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Good backgrounds

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I tried using pictures of the actual rooms but could never get one that I liked both vertical and horizontal. Any picture that looked good on a tablet looked awful on the iPhone app. I ended up doing room details, like a close-ups of the backsplash kitchen tile or bathroom wallpaper. Still not entirely happy with it, but it works for now. 

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3 hours ago, RAV said:

I find framing on an object better than using the whole room.

The tub, sink, stove, artwork, fireplace, bed, couch, front door etc.

this - as a very part time / hobby photographer I found taking a photo of a key element in the room better.  For instance, we got some fancy "hand painted" dish on a vacation in Morocco and we use it on our kitchen island.  I tossed some oranges/lemons/limes in the bowl and took a photo, done....For the master bathroom I put the purple LED lights on in the shower (its a steam shower and has colored lights) and took a photo of the shower stall with the door closed right after a steam so the glass is frosted, the lights on are behind with a cool glow, etc.  For the garage you could even use a stock photo of your car(s) or something.  In the gym I took a photo of two dumbbells laying on the floor, etc.  Another idea, if you have a pet, take a photo of them on a couch or in a bed for a specific room, etc.

Taking a photo of the room is just going to look like junk or a really bad real estate listing.

Edited by eggzlot
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