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Composer 3.0

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Sounds like it is just going to be a GUI overhaul.  More customization and 4K GUI.

Cannot have any HC250's in the project to use 3.0 - None, Zero.

HC800 with work but the Navigator will not produce any GUI or image - 

be out this month - a week or two.



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3 hours ago, Kevin L said:

good way to get banned

Kevin L, ever heard of the word Petty?

- Maybe they shouldn't spread the news so it's easy to find on google...maybe you should ban google?  Thats probably the best move.  Yeah, ban Google...SMH.


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3 hours ago, Kahn said:

any other details?

Not that I could find online.  But, Just look on Google before Kevin L. bans them (google).  Thats how I get my information, as I am just a end user, as my profile says.  I have no knowledge of inner workings at Control4 or now Snap AV?  Or 4 Snap?  or Snap 4 Control?

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4 minutes ago, South Africa C4 user said:

If it is true that you cannot have any HC250s in the project, that would be a pity... I suspect that most HC800 (Director) Project’s have HC250s...

what are you basing that comment on? why is it a pity?  It was released in 2012...

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8 minutes ago, msgreenf said:

what are you basing that comment on? why is it a pity?  It was released in 2012...

I’m basing my primary comment “it is a pity” on the fact that I still have 1 (maybe 2) HC250 in my main main project (and 2 EA5s, 2 HC800s and loads of EA1s). I.e. this is a selfish opinion!

My secondary (less selfish) comment that most HC800 (Director) project’s will have HC250’s in them is based on the fact that the HC800 was released at around the same time (circa 2012) and thus projects from that era tended to have HC800s as the Director and HC250s as secondary controllers in the same way as current projects have EA5s (or EA3s) as the director and EA1s (or EA3s) as secondary controllers.

A third comment which is a byproduct of the above is that I would find it strange (given the above) to see HC250s not supported but HC800s supported (even partially)...

Conjecture is so much fun... I just hope 3.0 really does debut this May (I was expecting to have to wait for CEDIA in August)...

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14 minutes ago, Gary Leeds UK said:

I can confirm the HC250 will not be able to upgrade to 3.0

the HC800 can but you will be unable to use the GUI 

You can't confirm that. 

And if you actually could confirm that or not, you would be breaking the law. So, let's say you DO have an inside source. You're risking their job and/or their freedom by sharing this.

Conjecture is great. Pretending to have official word when there is no official word is not. It's pretentious and annoying, and if you're actually right, it's reckless.

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53 minutes ago, thegreatheed said:

You can't confirm that. 

And if you actually could confirm that or not, you would be breaking the law. So, let's say you DO have an inside source. You're risking their job and/or their freedom by sharing this.

Conjecture is great. Pretending to have official word when there is no official word is not. It's pretentious and annoying, and if you're actually right, it's reckless.

Breaking the law? Not so much unless they signed a non disclosure which means civil not criminal penalties. 

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4 minutes ago, Gary Leeds UK said:

Not when someone as made a offer to buy it already 

Control4 would like someone or something to push the price up over the next 30 days 


so it a major update ~ please tell us more 

By definition, OS 3 would be a major update. As in the 2nd major update since release. If that's even true. I'm going off of YOUR words.

Can you confirm or not? I thought you had the inside information.

There is an offer to buy, but it's not final. Other offers can significantly change the financial outlook. Leaking insider information during such a crucial period would be a very bad idea.

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Oh it’s so exciting 

I have the start of this thread and others and number of HC250 on eBay at cheap prices (UK and US)

yes it is formal, with a 30 day shopping around period.

and you saying it’s a major update - please tell us more 

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1 hour ago, thegreatheed said:

A major OS update isn't going to affect the company's valuation?!?! I


If anything you are proving the validity of the shareholder dispute that the control4 board is sandbagging and giving SnapAV a deal.

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