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Play doesn't work on Lastest Version of Ipad App

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Hoping you guys can suggest something here.  I updated to Version 2.5.3 for the Control4 Ipad App and everything works the same as the previous version except when I pull up a movie, the Play button doesn't do anything.  I tried multiple movies the Play doesn't work.  I deleted the app and reinstalled it, configured it again, and still the Play on movies doesn't work.  I was hoping someone here might have thoughts on how to fix or maybe the previous version of the Ipad app that you can send me.  Thanks in advance for any help you can give.  Elliott.

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Last question, as I'm still trying to re-create the issue, is this from the 'list' view using the play button directly next to the image, or the play button AFTER selecting the movie on the screen that displays the detailed information?

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This is a known C4 issue.  The play button will work for the first movie on the iPad app.  Then it won't work for any subsequent movies.  It's nothing to do with any drivers in the project and is simply an issue with the app.  You can get it to work again by killing the app and then re-loading it.

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Yup, Will beat me to it but it seems a known glitch AFAIK tell, though I can't seem to recreate it right now and it's not rearing it's ugly head here for some reason.

Guess it shows that I don't watch two movies in a row very often. So closing the app and re-loading seems the work-around at the moment.

Should I come across anything else I'll report.

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Same for me with last post, I am using Extra Veg also.  I have already deleted the app and re-installed it then re-configured it with the IP address for the Director.  Still no go!  Basically before the upgrade the Play button worked on any movie prior to the upgrade.  Now with V2.5.3 of the Ipad App, when I click Watch, Movie, and then see the list of thumbnails for my movies, I click on any movie, hit the Play arrow but nothing happens, no movie starts, no light scenes execute.  Elliott

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Here, I still seem to be working 100%, and not just the first movie. Now I don't use EV drivers for any of this, but it failing to trigger lighting scenes etc really makes me think it isn't that (I assume scene trigger is source selection, which isn't affected by drivers at all - the driver can fail 100% as such and the system would still select the source, therefor trigger the scene).

I'll continue to push thing here but...


What are the corresponding SYSTEM version of those having issues? So the system itself, not the app?

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Two clients of mine have same problem. I cant tell him anything and it makes me embarrassed. Also the reputation of control4 is reducing because such as this kind of simple issues. I can't understand how they did not make a check before releasing the new version. I worry about the number of the clients who has same problem will increase soon.

The iphones or ipads of the clients updated automatically themselves to 2.5.3 version and the play button doesn't work in the movies detail screen. The button can be seen in blur style but can't be touched and not active.  I have tried android app, display gui of SR250 and control4 gui. All of them are work well. The problem occurs only Ipad and Iphone app.

It is clear there is a simple glitch and there is nothing to discuss. The problem have to be solved by the Control4 immediately unless the other clients realize it.

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So is the type of problem the auto-updating that iOS 7 brought to the table.  I doubt it would be as big of an issue if the app updated without user intervention.  In my case, I'd rather have the auto-update, but there is definitely a bad side to it...

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Not 600 for iPad etc, but plenty still. Yes this IS being communicated, yes it IS all tested.

While I find it unfortunate that this seems to be here, as mentioned everything is perfectly fine at my place - so if nothing else it isn't universal.


Again, what system versions are you using the 2.5.3 apps on?

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Man, I'm glad I saw this thread!

I thought it was something mixed up with my pad, because both my iphone and my C4-GUI still worked.

I'm one of those that's not going to contact my dealer about this, now when I now there are several people and its a known issue.

But, if I wasnt so geeky about this and didnt have this understanding about techy gear and why it sometimes dont work (no matter how many thousands of dollars they cost), I would be furious!

I'm sorry for the dealers that got this in their lap, and can't do anything about it.

Im running 2.5.3 on all my equipment.

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Not 600 for iPad etc, but plenty still. Yes this IS being communicated, yes it IS all tested.

While I find it unfortunate that this seems to be here, as mentioned everything is perfectly fine at my place - so if nothing else it isn't universal.


Again, what system versions are you using the 2.5.3 apps on?

Using 2.5.3 on controller and iPads.

600 bad testers, which are more than lickly yanks - Brits check everything and look after the yanks when they get in a scrape !!

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