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Sony XBR falling off network


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Has anyone else experienced this??

The TV will just randomly fall off the network (Ethernet) and will not regain connectivity until the TV is either factory reset or has been unplugged for an extended period of time.

im using the network connection for control and Netplay video.  Last night was my third call about this TV falling offline and I had to walk the customer through unplugging the power.

It always comes back after the outage and can be used for days before it happens again.

Really just curious to see if anyone else has dealt with this at all.  It has the latest updates, etc.



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3 hours ago, lippavisual said:

Has anyone else experienced this??

The TV will just randomly fall off the network (Ethernet) and will not regain connectivity until the TV is either factory reset or has been unplugged for an extended period of time.

im using the network connection for control and Netplay video.  Last night was my third call about this TV falling offline and I had to walk the customer through unplugging the power.

It always comes back after the outage and can be used for days before it happens again.

Really just curious to see if anyone else has dealt with this at all.  It has the latest updates, etc.



We sell hundreds of XBR series TV's every year, and utilize IP control on a large majority of them and haven't experienced this.

It sounds like network hardware issues. Does your network switch show a link light, even when the TV "falls offline"? It could also be a couple other things. Try setting the TV to a static IP address, disable IPv6, and ID the TV via IP, instead of SDDP. See if performance changes then. It *could* be the data port on the TV itself is failing. This would be a much more difficult problem to address. I don't recommend it, but you could use wifi for a while and see if it works that way. We have used wifi for IP control in the past and haven't had issues with it. It just takes a couple seconds longer to turn on when using wifi.

If you call Sony, they will ask you to update all your apps and firmwares to the latest version as well.

If the port on the TV is dead, I would just switch to RS232 to IR control. The certified drivers support these methods as well. Just make sure to adjust the power-off delay on the certified driver to 5 seconds, instead of the default of 2 seconds, otherwise it won't work properly.

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Thanks for the response.

Network isn't the problem unfortunately.  The TV has been reserved through DHCP, set to static on TV itself and multiple other ways.  Just seems to keep falling offline for no reason.

Cable was certified during installation and after this problem arose.  Swapped patch cords, moved cable to different patch panel port, etc.  Still falls.

I do need the ethernet port though for the video stream, so wifi is out of the question, as that doesn't work with wifi.

IPv6 is disabled though.  Google account is provided and up to date, along with OS and other apps.  The only thing new, network-wise, is I'm using a Pakedge switch in this install for the first time.  All other devices are working properly, so I doubt that;s it, but who knows.

I've also used these many times over too and never have seen this.  I think the port may be going bad or its an AndroidOS issue. 


Head scratcher for sure.  Luckily this is a customer provided TV, so I'm not on the hook for fixing it for free.

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8 minutes ago, lippavisual said:

Thanks for the response.

Network isn't the problem unfortunately.  The TV has been reserved through DHCP, set to static on TV itself and multiple other ways.  Just seems to keep falling offline for no reason.

Cable was certified during installation and after this problem arose.  Swapped patch cords, moved cable to different patch panel port, etc.  Still falls.

I do need the ethernet port though for the video stream, so wifi is out of the question, as that doesn't work with wifi.

IPv6 is disabled though.  Google account is provided and up to date, along with OS and other apps.  The only thing new, network-wise, is I'm using a Pakedge switch in this install for the first time.  All other devices are working properly, so I doubt that;s it, but who knows.

I've also used these many times over too and never have seen this.  I think the port may be going bad or its an AndroidOS issue. 


Head scratcher for sure.  Luckily this is a customer provided TV, so I'm not on the hook for fixing it for free.

Sounds like a bad ethernet port. How is Netplay in the mix? I'm not super familiar with Netplay, but is it an "App" on the TV, or is it another physical module behind the TV? I know it is responsible for handling IP video, and maybe it could be too chatty and causing the data port to stop responding after a while?

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I've been having the same problems with my XBR-75X850C for quite some time. I unplug the TV and plug it back in again and it works for a short amount of time and then vanishes from the network. I see the same symptoms regardless of whether Ethernet or Wi-Fi. It is the only device on the network that is having issues.

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Bugging the crap out of me too!  Had a call over the weekend from this customer saying he was watching a Bluray and the audio was out of sync.  We are using the Audio switch from VS as well which has the audio delay.

TV delivers video and the audio switch delivers audio to an AVR.  I know these were aligned previously.  Had him reboot the TV for the hell of it and whatdoya know, fixed the video to line back up with the audio.

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On 11/21/2018 at 11:41 AM, zaphod said:

I am pretty sure that Netplay is the Videostorm app that runs on AndroidTV that receives the stream from the Netplay controller.  The other option in this instance would be to use an external ATV device like a FireTV or Nvidia Shield.

I'm all for doing it, but not at my cost.  I've given that option and for now, they are fine with rebooting the TV every other day, surprisingly.

I just wish those Netplay app licenses were transferable to different accounts because if I go the external route, the license is rendered useless.

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5 hours ago, hunger said:

I've been having the same problems with my XBR-75X850C for quite some time. I unplug the TV and plug it back in again and it works for a short amount of time and then vanishes from the network. I see the same symptoms regardless of whether Ethernet or Wi-Fi. It is the only device on the network that is having issues.

Sounds like a job for a C4 outlet switch - have it reboot the TV on a daily basis.  I have an AVR that drops off the network after a few hours.  It used to last a week or two - I upgraded the firmware to solve this issue but it got way worse.

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Can you wire direct to the router?

I recently had an issue where ATV's after a recent update REFUSE to get an IP when wired to Airlink and Trendnet switches (yet every other device does, including using the same wires and switch ports) - wire direct to a router and it works...

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Ya, totally falls off.  CMD ping and get nothing, same with ARP pings.  Reboot the TV and everything comes back like nothing happened.

I personally haven't called Sony because, well, I didn't supply the TV but have asked the customer to do so.  He hasn't yet.  I also found out this TV was a floor model previously at Best Buy.  Can take that with a grain of salt.

Firmwares for Android OS and Google are all up to date.

I've offered to put in an external decoder to relieve the TV's burden, but that was shot down.  I doubt they would add a controlled outlet to make things "easier" for them.

Moving patch cable directly to router is one thing I haven't tried yet.

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My TV's firmware is up to date. I contacted Sony when the symptoms first appeared but since the TV is more than two years old it is out of warranty and Sony will only provide out-of-warranty service which is basically the community boards. Doing a Google search reveals lots of other people experiencing the same symptoms.

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  • 9 months later...

I just put my Xbr on IR so I don’t have internet to the TV..  I don’t need internet there and I had some samsung 32” TV’s if you plug Ethernet the TV turns back on randomly..  So I just gave up.. don’t really need internet at the TVs so its all good but it is annoying

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yeah I don't need internet on the TV's so its all good.  but if I do I'll try that next time.  I have 3 32" Samsungs in my office and I couldn't get TV to stop turning on until I realized those were also having the same issues as my Sony so I unconnected ethernet to those as well and haven't had the issue ever again.  Thanks

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  • 3 years later...
41 minutes ago, diwit said:

Hello. I bought an XBR-65X850B and it keeps dropping the wifi connection. I have good signal strength, router is working perfectly with all other devices, but I'll be watching netflix and the connection will just fail. I have to unplug the tv and plug it back in to re-establish the connection. Why??????

Is it on the latest firmware for example? What are Sony forums are saying about this?

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