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EA5 Requesting System Password?

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5 hours ago, cdw5510 said:


Do you know if there is a workaround to remove the password prompt?  My dealer upgraded me from 2.10 I think to 3.2 and now I am getting this.  Is there a security key somewhere local on my machine causing this, that is a gut feeling I have.

no work arounds or fixes at other than rolling the system back.

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the workaround is to install Composer Pro on the machine and then uninstall Composer Pro, and then Composer HE no longer prompts for the password.  I've done it for a few clients already (over a Teamviewer)...so a site visit isn't necessary.  But this isn't a great solution obviously.

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1 hour ago, Gary Leeds UK said:

How many times do we need to say it - Use End Users to help Beta Test - They would spot issues like this 


Based on the temp fix, this was missed because any testers that check HE would have had PRO installed as well.

End-user beta (outside of dealers, developers and c4 employees who ARE end-users as well of course) is it's own discussion - I'm not even sure if there aren't any- , and yes in this case this might have been caught. But it's NOT simple to 'just' involve end-users in beta, simply because there will be sensitive information for upcoming releases, not to mention that end-users can't update, access logs and more.


Not that simple.

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7 minutes ago, Cyknight said:

Not that simple.

Well it is, actually... If you do proper testing in software development, you test against standard test cases that obviously should cover different user groups if your software environment covers different user groups and do regression testing to ensure that previously working features aren´t broken by a new built. But of course end-user group testing doesn´t have to be (and should not be done by the reasons mentioned above) done by an actual end-user but can be done internally with  test end-user accounts...

But it´s not only C4 - Crestron had it´s testing desaster a couple of weeks ago with their IOS app... 😉

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10 minutes ago, Cyknight said:

Based on the temp fix, this was missed because any testers that check HE would have had PRO installed as well.

End-user beta (outside of dealers, developers and c4 employees who ARE end-users as well of course) is it's own discussion - I'm not even sure if there aren't any- , and yes in this case this might have been caught. But it's NOT simple to 'just' involve end-users in beta, simply because there will be sensitive information for upcoming releases, not to mention that end-users can't update, access logs and more.


Not that simple.

Very simple ~end user beta tests ~ who only have access to HE 

not that hard ~ you only need one or two 

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4 hours ago, Köhler Medientechnik said:

but can be done internally with  test end-user accounts...

Exactly, but that is NOT and end-user beta tester, but a beta tester working purely as an end-user.

You're also assuming that is not already the case.

But if you have HE set up under it's own user account, on a computer that ALSO has ComposerPro installed, that would NOT have caught this issue.

Now, in this scenario, if a separate computer had been used to check on Composer HE, one that is NOT in use for PRO, this might have been caught - sure. I'm guessing that was not the case.

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I only question a beta system that would not have an end user account on a clean pc only to mimic an end user.  Real world or a lab sandbox you should mimic the experience 100%. That is a good especially for a company who releases software updates.  Almost like someone developing for an app for Android, testing on Android and then releasing it on android and iOS without testing iOS in the same manner. 

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13 minutes ago, eggzlot said:

I only question a beta system that would not have an end user account on a clean pc only to mimic an end user.  Real world or a lab sandbox you should mimic the experience 100%. That is a good especially for a company who releases software updates.  Almost like someone developing for an app for Android, testing on Android and then releasing it on android and iOS without testing iOS in the same manner. 

Don't disagree there.

But on the analogy - you cannot expect an app developer to have every VERSION of iOS and Android running on every DEVICE out there. So it's not always possible to mimic the experience 100%.


That doesn't take anything away from the rest though.

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8 hours ago, Cyknight said:

Exactly, but that is NOT and end-user beta tester, but a beta tester working purely as an end-user.

Or a beta tester that has different testing environments installed: one with the Pro and one with the HE. Just like @eggzlot mentioned.

 That´s really standard stuff to have.

7 hours ago, Cyknight said:

But on the analogy - you cannot expect an app developer to have every VERSION of iOS and Android running on every DEVICE out there. So it's not always possible to mimic the experience 100%.

First, a developer shouldn´t do the testing himself, that would be a waste of development resources. Second, if you provide software for different environments then you should have test environments for these (and test on them).

7 hours ago, msgreenf said:

No company has perfect test cases and wonders like this lead to new test cases that will be fixed for next time

We could probably discuss on what´s "basic" and what´s "perfect", but hopefully you´re right. 🙂I think we´ve all had occasions where we thought "geez, don´t they do any testing?". 😉

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11 minutes ago, Gary Leeds UK said:

So Why does Sonos and Apple etc have end user testers ? 

Because they are not Control4

Because every Sonos device and every iPhone of their respective generation is the same, singular device whereas custom systems like C4 are dependent on many more variables

Because they are not a dealer installed product

And I also mean that you are not, cannot be, aware of what is already involved in C4's beta process. So you are making assumptions on what is or is not done already.

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18 minutes ago, Cyknight said:

Because they are not a dealer installed product

I think that´s the main point: 

For e.g. Sonos / Apple, these are end-user products anyway, so if a user screws up his system, it´s up to the user (probably together with the manufacturer) to resolve issues.
I don´t want to image supporting a customer that screwed up his house by using beta software and discuss with him who pays the bill for fixing it.

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2 minutes ago, Köhler Medientechnik said:

First, a developer shouldn´t do the testing himself, that would be a waste of development resources.

On iOS/android apps? Tell that to the flappy duck (or whatever the silly game was called) developer 🤣.

But in all seriousness, define a developer and not doing the work?

In C4's case, you would think the engineers aren't heavily involved in the beta testing process (as in spending 8 or more hours a day literally sitting there using the system) - but focused on recreating and fixing reported issues (in other words, fix issues, not find them)

But would that count for other employees, using their own systems?

Should the programmers for a pure software company be doing all the testing, most assuredly not. There would be cases where that would not only be wasted resources with better use, it could be detrimental to actually finding anything. But when it comes to any company that is involved in more than just software alone it becomes a lot murkier what makes sense or not, and that isn't even including beta testing hardware!

Do you think Apple's many diverse employees shouldn't be involved in beta testing a new iOS release, and/or new apps/features that are coinciding with it?

Maybe Microsoft employees shouldn't be running beta software on their Surface Pros?

Or perhaps Sony Entertainment employees should wait until the latest Playstation OS has been out for awhile before updating?

We're not talking about having these companies shut down and have everyone spend their workdays testing software (or hardware) actively in beta.



Second, if you provide software for different environments then you should have test environments for these (and test on them).


So you're saying any and every iOS and android app developer must test on each iteration of the base OS on each possible hardware?

You are out of touch with reality if that is what you think/believe.

If you're taling about this issue with HE, then yeah, they should probably have a laptop or 4,5 lying around to check basic functions like this - but again keep in mind that ComposerHE is NOT different software for 99% from ComposerPRO, so intense testing of every aspect of HE is redundant because those components are identical to PRO already.

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