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Everything posted by dcovach

  1. I think @South Africa C4 user was referring to eGauge EG3000 or the Saturn South panel devices. Monitors the circuits. @alanchow made the drivers.
  2. If your dealer is happy to fix this, considering you're tampering with it, you're a lucky customer. I know how to fix it too but there's lines I won't cross. Keep a good relationship with your dealer and you'll have most of the help you'll need. You'll find a lot of free helpful advise on this forum as there are many who have been on here for years and have not only seen control4 grow into what it is now but have contributed along the way.
  3. In the nicest possible way, tell your dealer to get off the beach and setup your system properly. You're asking for the kind of help that your dealer is responsible for. If there's any problems, he has to call tech support or fix it him/herself, not you. No dealer appreciates it when the end user tampers with a working system. You're not going to get much help in this forum on this subject. Especially after deleting drivers that you should not be deleting at your leisure. Project build and setup is for dealers. Custom programming is all yours.
  4. Sorry, I couldn't help myself. That was way too wide open
  5. A solo experience is not an accurate rating.
  6. Invoking a scene to active forces the scene to activate even if all the tracking conditions are already met. After making changes, make sure all loads in this scene are off and refresh navs before you test. I can't remember if its necessary to do this with 2.5.2.
  7. You can also track when any one of the loads are at final, on (100%), any level, or off (0%). Not just when all are at final, on or off. You can only toggle a scene if you have a 2nd scene to be the toggled scene. A scene is only active or inactice when the tracking conditions have been met. Keep in mind that an all off scene will appear as active if you are tracking at scene final to be 0% or off. It sounds counter intuitive but all the tracking conditions will have been met and will be active. Test the scene with a nav and flip lights on and off. Watch the behavior or the status in the advanced lighting scene you're testing and compare.
  8. What type of networking gear did your dealer use? Which brands?
  9. Good to know but since I'm north of the northern "wall", foscam's are still available to me. I do like amcrest so I would switch if foscam drops out in my area.
  10. Foscam is good for the price. Very inexpensive. I have a FI8910W viewing my son's crib 24-7 and I never have to reboot it. I can see it on all navigators. I can only do 2 way audio with the tinycam pro app for android (great app). The C4 TS's have resolution limitations, depending if its a T3 with an EA controller or older gen ts's. T3 can view an H.264 rtsp stream up to 1080x720p x 15fps (30fps not recommended) or lower while the older TS's can only view the MJPEG stream at 320x240 x 15fps. I set my foscam to that resolution and works perfectly across all navigators. There has been a lot of talk of Foscams in this forum. A few people have made a driver for it too. Like this guy.... @msgreenf
  11. @cdepaola. the method above does work as I've done it recently with the generic driver mentioned...... but I suppose learning how to create your own camera driver could benefit you in the long run if setting up other types
  12. I also purchased this same XBMC Recluse Driver from Andrjez. He responded to me promptly and emailed my driver within the same day. I couldn't be happier. We (end users) need more dealers like this who offer such services for a more than fair price. I look forward to inquiring more services in the near future. Thanks for being available to help.
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