is targeted towards the experienced driver developer as well the beginner. It is designed to build in content as well as complexity throughout the entire curriculum. Hope this helps.
  21. Just realised i forgot to mention that Kaleidescape does not allow you to house your movies on an external nas like Synology. All of the other solutions do however.
  22. Personally i like having a fully integrated media system in Control4. Its definately the showpiece at my house when guests come around and I select a movie on my T3 in-wall touchscreen and have the magic of automation dim the lights (if they are on), close blinds (if they are open), turn on the receiver, turn on the projector, etc and bam movie is playing. Media players (and software) that work well for this are (in order of my preference Kaleidescape - https://www.chowmainsoft.com/kaleidescape Zappiti - https://www.chowmainsoft.com/zappiti-control4 Kodi - https://www.chowmainsoft.com/kodi-xbmc-full-driver-for-control4 Plex - https://www.chowmainsoft.com/plex-full-driver-for-control4 Here are some screen shots of the various solutions above Kaleidescape Zappiti Kodi (old screenshot) Plex (old screenshot)
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