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Control4 Dealer
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Everything posted by thecodeman

  1. A quick google search for the Powerview hub gen 2 returned this doc on the Powerview, and while gen 1 does have a serial port it also has ethernet like gen2. https://my.hunterdouglas.com/content/PowerView/mobile/index.html#p=37 I downloaded the Powerview driver from the Control4 online database, and noticed that it's last modified date was in 2015, and only asks for an IP address and does not offer a serial connection for use with Control4. I have a friend who recently joined the Hunter Douglas team, and we shared a sentiment that HD integration to control4 has been....less than stellar... and it's one of his priorities to improve. Hopefully, sometime in the near future, we'll see the fruits of his labor.
  2. No, however the Dish Network Hopper 3 MSP (media services proxy) does. I can view recordings for example on my DVR and select a show directly. Does not push the guide data though.
  3. I too am having a bug with SR260 battery levels in a project - the master bath remote is perpetually at 9%
  4. I recently switched to Dish as well at my own home, and I love the hopper 3.
  5. This HS17 is the most bizarre thing. Looks like a giant modem, not rack mountable, no local video support, only 7 tuners. Reported a 25% speed boos to the clients which is nice. Can not be paired with any other dvr and only one on the account total. So more like an in-and-out for the ATT techs.
  6. The image works fine, but that link won't work for anyone who's not a dealer.
  7. Not saying that it was the solution, just that there are options to have Cisco switches. Have an older 2G+ job, though small at a 5x5, running on an sg300 switch fine. All my bigger jobs since have been with luxul and blackwire and work great. If UBNT proves to have the features needed at a good price point and stability then the market competition is welcome.
  8. There's an IR remote, so its possible at the very least for a dealer to learn in the IR commands to make a driver for it.
  9. Good info to know. @twmoonly, 19 on one, 22 on two, 17 on 3 on my ethernet gateways. I think there are 5 power supplies? Not sure on # of keypads/power supply as it was a retrofit and dont have the info with me.
  10. I haven't seen this on our two big panelized lighting jobs. Our C4 system is on battery backup but the keypad bus ethernet gateways are not. One has somewhere between 50-70 keypads and 3 bus ethernet gateways with 8 panels and 4 modules in each... ~256 panelized lights. We do have some free channels though. You dont have to reboot director, but reboot just the gateway? Is C4 on the most current version? What's the network setup like?
  11. We actually use Invixium these days. Control4 driver too, in the database.
  12. According to the manual, the same utility software you used to change the ip address can be used to do a factory reset. It doesn't give a procedure, though.
  13. Welcome to the forums! I helped the OP back in 2010 get his mobotix cameras integrated. They are indeed great cameras.
  14. The best advice I can give you? Learn the ropes about AV, automation, and networking before opening a shop and charging money to do it for other people. This industry is less "born talent" and more "baptism by fire". If you can, work with/for another company who does it in some form or fashion even if they don't do Control4, you'll learn a lot and your future clients will appreciate it.
  15. Crate is 19' long and 4' wide and over 7' tall, weighing over 1,000 lbs.
  16. It's not a limitation of the Control4, rather that lower end TVs often dont have the ability to select "HDMI 1", rather they just have a toggle input selection where you have to keep hitting the input button until you get the input you want. Sometimes you can get lucky and even if the remote doesnt have a button for each input, discrete codes from higher model tvs may still work.. but there's no way to tell until you try it.
  17. I hear what you're saying. That was the main point for having c4central back when it was first started with Dan & I.
  18. Oooo. theres a wild "loop" program in there. So you don't want someone to write it up here/on a blog, and want to hope manufacturers do this and make it available on their site?
  19. Or a team viewer session? Some folks may not have a VPN.
  20. Now all you need to do is an RV, train, and plane and you should have the bases covered
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