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Everything posted by mujtaba.khokhar

  1. I’m a U.K. based control4 dealer. happy to help out if you need more assistance with this. Thanks Muj
  2. Thanks dude! i can shamelessly plug myself too http://mkiconic.solutions https://instagram.com/mkiconicsolutions?igshid=ZjE2NGZiNDQ=
  3. That’s there is the zigbee signal indicator which he’s obviously forgot to turn off. helped loads of people out on the forum, PM me if you still require help Thanks Muj
  4. For now the workaround has been to program up a custom button to do this. Not that same but it works for now
  5. Do you have an active 4sight subscription? If not that could possibly be the issue
  6. Control4 is a dealer based system, it doesn’t allow the end user to add or remove hardware. & yes I’m a dealer and I’m sure this needs to be done. many people on here that can help you.
  7. Let me know if any of you guys need a hand. Helped many people out on the forums in the past Thanks Muj
  8. Your ams is offline due to no info coming back , I’d check that first. highly recommended an upgrade to the lat st stable version of 20.10.6 thanks Muj
  9. Which audio matrix do you have now? Could just be DSP settings. Muj
  10. Hi man, judging by proteus Enclosure, you might be in the U.K.? The system is panalised and more than likely the keypads are on a bus rather than being zigbee. Best thing to do would be to log into the ea3 and see what’s going on. More than happy to assist with this. PM me or send me a WhatsApp on +447803464444 Thanks Muj
  11. yeah you can. go to your security driver, Set UI Associations and set them.
  12. Could you possibly email me at muj@mkiconic.solutions or Whatsapp on +447803464444. Ill need some more details including pictures etc from you. Thanks Muj
  13. This also depends on if you have sky HD currently. If you do and you have multiple boxes you might have a Quattro LNB and a multiswitch, this would have to be upgraded to one that works with skyQ. Multiswitch etc needs to be changed beige sky come. Also depending on the height of your dish, (14ft is the max) you’d need to tell sky to send out an engineer who can go up higher. happy to assist with this further if your dealer can’t. thanks Muj
  14. A lot of clever programming would be required with variables. this is a feature that’s actually in lutron and pretty cool. Use it at home when we have gatherings. if there ever is an emergency, a command gets sent from the alarm or whatever is triggering a panic mode to unlock the keypads and turn all the lights on, music off etc etc. we also have an IP phone system so if an emergency services number is dialed a http string gets sent to control4 which in then does the same thing (unlocks the keypads etc) Muj
  15. Hi Olivia, sounds like you have the wired version of the blinds. you’ll need the gateway from qmotion for this to work. And the blinds are wired and should be connected via cat6 happy to help sourcing parts Thanks Muj
  16. Have you used the wizard and imported via your KNX project?
  17. Echo calibration. also could be alarm panel chime if that’s integrated. Muj
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