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Everything posted by wnpublic

  1. I'm looking forward to next week's earnings call. I'm sure the massive losses have stopped.
  2. this is a 1.5 year old post you are responding to. Perhaps it bothers you more than you'd like to admit.
  3. I thought you were somehow suggesting that pollling is less reliable, sorry I misunderstood. Real time? That is a meaningless argument, unless you are changing your light levels every few seconds. When you effect a change in the HA interface, it takes place immediately, and the UI updates immediately. Maybe you should actually try the integration, then toss off your rejoinders. Until then? as you say, meh.
  4. Eh - in a couple years' worth of use, it's proven to be exactly as stable as C4 lighting (quite stable), and far more stable than, say, a DS2.
  5. Something for you to consider - when people lash out, it's usually because they feel threatened.
  6. Yep, it'll get all your lights. As you've learned, though - everything else requires some other approach. Yeah, it's not "official" from the C4 side, but it's definitely the "official" one from the HA side....
  7. It's true. I'm not really bothered by a 5-7 year replacement cycle, per se. Computers, tvs, etc. are on that cycle for me. What I find bizarre is that the hot new user feature that's going to drive this refresh cycle is......color wheel?
  8. For me, soon this can be someone else's problem.
  9. It’s not that crazy. C4 customers overpay, or more charitably, pay more than they would for otherwise comparable or better equipment, for a lot of items because they are part of the ecosystem. Why not this?
  10. Hey hey - there is now a functional beta version with control for Home Assistant here: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/intellifire-wifi-fireplace-module-hearth-and-home/366883/82
  11. It is a major frustration that Vera got discontinued in favor of EZlo. Also frustrating that C4 can't be bothered/won't expand zwave coverage for its own Zwave dongle. I am pretty sure the Vera Lite will work. I'm using a Vera Plus.
  12. Someone has gotten started. I will see if i can listen in on the commands and try to add to this. https://libraries.io/pypi/intellifire4py
  13. Two cents from someone who is leaving C4 behind in the near future: connect with a remote dealer such as the one posting here, they will help you get it up and running for not too much, assuming there is not some big problem that wasn't disclosed to you. Spend the $150 to get Composer HE plus the remote access subscription. Then play with it and see if the DIY capabilities are enough for you. If not, there are options. But what i've described is probably the cheapest way to find out what you want to do next.
  14. Still on my to-do list! The intellifire app itself (or the wifi module) is super flaky, in my experience, so i haven't been all that eager to integrate it.
  15. Did you get yours back online? I am having same issue.
  16. Sounds neat. What's it running? Some Unifi app? thx
  17. i'm one of those who thinks Luma is trashworthy (but i'm not alone). It's really hard to obtain right now, but my Unifi Protect system has been rock solid.
  18. very fair clarification, thanks. Removing the implicit blame from my post, then - this illustrates the problem very well with these efforts to get everyone on a single standard.
  19. Yes, very frustrating when some company layers a proprietary software stack on top of a common standard and thereby prevents others who practice the standard from integrating....
  20. Great article, and it sounds great if it can be realized. Not the first try at something like this, though. As the article notes, I think the big companies are still going to keep some of their best stuff proprietary and require you to go through their UI to access it, while providing basic functionality through matter.
  21. Spend 150 bucks and get a home assistant blue. https://www.home-assistant.io/blue/ you don’t need c4 for seasonal control of things like this; and Kasa control is easy with Home Assistant. It auto-discovers the plugs; you don’t need a dealer for each one. https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/tplink/ Who knows? You just might find out why people like me like it so much…
  22. This is the way. Probably easier just to leave C4 in charge of the lights. Get the other stuff swapped out, and then see if it's worth it to you to pull the plug (literally) on the last piece.
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