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Everything posted by dinom

  1. Well, it’s gone from a huge hole, to a smaller hole, but yeah Ok, I’ll revisit in 11 days.
  2. True, but there is a holiday in there as well.
  3. Anyone hear when the T4 might be shipping? November is almost gone.
  4. If you use the app on your phone, does the feedback work for the Acurus?
  5. Any updates on your progress? Did you end up mounting your Chime outdoors yet, and if so, how is it working?
  6. There is a black one available, I have it installed now.
  7. Mine is on pre-order. My dealer says shipping late November.
  8. Progress pictures coming soon, but I ran out of space to upload more.
  9. Here is where I’m at right now. Wall box installed and CAT6 pulled. Just primed and painted the drywall too. Next is to terminate the CAT6 on both ends, install a PoE injector, and wait for the T4 to arrive. Can’t wait!
  10. Seems like the WiFi version would have been a better solution for you, assuming you have an access point that’s close enough to work reliably.
  11. Thinking about getting Chime once I get my T4 installed later this year. I’ll be replacing a Nest Hello at the front door. I also have a Nest indoor camera that sends notifications for movement or sounds. Are there C4 equivalent cameras I can use indoors that will give me a similar experience to Nest? And if so, will they all be accessible from within the C4 app?
  12. What constitutes an upgrade? Just buying a new piece of hardware?
  13. Are you sure that’s true? When my dealer preordered my T4 he said C4 wasn’t offering any discounts. I’ll ask him again.
  14. Thanks, what about new T4 touch screens? Any discounts?
  15. When I think of home theater, I'm thinking dedicated room for movie watching in my case. For this, I find the combination touchscreen and hard button remote like Neeo is better, although Neeo needs backlit buttons badly. I used to have an RTI system in my house, and I have to agree it was much more customizable, but that also complicated the design of the user interface. I did like being able to add any button I'd like to any touch screen or remote screen. So for example I could have a watch movie screen with all the transport buttons, and then have a few buttons off the side for raising the lights or changing the screen mask aspect ratio, etc., without having to change to another page. You could also name the buttons however you'd like, so again it was 100% customizable.
  16. Sorry that’s what I meant to ask, what additional setting are available?
  17. I thought the silver PoE was the first available now, with WiFi coming late November. That’s what my dealer told me at least.
  18. Have the Chime installation instructions been posted to C4 dealer site yet? All I have so far is the data sheet. Would be great to see what’s involved with installation.
  19. Ok was wondering if anyone started to install and try one out yet. Maybe some real world pictures too. Personally I’m waiting for the black color, but haven’t decided between WiFi or POE. It will be challenging to run Cat6 to the front door area, but not impossible.
  20. Anyone receive a Chime yet from the first shipment?
  21. Since my thread has turned into an RJ45 discussion I found this video for doing POE with EZ crimp if one is concerned with shorting or protruding wires. Seems simple enough.
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