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Everything posted by LollerAgent

  1. So - you can select the sound mode in programming. I'm not quite sure what a custom profile is (and I have all Denon AVR's!), but here is a screenshot of what you can do in programming: If you select "Surround Sound," you see the following options.. perhaps one of these is a profile?
  2. Which setting are you trying to activate?
  3. Installing a Dahua Starlight 2MP turret today! Excited to see how it compares with my other cameras at night.
  4. Silly reason to replace them all. Those cameras are probably just fine. Unless you're unhappy with them, I wouldn't replace them
  5. I suspect a new remote as well. I'm also thinking they will release OS 3.1 which will fix some of 3.0's issues including (but not limited to!) the missing "stuff" from the OSD and *hopefully* a faster app load on iOS. There is also the mysterious T4.. which we have heard was killed, but, who knows..
  6. Maybe try Twonky? I think they have native packages for Synology, so installation should be simple. MiniDLNA or any of the others should be fine as well. Just pick one that is simple to install on Synology.
  7. I'll take a picture when I go home.
  8. If this is true, I question why they even wasted production time and effort on the V2 EA controllers. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me, and it's sort of frustrating as someone who recently bought an EA5-V2 with hopes that it would be future proof for a while.
  9. Do you have power running next to your audio signal cables? It sounds like you have some type of ground loop interference. I would start by unhooking cables one-by-one to see if it eliminates the buzz. Try not to route power and audio cables right next to each other, etc. Try bypassing your UPS. These things can be annoying to track down. If all else fails, there is a chance you could have a faulty amp.
  10. You can probably run another DLNA server on your Synology if you want.
  11. Enough already. We know you have things for sale.
  12. Are you doing video distribution or will your video sources be local? Do you need 4K in the bedroom? Just trying to figure out why you don't want to deal with 1080p? If you need 4K, I would probably pick one of these up: https://www.accessories4less.com/make-a-store/item/denavrx1400h/denon-avr-x1400h-7.2-ch-x-80-watts-a/v-receiver-w/heos/1.html
  13. I think so, yeah. You may be able to program a push notification with a still screenshot attachment? Not sure. I thought you could view the recordings from the camera's web interface, but I'm not actually seeing that option. You can probably grab them from the camera and watch them elsewhere on your network.
  14. TV sound for the local 5.1 zone? Through the AVR. TV sound through non 5.1 zones? Audio return from your TV or source device back into your matrix.
  15. No - there isn't a all-in-one C4 solution for a 5.1 zone. You will be happiest with a C4-integrated AVR handling this zone; either local to the zone or placed in your rack. The x8500 is a beast, but it won't be able to handle a 13.2 zone + another 5.1 zone. As long as there is a driver for that VSK-1021 (hopefully IP), you should be able to control it with C4. I don't really know anything about Pioneer unfortunately.
  16. You'll want to keep an AVR for the 5.1 zone. At this point, you can connect the outputs of the AVR handling the 5.1 zone into an input on your audio matrix. This will allow you to play local 5.1 sources through your entire home. You can also connect an output on your audio matrix to an input on your AVR which would allow you to play your other matrix sources (EA5 streams, etc) though your 5.1 zone.
  17. Yeah - the Triad One would be installed locally in each zone. You would pull wires from your speakers in that room to the Triad One - not back to your rack. Triad does not have a "wireless speaker" solution that I am aware of. I think the One is the closest thing you will find in that regard.
  18. I don't think you can access recordings through C4. You'll need a local SD card in the camera. PTZ also doesn't work great with this driver at the moment if that is something you require.
  19. You may also look into the Triad One which is similar to a Sonos Connect-Amp, but integrates into C4 directly -- if you are not able to install in-ceiling speakers and run wires in a zone.
  20. Yeah - you should use KD-120's to supplement your Caseta switches like we discussed before. The KD-120's will provide the mesh that you need, control your Caseta loads and do anything else C4-related (control audio/video/etc).
  21. Do you already have in-ceiling speakers in the rooms? If so, are the speaker wires already ran directly back to your rack where your amps/controller/matrix would live? To have full flexibility, you need the EA5 (sources the streams), an amp (you already mention you have a Triad 4 zone power amp?), and a Triad 8x8 matrix. The matrix will allow you to play any of the EA5 streams in any of your zones and also have discrete volume control in each zone. You can then use the C4 app to control the audio zones (join zones, control volume, etc).
  22. Is this a picture of the keypad in your friend's brand new home? I would not be happy if I had a brand new home with a keypad that looked that bad.
  23. No - you can ask your dealer to install the DLNA driver for you. You will need the DLNA daemon running on your NAS as well. You can then use the DLNA driver to access all of your music. You don't need to manually re-scan or anything when using DLNA.. everything is updated automatically.
  24. Ugh - yeah, sounds like you have a bridge or interference problem. Hue is generally rock solid.
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